Hello to all. I am new to this site and have some questions. I am hoping somebody can steer me in some direction.
So I have a BA in an unrelated field and am completely burnt out in my field. I have always been electronically inclined, from installing car stereos as a kid to taking apart my computers/laptops just to know how to do it. If it can be taken apart, I will most likely disassemble it and troubleshoot it. I used to find broken pc's and build new ones out of the spare parts to give to people who could afford pc's.
So anyway, I am really contemplating a career change. I guess I am really unsure of what to do with this knowledge I have. I guess I don't have a lot of knowledge of computer programs aside from what I have figured out on my own with my computer problems of the past. I feel like my knowedge is scattered at best but I really think this is the direction I would like to go from here.
So essentially I am asking all of you what the best way to get into this field, however broad of a question that may be. I am not oblivious to the fact that computers are not going anywhere and there will always be a need for them to be fixed in whatever capacity. In all the years of owning a pc ( too many to tell), I have never had to ask somebody to fix it for me, I just research until I figure it out.
I realize I am a novice and am grateful for any responses I may receive. Thanks so much!