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Game development, skateboarding, gaming, eating, import cars, racing
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189 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for pato wlmc

For starters, is one of the best game development sites on the net. Lots of good tutorials and help there. C++ is extremely widely used in game development for professional games for both PC and console. C# is also good, but its main benefit is the XNA framework which …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for avirag

Nice snippet. I've actually been using something along these lines for some web apps I've been working on. I do have a question though: Which is faster or more "correct"? [CODE] if(object.ReferenceEquals(ctrControl.GetType(), typeof(System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox))) [/CODE] or [CODE] if(ctrControl is System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox) [/CODE] Is either of those better than the other, or they …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for The Mad Hatter

I haven't bought a new copy of Windows since 2003, so I'd probably keep using that one. I'd probably dual boot with new Ubuntu releases or something of the sort, though.

Member Avatar for ZZucker
Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for Helianthus
Member Avatar for neartoyou

The answers, as always, is: it depends. Databases are often times best with online/browser based games, but Flash, I believe, can write save files to the computer on which it's being played. I don't work with Flash, so I'm not 100%. In single-player, offline games a save file would probably …

Member Avatar for neartoyou
Member Avatar for dakerao

I'm working with SDL & C++ at the moment, so I'll take a look at the video & pastebin when I get home tonight as I can't get to it at work. I had a similar issue when I first started, so maybe I'll notice something that fixed it for …

Member Avatar for dakerao
Member Avatar for raseru

If you don't want to start as low level as DX or OGL, and you want to make a 2D game which is rather portable, I would say SDL is the way to go if you want to use C/C++/C#. It's super easy to pick up and use and can …

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Very nice. I'm especially liking your characters in the first post =)

Member Avatar for Arkrothe
Member Avatar for WASDted
Member Avatar for mIXpRo

I can't really answer question #1 as I've never built an animation system, nor have I really exported anything to run in an existing system, but I'll do my best for the other two. For AI, every certain number of frames or a timeslice of every frame (or every frame …

Member Avatar for geethaa
Member Avatar for Murprogrammed

If you want to do console games, you don't really need anything more than the compiler. If you want to use C/C++ and have actual graphics, check out the SDL or SFML libraries. They make it real easy to get some basic graphics and game stuff up and running. If …

Member Avatar for adcgv
Member Avatar for ed_shaw

They don't need to "get into the protocol", whatever that means. All they need to do is pull the right strings to get the host to shut the site off. Not much can be done to defend against that. Chances are, happygeek is correct and the EDL just sucks at …

Member Avatar for Seten
Member Avatar for TheNinjaForce
Member Avatar for TheNinjaForce

Check this page out to see if it helps you any: [URL=""]here[/URL]. You should be able to drag your "guy" movie clip onto a newly created movie clip, then drag that one from the library onto your stage. Hope that helps.

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for j12034

You'll have to learn Actionscript then =) There's gobs of tutorials out there on how to write games using Flash, you'll just have to start learning it or hire someone else to do it for you. There is the standalone Flash player that can be obtained from Adobe. It lets …

Member Avatar for martina.jones
Member Avatar for happygeek

The freedom issue is a gray area, in my opinion. Many consider the i[deviceName] to be the cream of the crop as far as hand held smart devices go. In order to buy into that echelon of devices, one must be willing to give up certain freedoms. For those who …

Member Avatar for swebsitedesign
Member Avatar for danuz

Num is never going to equal 0 once you start adding to it. I'd say set another variable to int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) then add it to num after checking if it's 0. [CODE] for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { Console.Write("Enter the number:"); int x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (x …

Member Avatar for danuz
Member Avatar for mattiapdo

One issue I see right away is line 17, where you're setting each index of v to type before switching on type and since type itself is never actually initialized, I can see why it wouldn't work properly. I assume that you want to do type = v[i] on that …

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for lhuynh39

There's lots of resources out there on how to write the different parts of the application that you need to use, being if statements, while loops, and user input. Try your best and come back with specific questions.

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad

For an easy library to get up and running, check out Ogre3D for graphics. If you're looking to do even less work, you can check out Torque & Unity, as they're fully featured game engines, so you can just add your geometry (walls, floors, ceilings, etc..) and build and run.

Member Avatar for Victormarques
Member Avatar for faroukmuhammad

If you have 3DS Max, you can export it as a .obj from there. If not, check here for some more detail: [URL=""][/URL]

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for bigdan182

You would pass a structure just like you would any other type, your function just needs to be written to accept it. [CODE] struct team { string name; int skill; ... } void SimulateMatch(team t1, team t2) { ... } [/CODE]

Member Avatar for danb737
Member Avatar for supidProgrammer

My best guess would be that it made it easier to keep the pieces separate for keeping animations specific to a section of the body. This way a model can run in 4 directions, shoot/punch (gauntlet, FTW!) and pop a static head on top. I don't think they had facial/head …

Member Avatar for supidProgrammer
Member Avatar for wd.hamaden

1. The x variable doesn't exist in the change function. The function should accept an int reference if you want to change it in the func, then pass x in. [CODE] void change(int &x); int main() { int x = 4,y; ... change(x); ... return 0; } void change(int &x) …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Asylumsaint

If you're looking to get into the non-indie professional game development industry, you'll want to learn C/C++, as that's the most widely used language set for large scale games. If you're looking at getting into the indie games industry after school, you'll want to learn C/C++, C#, Python, Flash or …

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for itgrowsind

Have you written anything yet? If so, post it here and we'll help you where you have specific problems. If not, write something and come back with specific questions on where you're having trouble.

Member Avatar for itgrowsind
Member Avatar for Makumza

Look up the .NET framework's MD5 framework. Documentation is [URL=""]here[/URL] and you can search for plenty more besidse. Good luck.

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for spothao
Member Avatar for spothao
Member Avatar for asrockw7

Generally speaking, I believe main is used when the application is compiled using the console subsystem and WinMain is used when compiled using the Windows subsystem. I suggest searching for "WinMain vs. Main". That should pull up some results for you.

Member Avatar for Sodabread

The End.