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About Me

I am a web developer that deals mostly in .NET and C#. My prior background was working in VB6 and VBA. I know my way around data and code, but I'll not pretend to know as much as I want to know.

Programming! Music and video games.
PC Specs
Dell Studio 17 laptop running Windows 7, plenty powerful enough for my needs.
Favorite Tags x 110
c# x 36
xml x 18
mssql x 14

376 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Duki

I went out for a salad for lunch, came back with a stromboli. Hey, it happens. Washing it down with a nice, tasty Coke.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for zambetta

[CODE] List<int> list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; Random random = new Random(); var sortedList = list.OrderBy(i => random.Next()).ToList(); foreach (int i in sortedList) Console.WriteLine(i); // split list into 2 var group1 = sortedList.Take(5); var group2 = sortedList.Skip(5).Take(5); Console.Read(); [/CODE]

Member Avatar for adajames
Member Avatar for mikecole79

In VBA, there is/was an ActiveCell.Offset method, but it was more complicated than that. It would be ActiveCell.Offset(rowcount, columncount).Range("A1").Select. The "A1" was sort of like a grounding value, giving it the proper frame of reference. That may or may not be proper description for it, but I knew whenever I …

Member Avatar for jackflint
Member Avatar for elmbrook

[CODE] Type type = Type.GetType("WindowsFormsApplication1.Form2"); object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type); (obj as Form).Show(); [/CODE]

Member Avatar for mohamed.a.salim.31
Member Avatar for jazz_vill

[QUOTE=jazz_vill;1120831]Ok here's my code: is there another way to improve this code? so I dont have to this routine in every letter?[/QUOTE] The ASCII values for A-Z are 65 to 90. You could loop over those integers to search for your characters. Easier still, you could create a string of …

Member Avatar for Reshma_2
Member Avatar for Damon88

Does this proof of concept fit your needs? [CODE=C#] static void Main(string[] args) { string fileName = @"C:\Work\test.bmp"; string fileNameCopy = @"C:\Work\test2.bmp"; Byte[] buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer); try { File.Delete(fileName); Console.WriteLine("Original file deleted."); } catch { throw ; } Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(stream); bitmap.Save(fileNameCopy); bitmap.Dispose(); stream.Dispose(); …

Member Avatar for dwimage
Member Avatar for yobotiks

Here's a way of doing it. It involves creating a public function to update the list data in your main form, and creating a constructor overload in the second form to accept a parameter of the type of the main form. Then on a button click event on the second …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for mercury113

[CODE] Dim result As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Some text", "Some caption", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) If result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then 'do something ElseIf result = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then 'do something else End If [/CODE]

Member Avatar for avtaars
Member Avatar for JamesGeddes

You should probably look at writing a web service. Create the service on your website, add a reference to it in your offline project (it will generate the proxy classes you need), and then you can interact with it. Here's a sample web service implementation: [CODE] using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; …

Member Avatar for softwareskill
Member Avatar for buffalo0

Here is a method to read it using LINQ to XML (System.Xml.Linq). This will create an IEnumerable(of T), where T is an anonymous type. [CODE] Sub Main() Dim xml As String = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" _ & "<pupil>" _ & "<name>Test Name</name>" _ & "<tagid>00000000000000000001</tagid>" _ & "</pupil>" Dim document …

Member Avatar for softwareskill
Member Avatar for ncaatrackstar

You can use reflection to load an assembly at runtime. Consider this code compiled into Foo.dll [CODE] namespace Foo { public class Bar { public string Blah() { return "Blah"; } } } [/CODE] And then in another program [CODE] using System; using System.Reflection; class Program { static void Main(string[] …

Member Avatar for BhuvanRam
Member Avatar for mania_comp

This is the first I've heard of this, but stackoverflow says it happens when you use the publish utility within Visual Studio. I have no idea if that's true or not. [url][/url] From a link off that link, there's also this blurb "SQL Server 2005 express edition does not support …

Member Avatar for anandd
Member Avatar for ddanbe

I don't know how applicable this may be, but it's interesting nonetheless. Here's an article on using GDI+ and doing color transformations with a matrix of floats. [url][/url] I also don't know of any (other) methods to tweak colors besides, as you said, simply messing with the RGB values. As …

Member Avatar for pvladov
Member Avatar for sillyboy

Right now, I'm listening to a compilation of various Royksopp tracks off the Melody AM, The Understanding, and Junior albums.

