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18 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for mikeandike22

The best way to start making a programming language is by learning a current language as much as you can. Then begin by making an interpreter. Making a compiler requires a lot of knowledge of machine code etc., but with an interpreter you can pretty much make your own machine …

Member Avatar for VEGETA_DTX
Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

If I have an EXE file what command can I use to link a RES file into the EXE!? I have tried many different linker programs and can't figure out how to do this simple task with any of them.

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for raseru

[QUOTE]I would say SDL is the way to go if you want to use C/C++/C#. It's super easy to pick up and use and can be used as a base for 3D OpenGL stuff later on, if you so choose. There are lots of viable alternatives out there, I just …

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

I am trying to alphabetize by generating a weight of a word, saving those numbers, and then comparing which numbers are greater. Don't ask me why I need to do this way. So I am trying to come up with a function that calculates the value of a certain word. …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for one-trick-pony
Member Avatar for Boshra Nour

Simple. There is a built in split function. [url][/url]

Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe
Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

I wrote the following code in Python. It does not sort the list. Can anyone help me out? [CODE] theList = [] def simpleSort(): pos = 1 comps = 0 while pos < len(theList): comps += 1 if ord(theList[pos]) >= ord(theList[pos - 1]): pos += 1 else: temp = theList[pos] …

Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson
Member Avatar for asif49

I had to write a triply nested recursive algorithm to draw squares on the screen. Your probably thinking how hard could it possibly be to just draw squares on the screen? Well look at the code below. Anyway, I don't understand why CS teachers emphasize recursion so much. In my …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

I am having a problem with flash in firefox 7. I am not sure this is the right forum, but someone can move it if they see fit. Anyway, say I write some embed code like this: [CODE] <html> <body> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=" cabs/flash/,0,40,0" width="800" height="600" id="mymoviename"> <param name="movie" value="Adv1.swf" …

Member Avatar for jakizak
Member Avatar for sourisengupta

[QUOTE]Can anybody give the list of environment variable functions list.[/QUOTE] There's only one environment variable function on windows and that is getenv(). FYI: When entering the environment variable, it is entered like getenv("TMP") not getenv("%TMP%"). Did you mean you wanted the list of variables? [URL=""][/URL]

Member Avatar for sourisengupta
Member Avatar for koti86

You will probably need to open the file in a hex editor and look at the first 2 to 3 bytes to figure out the file type or maybe you can just open it in a text editor. After that, you can google those characters to find out the file …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for Aslam Mansoor

[QUOTE]Cause I have lost my working project as a result of formating my PC[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Sorry, but that will be "hacking" someone else's code.[/QUOTE] It's his code! You can try this tool: [URL=""][/URL] Or just google vb6 exe decompiler. You won't be able to get the code back exactly as you …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for bertrand

[QUOTE]write a simple vb exe written in notepad[/QUOTE] Impossible. You need to install VB6 to make exes. Install it. Then do what AndreRet said.

Member Avatar for sanjeevarao
Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

I was looking at the following site because I am interested in making a basic-like interpreter in c. Can someone explain how the switch case works in this particular program? You probably need to read the code to know what I mean. I know how to use switch case, just …

Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe
Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

I am a VB programmer, so I know a lot about programming. I am just new to C and want to ask a simple question. How can I read a file and use strtok with space as the delimiter and have access to all tokens in memory? The example provided …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

The line fullpath = temp; doesn't actually reset the var. I am not sure what I have to do. I have tried fullpath = *temp;. Could someone tell me why this is not working? [CODE] #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" //Used for getenv(); #include "string.h" //Used for strcat(); int main(int argc, …

Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe
Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

I am trying to make a file extraction program in C and I can't get it to work. It compiles ok, but it has a run-time error. I hope you can figure out what I am trying to do here. I don't know if there is a standard way to …

Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe
Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

I am just starting to learn x86 assembly language because eventually I want to make my own OS. I wrote a boot sector in fasm and it doesn't load the second sector into memory. Because I just started, there is probably something obvious wrong with the code. Could anyone tell …

Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

The End.