13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for martand

plz do suggest ne good topic for final year project in .net . Right now i am a beginner in c# .

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for GTTravis

Hi Guys, i am working on a application that requires users to answer questions....what i want to do, because of the fact that the page has a lot of questions is to have some paging system on the form as well as keep page state whenever the user moves to …

Member Avatar for GTTravis
Member Avatar for jigarsangoi

![index3](/attachments/large/3/index3.jpg "index3") I want to create menu style given in image when i clicked menu it opens its content, but when i clicked to 2nd menu it closes previously opened menu and open 2nd menu. please see image so you get perfect idea what i want to say...if you have …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for sanjeewa.abeywardana

What is the best and fun way to learn MVC 3 technology that can apply to real production environment? Any web site or sample projects are always welcome. I would always like to learn quick too so any videos are also welcome

Member Avatar for sanjeewa.abeywardana
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for michaelzip

Is it possible to retrieve a text from a URL or page content by using something like ImageUrl property on the Image Control? Ex in image: <asp:Image runat="server" id="Image1" **ImageUrl="getImage.aspx?id=2"** /> Let's say I have this code on getText.aspx Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Partial Class getText Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub …

Member Avatar for michaelzip
Member Avatar for programmer_

Is there any way by which I can listen to events fired by device (Speech mike, Kind of dicta phone) attached to client's computer in my ASP .net website? I need to listen to real time events of device (Speech mike, Kind of Dictaphone) and the frequency of event firing …

Member Avatar for alexcarter404

Hi All, I am trying to use the aspnet_regsql command to add asp.net schema to a database in the app_data folder of my project. I ran this command: aspnet_regsql -A all -C "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" -d "C:\USERS\ALEX\DOCUMENTS\VISUAL STUDIO 2010\PROJECTS\ASPSLDB\ASPSLDB\APP_DATA\SLDBASP1.MDF" This should add the schema to the database using the …

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Member Avatar for bo0ga

What is meant by it being a "framework"? I'm reading and trying to learn ASP.NET and basically what I'm seeing is that you either use C# or VB.NET as the programming language for web development. But where is the ASP.NET aspect coming in? Is it just the name of the …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for maxpaine69

Hi all, What is the best to autenticate with out using the standar roles from VStudio.

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Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra

Hello, I've created an asp.net website with english interface, now I'm trying to provide another language interface to my website, can anyone directs me how to flip a webpage left to right and vise versa ?

Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra
Member Avatar for GTTravis

hi guys, i want to create a database driven panel, that is whenever the page loads how much ever entries in the database thats the amount of panels which must be created. any suggestions....tutorials would be welcomed i also would like to have each panel have the ajax collapsible extender …

Member Avatar for GTTravis
Member Avatar for Salman.developer

I'm a new programmer with C# can I ask afew Questions Because I need for your help

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for GTTravis

hi guys, i am looking for a control which has several headings from a database, regardless of the heading when clicked it should it expands to reveal a list view which can be edited.

Member Avatar for GTTravis
Member Avatar for ketan0202

im doing my college project in cloud computing. how can i implement cloud (using asp.net) where users can upload and download files .

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

how much dynamic a template could be ? dynamic , in terms of modifications !! e.g i purchase a template for my website and further i want to modify it for my own satisfaction and requirements ? that how much it could be modified ? At large extent ? or …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for madhan

I am reading ASP.NET 3.5 Dummies book. I am on Chapter 4 and learning FormsView. The FormsView new button is not firing InsertItemTemplate. I have no idea where I am wrong in the below code. According to the book it should work without code-behind added Please help me figure out …

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I built a ClassLibrary where I have created my custom form component (let's say MyForm) that inherits from the Form class. I added the ClassLibrary to my actual WinForms project. Now when I add an inherited form based on MyForm to my project through the 'Add New Item' dialog box …

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Member Avatar for priyamtheone

Ensure ApplyVisualStyles is enabled in your system. Place a ToolStripProgressBar on a toolstrip, run your application and minimize the form. Now change the theme of your computer to Windows Classic and restore the form. See the interior of the ToolStripProgrssBar becomes black. It doesn't even change if you refresh the …

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Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I am rendering a toolstrip with a CustomRenderer that inherits from ToolStripProfessionalRenderer. The concept is that I want the color of the arrow of the toolstrip items to be white in all cases except selection. When it is selected the color should be black. In my code below all arrows …

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Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i have a signup form on my website for user registeration ....... so i want to make it secure , by secure i mean , Password should be encrypted etc etc.....or any other precautions for security i already used hash functions of MS SQL on password field through queries but …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

what is basically a QUERY STRING ? how its beneficial and what is its scope ?

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for melanushka

I'm trying to create dynamically text box in WPF. It is very essential that I will have the flexibility to determine where the text box will be - in pixel level. I have found many answers which use stackpanel to create "run-time" text box - but couldn't find how to …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for crazydevelopervish

I am working on an online project ...... i have two links on one of the page..... say home page.... having two links One Say Shirts and Other Say Casual Shirts.... So when user click on Shirts he will be shown all Shirts from Shirts Table for men and when …

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for vikas05nitb

hii, i m facing problem in logout code in asp.net c#. please give the code which can do:- 1) session end 2) when pressing back button after logout it should be redirect to login page. 3)by pasting url of somebody's account in address bar it should not enter in the …

Member Avatar for thewebhostingdi
Member Avatar for kamilacbe

Hi folks, I have encountered a new problem in my development environment , this might be a very simple part to be configured but no clue so looking for suggestion from you people , So my questions is I use ASP.net and C# recently i encountered that all my design …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for napninjanx

I keep taking the test over and over I get 2 out of 10 correct. I think something is wrong with the test can you list me the answers so I could take it if it's wrong then i can contact the admin and tell him his test is not …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! recently i complete my project management application in .net , now i want to make a attractive main form , i google alot and searching attractive interfaces of application of same domain. i want to you to guid me or if possible then give some links . you …

Member Avatar for GFX010

In My Web.sitemap I have the following: <siteMapNode url="~/Groups/ViewGroups.aspx" urlRoute="groups/{PostId}/{PostTitle}" /> </siteMapNode> In my MasterPage I have implemented the ItemDataBound event to try and set the title of each page that implements the master page dynamically but for some reason the title is not being set. protected void SiteMapPath1_ItemDataBound(object sender, …

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Member Avatar for dineo.makgaretsa

Hi I'm a new in this programming thing and I have to create a car plantation management system yet I'm lost on how to out it together and if I should be using classes in my app

Member Avatar for hericles

The End.