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68 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for yasaswyg

You need an open project, to start a new project go either to File>New>Project, or press Ctrl+Shit+N. Preferably choose the Empty project template. Then, right click on the Source Files folder to the left and choose Add>New Item... Then you get a dialog where you can choose the name of …

Member Avatar for asabjork88
Member Avatar for strmstn

Hello, I have been struggling with this for hours now. Is there any way to completely remove the icon that is displayed in the upper left corner of a window in WPF, without setting the window style to ToolWindow? I have tried loading user32 and setting various WinAPI-styles with no …

Member Avatar for k.d.m
Member Avatar for prvnkmr194

Do you want only client scripts to execute upon button click? In that case, I suggest using an ordinary input-html tag. [code=html] <input type="button" value="Button Text" id="yourButtonId" /> [/code] And attach a click event in client code.

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for mani_singh

That is very common when programming hardware in C and the addresses are known. They could be static I/O or similar. address_1 is 0x00AA8B20, (float*) address_1 would interpret the address as a pointer to a float and * (float*) address_1 then means the variable stored at that address.

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for strmstn

Hi. I have a richedit control and when dropping text from another control I would like to change the format of that text. I wonder which messages I should trap or how to do this in plain Winapi. (I have already subclassed the pasting message) Thank you.

Member Avatar for 1manik
Member Avatar for rootchord

I have no problem trying sizeof(test)/sizeof(int) in main but in the template function it outputs 1.

Member Avatar for green_frog
Member Avatar for Hidden_mistakes
Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for Ali Gohar
Member Avatar for adams161

I don't know much mfc but with winapi you could do it with SetWindowPos() as above, or set the window extended style to WS_EX_TOPMOST if I remember correctly. Hope it helps. As far as I know winapi functions can be called from an mfc application.

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for fullyarmed

And when transforming the string you don't have to do it manually, you can do it in a for-loop instead and just copy every element in the array with toupper(). [CODE]for(unsigned i=0; i<strlen(yourString); i++){ yourString[i] = toupper( yourString[i] ); } [/CODE] This will also work for any length string, but …

Member Avatar for fullyarmed
Member Avatar for MoZo1

Well, I think that Microsoft Embedded Visual C++ works on XP. If you are ok on writing in plain C you could check out Pelles C IDE. I don't think that NetBeans offers any WM5 support, you'd have to learn Java then.

Member Avatar for MoZo1
Member Avatar for daveoffy

You shouldn't have several CALLBACKs for the same window. Maybe write a function that takes care of this specific case?

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for dadamson90

Have you written anything so far, if yes may I see? What you need to do is parse the text file. If you can expect the file to always have that structure it should be an easy task. Using ifstream and ofstream you'd: - Skip the first to lines - …

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for jojo5

And if that isn't enough you could google for x86 documentation. Should be plenty.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for random12810

I see you are drawing the bitmaps directly. Then you'll have to get the arrow keystrokes from the main window and then determine which bitmap is to be moved. Perhaps you could get mouse pointer coordinates at a WM_LBUTTONDOWN message and then decide which bitmap is to get attention.

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for allaboutdrew

ULONG fib(ULONG n) is a function and what is passed to that function is in main known as "position". The "\n" on line 15 is simply a newline character, try removing the whole cout statement to see the difference. The typedef on line 7 is just something telling the compiler …

Member Avatar for allaboutdrew
Member Avatar for athlon32

[CODE]new[/CODE] allocates a new place in memory at which the pointer then points. [CODE]delete[/CODE] frees the memory at which the pointer points. Hence, not deleting any pointer that has been given a part of the heap, will cause a memory leak. Maybe a very small one, but it does cause …

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for jeffjnsb

It would be easier to go through your code if it had CODE-tags. Anyway, I couldn't see what the problem was unless you are trying to compile the :S - smiles. So I tried changing the smiles into just [ICODE]:S[/ICODE] and it compiled fine. It could be that some file …

Member Avatar for jeffjnsb
Member Avatar for strmstn

I developing a small program that I want working as a widget, and would like to display it only when no window has focus - or when the desktop window has focus. My best chance now is finding whether GetFocus() returns NULL but this is not working as suspected. I've …

Member Avatar for strmstn
Member Avatar for Beasts

The ifstream operator takes care of anything considering variable types. [CODE]myfile >> lastN >> firstN >> amount;[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Beasts
Member Avatar for pinknblu
Member Avatar for rockstar8577

WinAPI isn't that hard, it just looks that way at first glance. And you don't have to use any C-specific calls.

Member Avatar for rockstar8577
Member Avatar for rohitmanhas_12
Member Avatar for DIPY
Member Avatar for NitaB

I assume that you realized that the zeros printed out are the same zeros that you stuff the array with in your first for-loop. This is because you set the dimension to 3. That creates a matrix sized 3*3, giving you 9 stored values. As you can see your output …

Member Avatar for NitaB
Member Avatar for B00t3r
Member Avatar for juuuh333

Haha. Where is the textbox? Is it a listbox, combobox or an edit control? Using wxwidgets, mfc, atl, winapi or what? The guessing game continues..

Member Avatar for juuuh333
Member Avatar for strmstn

Hello. I am quite keen with the win32 api but am tired of the standard windows visual styles (XP/Vista/7) and am wondering how to create my own. Have googled but not found any information, just point me in the right direction. Thank you very much.

Member Avatar for tetron
Member Avatar for pranay_agg

You are using atoi() wrong. It returns an integer. [CODE]char *str = "1"; int _one = atoi(str);[/CODE]

Member Avatar for kunal kislay

The End.