13,153 Topics
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I'm having an issue where my ASP.NET application stops returning search results, feigning a javascript AJAX error. The search functionality works 99% of the time. When investigating the problem on the server, IIS appears to be working just fine, but when I look at the log files, they are dated … | |
What is the difference between app.config, web.config and machine.config ? | |
Hi, I have a GridView and want to create an array of type struct of the GridView's float type elements. Here is part of the code: public struct Point { public float lat; public float lon; } ..... public Point[] GetPoint() { int br = GridView1.Rows.Count; Point[] Niza = new … | |
Hi! I need to be able to change the location of the database at runtime through a menu in my program. My question is how to best achieve this. If for example the ip to the server change, the user need to be able to update the database path; i.e. … | |
Hello All! Please i designed a website and hosted it. The problem is, it displays the custom error page whenever i try to view the registration page which is meant for data entry. What could be the possible error because it works perfectly when tested on the LAN | |
I see a lot of people have been asking this question, some was because of the if postback check , but mine is different. i am using AjaxModalExtender to show my popup on the server side. this is my markup [code] <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="TestPage.aspx.cs" Inherits="PopTester.TestPage" %> <%@ Register … | |
i am currently working on a survey project and the answer should be something like that Poor,Average,Good,Very Good,Excellent and their value will be 1 2 3 4 5. but i can't bind them into my database, the questions show using datalist, and i got no idea how to fix this.. … | |
hi, i have a web page on which i am displaying data in gridview control from database.i want to generate the excel report of this grid data. i am using the following code behind button click. it is working well. [code] private void ExportGridView() { string attachment = "attachment; filename=invalidproductdata.xls"; … | |
i want to know that from which pages my current page has been called in ASP.net As for example I want the track of page named "hero.aspx" and it has been called from "Zero.aspx" and "Zero.aspx" has been called from "one.aspx" So i want output as whole page called hierarchy. … | |
Hi guys/girls, I have an exe that has been written in C# using visual studio Is there a was I can de-compile it back into the C# code - It seems to be some what protected exe files I've created myself using Visual Studio and C# I can see the … | |
I want some help in sending Email through my Gmail account. I don't want this for spamming purpose. I am developing Complaint System for my University and I want to send Email whenever any Complaint is launched. I already tried the following code but I am getting "Failure Sending Email" … | |
| Hi all, I have code which allows a client console to connect to a server console using .NET Remoting with a shared dll, and then perform some operations. The only problem I'm aving, is that I want the main bulk of the programming logic to be performed on the server … |
Hello, I am faily new to ASPX programming and needed some help. I have a web page with a button. As a test, I am trying to create a procedure on the button click event that will run an SQL statment to select the Program for which a user belongs … | |
Hi every one,Could you help me in creating one login page,in which the username and password get validate with the backend db(sql server)And the password is encrypted and stored in db.So I want to know how to encrypt the user inputting password and validate that one against the encryted password … | |
Hi I've been working with this code in V2008 [CODE] Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Response.Write("<script>") Response.Write("window.open('http://www.google.com','_blank')") Response.Write("</script>") End Sub [/CODE] but I would not open the page immediately, but when given a click anywhere on the page, an example of what I … | |
Our website is on Windows platform does that mean I have to find Linux host to do blogging? What are the best reasons to change platform? Please advice. Thanks | |
Hi. This is probably too easy, but... Can anyone tell me how to add or remove a checkbox from a panel by using the Designer? The only samples I could find online had the code nside an arbitrary method called CreateMyPanel(). I'm looking at a file called MyControl.Designer.cs, and inside … | |
Here's what I'm doing: I've got a number of online forms that I'm generating dynamically based on the database (there's basically a table that contains all of the user controls that exist in a particular form). That part works...I have a single .aspx page (forms.aspx) that has a query string. … | |
I am running multiple lines generated from a SQL data source and using pulldown menus to input the data on a button click control using c#. When this is executed with the button, only the first set of data is transferred to the SQL table. The other lines are not … | |
Hi Regex gurus, I was developing a asp.net application. I need to validate my email field. I already searched a lot in the web but didn't found any suitable regex for my situation.I need to fulfill the belows criteria 1)Shouldn't allow a user to enter numeric data only. i.e, it … | |
Can please any one help in understanding the difference between .NET 1.1,2.0,3.0,3.5 and 4.0 ? | |
Hi All. I am developing a website in asp.net 3.5. I am trying to retrieve records from a database and display. Before each record I want to dispaly the title of the record such as: "Department Accounts" where the word accounts is from the database. However, if a record is … | |
Hi Everyone, I have problem with Image Control in my asp.net site. Mainly I have to make some kind of photo gallery. So I used FileUpload control to send parameters: ID and Comment to my SQL DB, and my photos to one of the solution's folder. I want to display … | |
Hi people I am calling JavaScript function on partial post-back. Its working fine when i run my site locally but it did not work after i implement it on live program. I used following line of code to call function: ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, GetType(Uri), "", "privateseller();", True) Here is JavaScript function where … | |
hi, i have created an ASP.net web service that contain a webmothod that return the string. now i want to add an other method into that method. like following [code] [WebMethod] public string hello() { sum(); return "abc"; } public int sum() { return 10; // it does not make … | |
I am asim, hi, i have uploaded my site first time and but unfortunately i got errors in web.config file that is as below: [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=169433 --> <configuration> <connectionStrings> <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" … | |
hi there i have a database called employee and in that there is a table called EmpDetails and in that there is column namely firstname awhat i want to do is to return all the first names in the database. i am using the 3 tier architecture. from the dbcommection … | |
Hello All, On my local machine, my website works perfectly. All the functionality that I have made works great. I then copy my folders from my local machine to my test development web server. Once this occurs, certain functionality of my website no longer works, yet it is a direct … | |
hi, how to create asp Custom webpages using ASP.NET MVC architecture.plz send the code. thanks in advance. |
The End.