I am interested to know what are the top 10 sports car and what are their pricings. And what is your reason, they are the top sports car.

How about this gem with a Stuttgart license plate?

1969 Dodge Charger R/T

1971 Chevrolet Impala

How do you attach thumbnails.?

How do you attach thumbnails.?

Click on go advanced and you will see a paperclip beside the smiley icon. Click on that and you can attach images. How about modern sports car like maserati or others.

I'm biased towards Germany. i think i will go with the porsche 911 gt3, $150, 000.

1967 Chevolet Impala

1969 Dodge Charger R/T

Many people kept on saying lamborghini is good. But beside being expensive and fast what are the other good points?

A Chevy Impala doesn't even look like a sports car. It may be a heavy muscle car, but I would hate to spin it around some tight curves at high speed.

Now the Chevy Corvette is a muscle car and at least looks very sporty.

commented: Perhaps if you can't drive. Don't comment. +0

The Italians have the best looking sports cars. Can they handle sharp turns?

That Ferrari would attract the girls alright!

1967 Chevolet Impala

1969 Dodge Charger R/T

I like them too!
I will go with Ford Mustang from 1964 and I think BMWs and Mercedes from 90s (on which all the Russian Mafia rode) are sexy. My uncle let my drive one of those on an empty road. That shit was fast!!

How about this porsche spyder.
Model : Porsche 918 spyder

Now here is a sports car that has smarts and is a movie star.

Obviously the opinion of someone who drives V6 and under.

A Chevy Impala doesn't even look like a sports car. It may be a heavy muscle car, but I would hate to spin it around some tight curves at high speed.

Now the Chevy Corvette is a muscle car and at least looks very sporty.

Sports car is something you drive, it doesn't drive you like most of the old US heavy clunkers did.

Now here is true English sports car, dream of many college students.

Scrap metal.?

Now here is true English sports car, dream of many college students.

Why are all the sports car you post, so old? Can post something more modern like BMW sports car or others...

Too Old?... Very well..

Dodge Challenger 2010 model.

Ford Mustang GT 2011.

Ford Mustang GT 2011.

That is called style and modern.

Also, the old VH Coupe goes like a cut snake, here is a picture of one in action.

Unglam at all. Where did you find it?

I like the Ram 2500 and how they can pretty much drive themselves(set it straight, let off the brake and it maintains 25mph down the road), and so they came out with V10 8.3L SRT-10.
Looks retarded with the air dam and spoiler, and has less torque then some of the standard models, but it's damn fast for a stock pickup truck.

Obviously the opinion of someone who drives V6 and under.

Nothing wrong with a V6 1.5L fueled on toluene at 1200+bhp.

I like the Ram 2500 and how they can pretty much drive themselves(set it straight, let off the brake and it maintains 25mph down the road), and so they came out with V10 8.3L SRT-10.
Looks retarded with the air dam and spoiler, and has less torque then some of the standard models, but it's damn fast for a stock pickup truck.

Nothing wrong with a V6 1.5L fueled on toluene at 1200+bhp.

Nothing wrong with the Holden VS V6 Turbos either. She was dissing V8's though. How Ignorant of her.

Behold, The Mercedes clk gtr.

Behold, The Mercedes clk gtr.

I would rather the VH

And its cousin, the Slr Mclaren

Better!.. but i would still rather this.

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