I know C++ and java. My school focuses on Java but it doesn't seem to be very appropriate for game design. I wouldn't even consider Java if it wasn't for Minecraft. I want to make some nice and small indie games. If they go far great, but I also want to be marketable to be safe.

It seems like C#/XNA seems to be catching on, but I don't own a 360 so I'd be stuck with just Windows, it's not really portable, and developers seem to be more into C++.

I feel portability is important to me, also my laptop is a mac. In fact I want to give a shot programming iPhone apps too, but objective-C is a big turn off.

Every time I look into libraries to get started for C++, I just get overwhelmed (also partly because I don't know which to choose) and then get unmotivated. Everyone has their own opinion what to use. Like SFML is great but it's new, so less documentation, SDL is more supportive for c, etc.

There are I'm sure tricks and ways to get away with using X on Y, but I'm still a newbie and don't want to be overwhelmed. I feel like I can't proceed until I make a firm decision on my route up ahead. Any help?

Take some Ritalin and use C++, or just freaking use C#. You can use C++ (or objective-C++ with minimal touching of objective-c stuff) for iPhone apps.

Take some Ritalin and use C++, or just freaking use C#. You can use C++ (or objective-C++ with minimal touching of objective-c stuff) for iPhone apps.

Do you have a library recommendation? Just for general stuff (could be 2d or very basic 3d)

Come up with an idea
Map out that idea
Decide the target market for said idea
Develop against that target market.

If you want to make a PC Game to hit the steam powered network:
DirectX & OpenGL are two very viable libraries.

If you want to hit the iPhone then you need to know Objective-C

If you want to hit the droid market then you need to know Java.

Want to end up on the XBOX check out the XNA stuff from microsoft.

There are so many available game engines (Free too!) that picking your starting point is more of what you are comfortable with and what platform you want to end up on.

:) happy coding and cheers!

If you don't want to start as low level as DX or OGL, and you want to make a 2D game which is rather portable, I would say SDL is the way to go if you want to use C/C++/C#. It's super easy to pick up and use and can be used as a base for 3D OpenGL stuff later on, if you so choose.

There are lots of viable alternatives out there, I just happen to be really into SDL at the moment.

I would say SDL is the way to go if you want to use C/C++/C#. It's super easy to pick up and use and can be used as a base for 3D OpenGL stuff later on, if you so choose.

There are lots of viable alternatives out there, I just happen to be really into SDL at the moment.

+ 1

If you have access to a windows machine you could get DragonFireSDK and code in C++ on windows...to make iPhone apps :D
It's REALLY easy to use and REALLY cheap to use.

While you can make games with dragonfiresdk, it hasn't been kept up to date... I hope to see some major updates soon. The only IOS 4.0 function is retina graphics. There is no support for game center.
There are some buggy functions or functions people avoid, because they cause issues in the long run. If you use DFSDK you need to use the WTF template on top of it. It is free. Try out AlICE. You can do some cool 3d game design with that!

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