Member Avatar for Helianthus
Member Avatar for panpwintlay

My algorithm below is similar to what slogfilet suggested: I consider using anything beyond the square root of the integer candidate to be redundant and a waste of time to use as a test divisor. I'm not accepting user input, nor am I writing the prime numbers to the screen, …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for prakashmca07

DataGrids, Repeaters, etc., do not have to be used with database connections, they can be bound with other collections. Take this example: [CODE] <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <title></title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:DataGrid …

Member Avatar for rispy
Member Avatar for amby

Your assumption is correct. [CODE]StringBuilder[] empDetails = new StringBuilder[100];[/CODE] This line establishes an array of StringBuilder references, but you still need to create instances of objects for each array element (*or at least any element you intend to actually use). [CODE] for (int i = 0; i < empDetails.Length; i++) …

Member Avatar for Brindha.s
Member Avatar for adkool

I use IE mostly, FF occasionally (usually just to test something). IE meets my needs.

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for kat-spn

1) Don't assume the input should be an integer. If you want to calculate the number of coins required, you should allow for dollars [I]and[/I] cents. Use a [ICODE]double[/ICODE] or [ICODE]decimal[/ICODE] data type instead. 2) For validation, use the .TryParse(string input, out result) method. The method itself returns a bool, …

Member Avatar for Chaitanya Dhote
Member Avatar for Gaurav arora

Here is an example using an order table. You take the top 1 from the top N [I]in reverse order[/I]. [CODE] select top 1 OrderTotal From (select top 10 OrderTotal from orders order by ordertotal desc) x Order By x.OrderTotal [/CODE] Let's say my top 10 OrderTotals (in descending order) …

Member Avatar for crishlay
Member Avatar for akamini

[CODE] sql = "SELECT * FROM tblBookings WHERE StudentID = " & Target And "Paid =" & Target2 [/CODE] The word [I]And[/I] should be inside your quotes. [CODE] sql = "SELECT * FROM tblBookings WHERE StudentID = " & Target & " And Paid = " & Target2 [/CODE] And …

Member Avatar for raffy3
Member Avatar for expvice

Is there a reason you want to convert the pages from programmable ASP.NET to static HTML? I would use a URL rewriting solution instead to get all the programmability of ASP.NET while also having SEO-friendly URLs. There are canned solutions available (built into IIS7 or you can use a tool …

Member Avatar for elaek
Member Avatar for jake1496

My favorite game of recent months is Dragon Age: Origins, which I played on Xbox 360 but it also available on PC and PS3. Mass Effect 2 (360 and PC) is also a good recent game. All time? I'm going with Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. [I]This post …

Member Avatar for davidlouis88
Member Avatar for ana12
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

That reminds me of a video from a few years ago that has unfortunately been taken down from youtube and I can't find it elsewhere. The short version is that a guy tied a rope to his truck and dragged a GameCube along the road for several miles, with it …

Member Avatar for dexter737
Member Avatar for zortec

I had a Mazda Protege once. It was a good little car; it had 225,000 miles on it when I traded it in towards a new car a few years ago. This was a 1994 Protege, so I can't attest to current quality, but that one served me well.

Member Avatar for dexter737
Member Avatar for ana12

I went to a doctor for medical advice and a healthy eating recipe. He gave me green eggs and spam. Should have known not to go to Dr. Seuss.

Member Avatar for dexter737
Member Avatar for ana12

I think a good time to have pasta would be during breakfast. Would you agree, ana12?

Member Avatar for dexter737
Member Avatar for cwarn23

[QUOTE=GrimJack;1102621]Most common computer problem is the interface between the chair and the keyboard[/QUOTE] Ah, ye olde PEBKAC error.

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for PierlucSS

I wouldn't use a repeater to generate XML, but that's just me. If you want to continue down that path, I would advise you to explore the repeater's ItemDataBound event and take care of the binding of the second repeater within the code behind of the page. As for another …

Member Avatar for sohelelite

The End.