13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for devfresher

c# interview questions are generic collection faster. I had a argument with the interviewer and my thought is they are not faster please help.

Member Avatar for khadakbist
Member Avatar for Fortinbra

In the last few years, a number of new technologies have popped up, died, shifted, etc. DaniWeb here has kept up with the changes, and I am grateful. There is a new technology though that has, to my surprise, actually taken off, and is making a name for itself. I …

Member Avatar for Fortinbra
Member Avatar for projecttoday

I have an ASP.NET page which is being slowed considerably by a dropdownlist on it. This dropdownlist gets initialized in the page load. I check the postback, so it's only filled once. It has 8,000 lines. On the page whenever a button is clicked it adds 8 or 9 seconds …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for msaranya

In my webpage, I have a button "SAVE DRAFT". The first time it is clicked the record must be inserted and the text of the button would be changed as "Update Draft". Then how manytimes the button is hit, it should just update the record. However if the user goes …

Member Avatar for msaranya
Member Avatar for msaranya

Hi I have a button which basically exports data into an excel sheet. When I run this in my local machine, the code works perfectly but if I upload it in my server, the moment I click the button, it just keeps on processing. Initially it showed up some com …

Member Avatar for Parth tank
Member Avatar for Setu1205

HI All.. I want to develop a dynamic time table for a school. But the subjects and periods are not fixed ...so there can be any number of rows and columns in this which will be decided by user at runtime. when user enters number of row and columns according …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Parth tank
Member Avatar for SJai

Dear friends, How to use the onPagePrerender in File Upload control in ASP.NET? If u give sample code it will be helpful for me Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for hery

I want to question how to embed variable value in sqldatasource session parameter in c#. This is mycode: default.aspx: [CODE] <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Ora2011 %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Ora2011.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT ID, CATEGORY_NAME FROM (:INVENT_CATEGORY)"> <SelectParameters> <asp:SessionParameter Name="INVENT_CATEGORY" SessionField="INVENT_CATEGORY" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> [/CODE] C#: [CODE]protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) …

Member Avatar for primagic

I need some help with parsing information from a query string to a database. There is a company that wants to send me information to a page on my server as a query string (http post) e.g. [url]www.mydomain.com/info.aspx?Name=Smith&LastName=Taylor[/url] They will send probably about 15 different strings of information a day. …

Member Avatar for Freon22
Member Avatar for ryathegr8

hi em gonna develop a social networking site like facebook or others....as i want avoid re-inventing the wheel so want best way or should i start from skratch??? need some suggestions....:((

Member Avatar for vijeevvv

Hi, I have a gridview in asp.net. Inside that I have a template field control(Link button named "Details" in all the rows). When I click that link button the details of that particular row should be displayed. Say suppose three records are there. When I click the link button in …

Member Avatar for vijeevvv
Member Avatar for surajmatekar

I Want to Store User Name and User Role In Some Way That I Can Used On My Every Page But I Have Already used Session And Cookies So Guys If You Have Any Diffrent Ways Then Show Me Please Thanks

Member Avatar for surajmatekar
Member Avatar for mjtare

Hi,we have mirated database of an application from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. Reports were being developed in SQL 2000 reporting services. So while migration we have converted into SQL 2005 -SSRS.It works fine. But previously they have used Report Viewer Control of 2000 reporting services. Now if I am …

Member Avatar for tibelge

Select a price from a ddl to populate a gridview with the items that cost the selected price or less. response.write is null at start and if there is only one item in the gridview. Else, response.write should display the amount of items and the selected price. The issue is …

Member Avatar for Jay Johengen

My hosting provider assigns the server name, database name, user name and password after I import/upload my SQL server database to them. When I run locally for testing it will be different. How can I effectively test and publish my site without having to change this all the time?

