13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for king03

hi guys just wanted to ask you about the specialization that you would choose and here are the options for example: .Net, Oracle, or Cisco??? I chose Oracle a while ago and already passed the requirements and form in our university. But still I'm confused because right now it keeps …

Member Avatar for marcos.fish09
Member Avatar for cumadhu

Hi All, I would like to know the differences between Sessions and Viewstates. And best uses of Sessions and Viewstates. Thanks and with regards, Madhusudhan

Member Avatar for Patel Roopal
Member Avatar for Susmita_Sikder

Hi all, I want to get a cookies value from one .aspx.vb page to another .aspx.vb page.but i can not get it. i give the code bellow: This is in:(webForm2.aspx.vb):in this page I set the Cookies value webForm2.aspx.vb (code): Protected Sub ImageButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Hakoo

Hello All, I want to create new pop window like this site have while login. How can I do this? Thanking you, Hakoo Desai.

Member Avatar for sunnivasa
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I created a UserControl that contains a custom ToolStrip Control. While using the UserControl throughout an application, the ToolStrip control cannot be accessed directly, as logically it's embedded in the UserControl. So, to access the items of the ToolStrip I defined a readonly property in the UserControl class that returns …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i am sending parameters to sql server 2008's store procedure but confuse that which way to send parameters mean we got 2 ways , parameters.add(parameter) and 2nd way, parameters.add("@parameter",sqldbtype.datatype).value= value so which one to use and y ?

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i am using web developer 2008, my project web.config file has no starting tag for connectionstring, like <connectionstring> but has end tag only , and when i tried to create one then error oocured that it exists already , i did my best check the code section <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for color.shadow

In my page, there are 3 drop down menu. Dropdown 1 : for storing car model which retrieved from CarTab in database (SQL) Dropdown 2 : for storing username Dropdown 3 : for storing plate num The function of the all drop down menu, there are related to each other. …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for bo0ga

Bought a book in the Head First series about C#. The command to output text that they keep using in the book is MessageBox.show("text"). However in order to work for me I need to do Response.Write("text"). Is this because I downloaded Visual Web Developer instead of Visual Studio? The project …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I've been working on getting a basic VB ASP.NET application put together that uses LDAP to login and I have it working. The login page has a form on it for login but the actual code for the login is inside my web.config file. When the user clicks login it …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for sukritinfotech
Member Avatar for theonebit

i have this code below if a >= 0 and a <= 100 then 'do something end if is it posible to write like this if a >= 0 < 100 then 'do something endif is there a similar way?

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for Elmo_loves_you

Hey Guys, I've been away from Dev for a while, just getting back into it now and not sure if there are many Kentico genius' throughout Daniweb ... but I am a bit stuck and need a wee bit of much appreciated help if you can, many thanks I am …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Orange-Mongoose

Hi there, I have Page that goes to "sub categorys", but each time I upload a new product the subcategory gets duplicated each time, instead of having one "Vintage" category as I want I have duplicates. My current SQL query string is SELECT DISTINCT Picture, SubCategory, Categorie FROM Table1 WHERE …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I've tested my application with the build in localhost in Visual Studio 2010 and it responds great. When I published the page and go to the login page, it takes FOREVER to load. Once it logs in, it renders all the internal pages quickly. Any idea?

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I'm wanting to have a few different type of Rights/Roles that a user can be assigned. Since I'm using LDAP for authentication, I have a table setup on an SQL server that has my Rights Groups setup. I want to only show certain content on the site to individuals based …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

I wrote Javascript (Jquery) script in Mater page for 2 radio buttons in content page mean i have 2 radio buttons , which show or hides div in content page and the script for it is in MASTER PAGE but it isn't working :( but if i copy Script form …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I have a GridView called GridView1. I want to load it based on a ButtonTest being clicked. When the button is clicked, I need to do a SQL retrieval of data and popuplate the GridView with it. I can write the SQL code to get the data but I wasn't …

Member Avatar for MaddTechwf
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i have an html table which has asp.net textbox controls , total 50 boxes , so these all needs "Field Required" validators but it would take alot of time to do so and also i dont want the validation error message to appear next to each box, i want them …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for ChandanMandal

Hello. I am a learner of ASP.Net technology and currently I am exprementing with it. So I would need your guidence here. I want to ask that waht is the best way to display data from a database. I want ideas, not the code. 1. I want to display text …

Member Avatar for kad1r
Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed

Hi guys, I am programming a page that test the speed of customer's typing in the page. So what I did is to save the current time in page loading event and in the another page it will subtract the time that came from the previous page and display it.So, …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ChandanMandal

Hello. As a new learner to ASP.Net I was curious to make a small blog machine. A simple application, where I add a title, upload an image and put some text. I did that. To display it, I used an editbox for title, another for description and an image control …

Member Avatar for ChandanMandal
Member Avatar for Rasool Ahmed

Hi guys, I am programming a page that test the speed of customer's typing in the page. So what I did is to save the current time in page loading event and in the another page it will subtract the time that came from the previous page and display it.So, …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i am done with my forms , sign up and login forms etc. now i want to know that how to apply mechanism like "facebook" or any other site which has login facility. i mean like a user fills in his EMail id and password and then he browse through …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ahmed zidane

The value is not a valid connection string or an absolute path Keyword not supported: 'provider' thise message apper when i try to publish my web application can any one help me

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jezguitarist30

Hi to Everyone, my problem is, I have a Web.sitemap and I want to use a link more than once, but unfortunatelly it gives me an error. here's what I'm planning to do. Ex. <siteMapNode url="~/mentor/DiscussionBoard.aspx" title="Discussion Board" description="" > <siteMapNode url="~/mentor/GeneralDiscussion.aspx" title="General Discussion" description=""> <siteMapNode url="~/mentor/ViewDiscussion.aspx" title="Topic" description="" /> …

Member Avatar for Manuela123
Member Avatar for Eager_Beever

I am trying to build a Web Application using Visual Studio 2005 and C# 2005. I need to accept a date in a particular textbox. I tried to use AJAX Calendar Extender for the purpose. I have added AJAX Script Manager and CalendarExtender controls to the webpage and set the …

Member Avatar for Eager_Beever
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i have an issue , when i click on YES or NO (radio button) to enable/disable DIV section (EmployerInfo), it causes the whole page to refresh and scrolls back to the top of firefox every browser. i set Autopostback to true and i put MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="True" in page directive but still …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i knwo that validation controls actually validates asp:net contols but the thing that confuses me is that "Wheter it validates at server side or client side " ? i heard that it validates at client side so what does it have an attribute "Runat=server" ? plz elaborate

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for crazydevelopervish

I have Table named Product Have Fields as Prod_ID int Prod_Name varchar(50) Price int Image varchar(50)----save as url I have form which have one DropDownList Having Boung To Prod_ID Coloum it shows all the data from prod_Id coloumn and have one gridview... if user selects prod_ID from dropdown then it …

Member Avatar for MARKAND911

The End.