13,153 Topics
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[code] SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Dispose(); System.GC.Collect(); cmd.CommandText = ""; cmd.Dispose(); [/code] can please explain why this code is not showing error....... | |
Hi, there, I need help with the connection string . An error saying 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' Can be seen when i make the system to run. It effects the code below: [code][B]Dim str As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("CourierSystemConnectionString").ConnectionString[/B] Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page [B]Dim … | |
As ASP.NET replacing traditional languages like JSP,PHP In remote future is it also going to have some features available in artificial intelligence languages like LISP? If yes will it be called APLIS.NET ? | |
Hi all, I have developed my own website. I need to add a counter that tells the number of visitors to my website. can u plz help how to do. I know only a little about sessions since i dont have references.But Dont worry I will understand your codes and … | |
Hi. I have a custom control that inherits from TextBox and implements ICallbackEventHandler. The control is kind of an extended ajax autocomplete/suggestions one. Aside from the Text property of the Textbox I have extended the control with a Value property. The idea is that a Hiddenfield control is assigned a … | |
Can somebody what is the Replace equivalent in ASP.Net..Below is the VB.Net code..I Searched on the net..but not able to do it....I hope so it will be too simple.. [code] Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim sID As String = "ABC1" Dim lId … | |
Hi, I have a dataset build at design time (vs 2008) with several tables of my DB (MSSQL 2005). I have a DataTable with its tableadapter... I need that the TableAdapter.Update function returns the key updated (always will be a single row updated at the time). I know, I passed … | |
i have to devlope "Web site" as a project using asp.net technology whould u pls tell me which kind of web site should i develope ?? thanx in advance [:)] | |
Hey Guys I need to be able to select or hightlight datagrid row when a user place a mouse on certain record then, he/she can be able to click delete or edit button to delete the selected row or edit the selected row, can anyone tell me how to do … | |
hi there, i am having problem with my codes. im getting this error, 'Name 'reader' is not declared'. please help. [code][B][COLOR="Green"]reader = con2.ExecuteReader()[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="green"] reader.Read [/COLOR][/B] Protected Function SiteSpecificAuthenticationMethod(ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Password As String) As Boolean Dim log_statement As String = "SELECT * FROM [user] where username='" & … | |
Hello, I want some asp.net projects with source code for reference.My database is SQL Server 2005. Please help me out. | |
Hi friends i m using asp.net 2005 ,i have used a crystal report in my web site,& i have design my report in that but now i want size of that report is (3 inches & 30 columns) ,i mean that must not use a-4 paper ,that must use size … | |
Hello everybody, i'm beginner. I have a problem: I have this code: [code]<cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion2" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0" FadeTransitions="true" FramesPerSecond="40" TransitionDuration="250" AutoSize="None" D[B]ataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"[/B] ContentCssClass="Content" HeaderCssClass="HEADER"> ... ... </cc1:Accordion>[/code] The code inside of Accordion is executed for each row of SqlDataSource1. I'd like if it is possible get actually row of SqlDataSource1 that … | |
First , i want ask you excuses for my bad english. Well, i'm a beginner in c# but i need it to my work in this time. I have a SqlDataSource1 with "SELECT field1 from table1" I have an Accordion linked with SqlDataSource1, and inside of Accordion1 i have a … | |
Hi...new here. :) Trying a sql insert inside a foreach loop, getting "Variable name has already been declared...must be unique" error. I think the structure of my code or my parameter statements are incorrect. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! [code] // open connection mySqlConnection.Open(); //enumerate the items in … | |
Hi, i hope someone can help me. i want to create a forum (think i should call it a forum. it is just going to be one page where people can add their thoughts or compliments or suggestions). I'm going to use mySQL and Asp.Net C#, but don't really have … | |
Hi, I have a list page which contains few drop down lists and text boxes used for filter and a gridview. The user enters the filter criteria and then clicks on "Search" button, gridview gets loaded based on search criteria and displays it. I am using object data source with … | |
Hi, I am coming up with a calendar.I am using ASP.net with C#.I am having using a .ascx file format. i am getting an error on the 10th line. it shows CS1001:identifier expected. i am not sure of what to do. Please guide me of my mistake. im using Visual … | |
I have a Gridview having 3 columns in which i took checkbox,label and label as item templates for columns select,code,name respectively. ecode column is not editable.Button edit and update are present outside of gridview. i can edit multiple rows like this... when i select checkbox in 1st row of gridview … | |
here is the problem, i wanted to create a login page, where in when a given username and password is created it should directly to the webpage showing the details. but if i give any other username and password it should be directed to the member sign in page. the … | |
[U]users table[/U] userid PK + autoincrement name surname i wrote a procedure [ICODE]ALTER PROCEDURE insertUser @userid int, @name varchar(50), @surname varchar(50), AS SET NOCOUNT ON insert into users (userid,name,surname) values (@userid,@name,@surname,)[/ICODE] in aspx file i write [ICODE] cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userid", ????????); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", TextBox2.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@surname", TextBox3.Text);[/ICODE] what can i assign for userid column … | |
hi everybody, i should hav atleat 1 numerical character and 1 special character with alphabets can anybody please help me for this thanx regards, seetha. | |
i have multiple checkboxes on my form.i am trying to add them with stored procedure but it gives me [I]Procedure or function konut_ekle has too many arguments specified [/I] [CODE] protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connectionString"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd; con.Open(); string cmdstr = "konut_ekle"; cmd … | |
Hi all, I have one scenario. I have converted some pdf, ppt and doc files into html. Since they were converted from different formats they are not simple plain html files. They do contain frames and some special tags or formats. So representing them simply in the aspx pages could … | |
Hi everyone, I would like to set a label's text when a dropdownlist item is selected I want the label to display the value of the item, not the text. Is there any way i can do so without refreshing the page i found the update panel loads far too … | |
when i click on the treeview the page gets refresh and the control wont go to roottree_SelectedNodeChanged Plz anyone help me...... [code]/* Document */ private void GenerateMarksTree(StudentManagement.Student stud) { TreeView roottree = new TreeView(); roottree.ForeColor = Color.Black; roottree.ShowLines = true; TreeNode root = new TreeNode(); root.Text = stud.Branch.ToString(); root.Value = … | |
Hi, I have a question, I would like to know how can I add pictures to my datagrid? On my DB I have all images path ex.(/images/image001.jpg), is there a way that I can display that picture in the datagrid. Thank You Ennio Bozzetti | |
Hello folks, I need to create a html table dynamically, so I used HtmlTable and HtmlTableCell ... but I need to put inside a HtmlTableCell another HtmlTable object, so the structure will be: HtmlTable | ---HtmlTableRow | ---HtmlTableCell | ---HtmlTable I hope someone could help me Thanks Omar | |
Hi, I m getting this compiling error in asp.net .. "Could not write to output file 'c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\needsunlimited\a2548f63\3bfeee38\App_Web_eg94tkhh.dll' -- 'Access is denied. '" Please any Help me.. |
The End.