Member Avatar for Fortinbra
Member Avatar for shajan.lnt@gmai

I have 4 <div> element first one is Header, 2nd and 3rd is Middle as right and left panel in the same row with fixed width and heigh and 4th <div> is footer. How can I align the middle two <div> in the center [code] <div align="center" style ="background-color :Lime; …

Member Avatar for Fortinbra
Member Avatar for N4JRY

With things slowing down now for Christmas I wish I was the other side of this issue... I believe this is an ASP.net config / web server config issue and I don't quite know where to go from here. I have a two virtual servers; SQL1, WEB1. A web site …

Member Avatar for N4JRY
Member Avatar for kgenn

[CODE] Dim connection As OleDbConnection connection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " _ & "Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("~/Database/dbLupon.mdb") & ";") Dim command As OleDbCommand Dim commandPos As OleDbCommand commandPos = New OleDbCommand("Select POSITION_C FROM tblLupon_C WHERE POSITION = 'C' REGION_C = '" & lblRegion_C.Text & "' AND PROVINCE_C = '" & lblProvince_C.Text …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for veasnamuch

Hello, I have a problem on ASP.NET webpage for data input form. My form contains a TEXTFIELD(txtDateEntry) and a Dropdownlist (ddlRegistration). dllRegistration should be populate its data base on date in txtDateEntry. I have added an image(imgCalendar) next to textfield(txtDateEntry) and attach javascript to load a Popup Calenday. In my …

Member Avatar for sarathy86

I create reports sometimes with a gridview and export the data to excel. Lets say I have like multiple gridviews and I wanted to export each gridview to excel under its own spreadsheet. So gridview1, gridview2, gridview3 are exported to excel under $heet1, $heet2, $heet3. I know how to export …

Member Avatar for ivy3
Member Avatar for trevoray

I am trying to use a VB.NET AJAX Timer control within a Repeater. I cannot figure out how to get this to work. The timer needs to constantly check the server to see what time it is and then display a live countdown clock based on a given time. I …

Member Avatar for trevoray
Member Avatar for pinkygirl

I have a multiline textBox control called "Post." I also have a singleline textBox called "Comment" and a Button called "btnPost." Whatever text I type in "Comment," It should display in "Post." Further more, the texts should be saved permanently in "Comment." And also, the texts shouldn't be overrided after …

Member Avatar for pinkygirl
Member Avatar for dafpower

Now before anyone says oh use JavaScript that is exactly what I'm using - what my problem is, is that from my understanding javascript is volatile just like RAM is there a way that this can be over come? What i'm trying to do is to have a JS loop …

Member Avatar for HELL DRAGON

Dear Dani-web members , My management asked me to benchmark those two CMS softwares because they want to buy one of them i did so and managed to know almost all the details but i believe that dani-web's community has more experience in .Net based CMS therefore i want to …

Member Avatar for kentico1
Member Avatar for anucom

Hi.....Do you now in intereiw what type of queston's will ask based on ASP.NET,if you now idea plz help me

Member Avatar for khadakbist
Member Avatar for ppatke

hi plz can u tell me is their any API's avalible for 3g to use in ASP.NET plz snd link on my e-mail [snipped]

Member Avatar for ArwaUAE

Sorry but i don't know where to post my topic... Al salam alyakom What software I need to use to create an inside map..? I am software engineering student in my final year and I would like to have some suggesting ideas for Graduation Project from you, professional and friendlly …

Member Avatar for ArwaUAE
Member Avatar for peggie1990

Hi, May I know how to convert system.data.datatable to string? [CODE]foreach (DataRow row1 in dtSelectedContracts.Rows)//select any row of it, reference column { string contractID = row1[0].ToString(); //populate the critical terms datatable if (selectedContracts != null) { selectedContracts = vrmdb.Get_CriticalTerms(contractID).Tables[0]; } else { foreach (DataRow row2 in vrmdb.Get_CriticalTerms(contractID).Tables[0].Rows) { selectedContracts.ImportRow(row2); } …


The End.