13,153 Topics
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Hello, I am trying to set a maximum records to "take"-"pool" from an sql server because I get an error out of memory when I try to navigate through all records in a 1.60 gb database, is there any option anywhere that will allow me to specify a max number … | |
Hello, I'm experiencing some strange behavior with hashes in the URL and trying to do a redirect. See the following code below: [CODE] // Test.aspx.cs protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("http://www.yahoo.com"); } [/CODE] If I hit Text.aspx directly, I go to [url]http://www.yahoo.com[/url] as expected... But if I hit … | |
I can resize a textbox at runtime and do other modifications. However I want to move it left or right. I tried textbox1.location = new point (150,200) however the error, location not one of textbox asp... properties appears. Please let me know if there is any help for me. thanks | |
[CODE] Protected void Update(object sender, GridViewCommandEventsArg e) { if(e.CommandName == "Change") { int index = GridViewemp.EditIndex; GridViewRow grid = GridViewemp.Rows[index]; TextBox salary = (TextBox)GridViewemp.FindControl("TextBoxsalary"); sqlcon.Open(); string query = "Update Employee set Salary="+salary.Text+"where EmpID ="+GridViewemp.SelectedDataKey.Value.ToString(); sqlcom = new SqlCommand(query, sqlcon); sqlcom.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlcon.Close(); } } [/CODE] I am getting the error Error: … | |
Hello guys. Im having a problem with the IsNull and IsNotNull Restrictions. What happens is that im trying to filter some table entries, and i do that by verifying if a certain field is null or not. The funny thing is that when i use "IsNotNull", it works properly, but … | |
Hello people, please help me out here: i was given a project topic to write an asp.net programme that uses graphics to illustrates the role that gender plays in information technology. Now i have been thinking oh how to do this. i just need your hint or clue on how … | |
[CODE] namespace CallbackTest { public class Test: System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart, ICallbackEventHandler { private string callbackData; private Label callbackLabel; protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer) { this.callbackLabel.RenderControl(writer); } protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); callbackLabel = new Label(); callbackLabel.Text = "no callback occurred yet"; callbackLabel.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "alert('mouseover'); serverRequest('" + callbackLabel.ClientID + "', '');"); callbackLabel.ID … | |
hi, i m not a good designer in my learning project i want to use HTML template in asp.net page i create an empty website and add index.aspx web form now i want to ask is i have to past all the html of the template into <form> tags or … | |
i m trying to update a table in my sql database using stored procedure. i have executed my stored procedure and dat works fine, no problem in that. i knwo because the values are updated when i execute it. however when i try to do so through asp.net code that … | |
| If anyone can help me with this problem: 1. I have one listbox with 4 choice. 2. On div who have place who i need to fill with image. EX. Folder green, i have into green1.jpg, green2.jpg ect... Folder red i have into images with name red1.jpg red2.jpg ect... I … |
When I try to connect to a data base I am getting the following error. Please help me. Request for the permission of type 'system.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermission,system.Data, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089'failed. DotNetAmat | |
In oracle database birthdate store as 01/01/47 but in asp.net i used dataset to fetch this record and i get the bithdate value as 01/01/2047 visiual studio 2008 oracle 11g | |
I'm using built in function to make Login page. Now I'm want retrieve user password. This is not Run internet. This only run in LAN. so user cannot retrieve password by system. But the company got use Inbit Messenger(Local Lan). therefore, who can teach me to retrieve password because password … | |
Hi, I have added a template field on my grid view and added radio buttons to it. I have also given them group name. However when grid view populates, radio buttons behave like check boxes and multiple of them are getting selected. Here's code for GridView for ur reference. Plz … | |
Hi, I am writing a web site in vb.net. I need to show javascript confirm box before data is inserted. so if cancel is pressed program flow stops, otherwise data is inserted. quick help will be much appreciated !! :) | |
c#.net Program to run comparisons on old and new .csv files and displaying the unmatched items with their column header. 1 - Shows items that are not on old sheet but is on new sheet. 2 - Shows items that are not on new sheet but is on old sheet) | |
In an effort to give back to the community, I'd like to start writing tutorials. I'm just not sure what topics to start with, or what topics are generally needed. I'd rather not duplicate a topic already covered on other tutorial sites, but I know I could put a different … | |
Hi everyone; I'm pretty new to VB.NET and I'd like your help in validating the CheckBoxList because I have two of them and then how to read them with an attachment file. Appreciate the help: here is the code[CODE]<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="test.aspx.vb" Inherits="test" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML … | |
I want to know the best practice & approach to insert the data of gridview on button click which located below the GV actually i Selected some rows by check boxes then I want to save it on DB? by xml by looping etc,, which method is best | |
Hi there, I am using a datarow to get data from my database and using a textbox to search for a part number, which if it finds it, will redirect to another page. This works fine, however if I enter an incorrect number it will come up with the error … | |
Hello all, I want to use code behind variable in mysql command in aspx file here are the codes[CODE] [U]code behind[/U] public vgroup as string vgroup ="1,7" [U]in aspx [/U] <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlCategoryList" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM categorymaster WHERE catgroup in ('<%=vgroup %>')"> </asp:SqlDataSource> [/CODE] … | |
Hi, Currently we are using asp.net 3.5 with sql server 2005. We are display the sql server image in to <img> tage.It's diplay in IE 6 lower version,but in IE 6 higher not working.this is actual coding we are using [CODE] Dim myDataReader As SqlDataReader myDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) Do While … | |
I want to design a login form using Asp.net login controls. Please guide me as to how should I implement it. Thanks in advance. | |
Hi, Can anyone get the translation of this xaml code to c# code? In order words, I am trying to set listbox items to be displayed in the textblock encapsulated by stackpanel, datatemplate and within listbox.itemtemplate. I am trying to do this from the back end and not using databinding. … | |
hello guys.. I have a gridview in which I show wave file paths and a button control to Play them. Now everything is fine like im getting records (using RowCommand function of GridView) and showing paths. But I am unable to play the sound. I am using <Object> tag embedded … | |
Well first of all, I want to know if it is true, is Linq faster than default Collections methods like, contains(), size() etc... for example if I load a 3MB text list into a List<T> to find a specific string, will it be faster to use Linq or normal methos … | |
hello, iam very new in jQuery. Need help asap please. on my asp.net page I want to use two jQuery functions. 1. Clears textBox when user clicks on it. 2. Clears all inputs when user clicks on btnCancel button. I made two functions [CODE] //clears value from onclicked input $(document).ready(function … | |
hello guys... I am trying to play a wave file in a small asp.net project. Now I want to embed HTML in asp.net so that I can use [B]<object>[/B] tag of HTML to play the wave file. Following is the code to get row index from gridview, from the row … | |
hi, i m using the gridview control to show the my data on the detail view control. i have an edit link on each record in the grid view.when the user click the edit button it displays the record detail in the detail view control. now i want to add … | |
Dear All, I need to draw a line between any two area's stated in the geographic map( like google map ). From where I can get these kinds of map or can I implement it using ASP.NET/C#. This should be very similar to getting the direction between two places in … |
The End.