13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for ravz414

Hi, We are to develop a social networking kind of web app for our and our clients' employees. The number of users can go high. My question is which platform would be better for this project, considering performance speed as the main criteria and faster development as the second criteria. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for minbor

Hello, Is there a way to create a user using Membership.CreateUser for another application? I have tho websites (A and B) and when I create a user for website A I need a user to be created B also. I can't link them to use the same database. Is there …

Member Avatar for minbor
Member Avatar for menukadevinda

Hi all, can we passe data from view to contoller. I think viewdata and viewbag can use to send data from cotroler. In my case i use telerik grid contolers with razor. .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding.Ajax() .Select("_OrdersForEmployeeHierarchyAjax", "Home", new { Id = "<#= Id #>" })) I tried to pase data …

Member Avatar for menukadevinda
Member Avatar for reach_yousuf

Hi I would like to use contentpage controls from master page. the senario is like this... I have project with master page and master page has a webusercontrol. webusercontrol has button. when webusercontrol button is clicked. the content page's text box should have a focus on it. Button is wrapped …

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for GTTravis

Hi Guys is me again!! I Have a question, if i have 2 asp.net pages (web forms) and form 1 (page 1) has a link that when clicked will generate form 2 (page 2). The trick is that form 2 (page 2) has a label that must load with a …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for daniasp
Member Avatar for mohitz123
Member Avatar for AmrReflection
Member Avatar for Romil797

I have a website for a painter where the painter uploads a picture. The picture name is added to a mdb (access) database table, the picture is added to the end of a table called galleries, and the file is uploaded. It is also then resized to a small image. …

Member Avatar for Romil797
Member Avatar for minbor

Hello, I have created a report in Crystal Reports 2008 and have a problem with the grid lines inside a line chart. In Crystal Reports everything seems fine in design and preview modes, but when I upload the report to the web server, the grid lines seem to double. A …

Member Avatar for minbor
Member Avatar for thak123

I want to create a full html5 file with the fields fetchg from my database. I cant get to create a file directly . Can anyone help me.

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Evening Guys, Today its my Birthaday. I have a If statement that i use to return an integer that will mean Success or Failure , now am testing for that integer in my ASP.NET 2.0 Page lke this [CODE] if (Res == 1) { Response.Write("<script> alert('You have Successfully Registred');</script>"); …

Member Avatar for abhinavranjan19
Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra

hi, can i change the sessions for a website by my own on my conditions , like if i wanna close the session if the user haven't done any work for a specified time and keeps reopening the sessions for active users ?

Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra
Member Avatar for AmrReflection

Can any one give me a simple code for creating a forum in ASP.net Using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 RC Express for Web ???

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for shers

Hi, I've created a registration form within a table. The image is attached. ![Capture14](/attachments/large/0/Capture14.JPG "Capture14") The Batch section is not aligned to the left of the table column becuase of it's format. When I changed the Address text box to Multiline, that too has moved to the right. The Css …

Member Avatar for riteshbest
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends I am new to asp.net, i want to display menu title from database using VB in asp.net, the display should be done in list format while href tag, i am expecting the display as below menu1 menu2 menu3 Please can any one help me to solve this issue.

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

Hello, i need some help here, i want to change Edit,Select,Delete linkbutton in the gridview to be outside the gridview, i have tried to hide the 3 button and make another button outside gridview, but i dont know how to make a link between all the button. this is my …

Member Avatar for LinkedList

Hi guys. I want to start my website for the business purpose. I have an average knowledge of ASP.NET with C# Now I want to create a website like [zbigz.com](http://www.zbigz.com) which can be able to generate the direct links for the files combined in a .torrent file. But I have …

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra

Hi, if I'm building a website for mobile the only thing that differs from desktop website is the size of the screen ? or there's additional things i have to change to be able to browse my site on mobiles ?

Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra
Member Avatar for shivya jain

**Is this possible to establish connection with sql 2008 R2?** Dear Experts, I am trying to create connection between Sql 2008 R2 and Visual Studio 2010 (I have installed Sql first). Is it essential to work with windows 2007? I have to format my computer because of this, would you …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for menukadevinda

hi all, I was developing asp.net mvc4 web site. I think I have corrupted some configuration in web site by mistaken. Now I got following error. HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized You are not authorized to view this page due to invalid authentication headers. Most likely causes: No authentication protocol …

Member Avatar for menukadevinda
Member Avatar for craigallansmith

Hi everyone i am creating a page which generates label and textbox controls at runtime. I now how to do it using inputbox but when i post the code to my site i get errors. is there any way to create an inputbox and retrieve the user input back to …

Member Avatar for eeeraser
Member Avatar for ShivaSaurabh

how can i refresh the content page without refreshing the master page. i dont want to use frames, so came up with master page.i also wanted the master page to be fixed without scrolling and only the content page to be scrolled.

Member Avatar for TimCadieux
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I just recently created a new **Default ASP.NET Web Application** and it had quite a few pre-built forms for me. One being a Login.aspx form. I've worked with these before where I created the users using the ASP.NET Configuration but I would like to learn to leaverage ActiveDirectory for this. …

Member Avatar for TimCadieux
Member Avatar for GTTravis

Would it be appropiate to display errors (customer user) via a alert? The reason for this question; in windows development if a user makes a mistake with there login details you would flag a notication using a messagebox in web development what is the custom?

Member Avatar for TimCadieux
Member Avatar for mop

Hi, I hv create an application using C#, Asp.Net (VS2005), While Im creating setup project for that application, I add Custom Installer Class (for getting user input and update my web.config connection string at the time of installation). Its working fine. (the custom installer class automatically crates a file in …

Member Avatar for zyzzyxx
Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra

hi, I'm writing a website using asp.net and I'm using VB if i want to press a button which loads another page how can i do that ?

Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra
Member Avatar for crazydevelopervish

I want to filter records as per price I want to retrive data from database what i have to use to retrive data a between , and or an or.... I have following code.... But it dosnt work protected void rb1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rb1.Checked == true) { …

Member Avatar for crazydevelopervish
Member Avatar for themaj

Can anyone please advise me on which version of Microsoft .NET Framework is needed for an XP SP2 (32bit) machine to run a VB.NET app developed on Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express? Feel a tad stupid about not checking :(

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for menukadevinda

Hi all, as in the title problem is how to access models without passing to view . I use telerik controles. in the following example for gird http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/razor/grid/hierarchyserverside if you notice you can see they haven passe employee model to view but in ajax version http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/razor/grid/hierarchyajax they havnt passe specific …

Member Avatar for menukadevinda
Member Avatar for reds8

I have completed the ASP.NET Web Application for my assignment. I want to burn the project into the CD so that my lecturer can open the web. How to burn the project into CD and it can works when my lecturer open it. And also how to type the file …

Member Avatar for hericles

The End.