13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for udhayasarathy

I'm in my final year project building the project entitled "WEB CONTROLLED ROBOT". I that i need the live video captured by the robot should be displayed over my asp.net page. I could not find any related links If any one aware of this kindly inform me about this. Since …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for C#Novice

Hi All, I have an application that i m developing in VS2003 using asp.net and c# in the left navigation page I need to add the functionality to open and close a panel in the left nav. here is my code: ----> [code=asp.net]<%@ Control Language="c#" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="LeftNav.ascx.cs" Inherits="CE.userControls.LeftNav" TargetSchema="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5" %> …

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Member Avatar for csharplearner

Hello all, I am trying to run a file.asp located in [url]http://localhost/test/test.asp[/url] folder. Initially when it prompted for errors i made required changes so that ASP pages can work when accessed through localhost. Everything went good for the pages displayed for couple of times and later the pages started showing …

Member Avatar for csharplearner
Member Avatar for johnny.g

Hi all, I have a query which is driving me nuts. I am using asp.net 2005 and sql server 2005. I created a report using the reporting services. This report has two parameters year and month. My query is after selecting the parameters I have to click the View Report …

Member Avatar for kodingkarthik

Hi all, I am new to Asp.net programming and i have a requirement to retrieve the values from the database and allow the user to edit the values and then save back thechanged values. I have written the code for saving the form fields values to a database but now …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for Yamazaki

Hi, i need a little help here, in my app i've created 3 users by ASP Web Site Administration Tool and i want each user to be redirected to different pages from the login.aspx. i.e. username1 enters his username and pw, press the login button, he should be redirected to …

Member Avatar for Pandat
Member Avatar for chinni1

Hi Frends, Can I use View Insted of query in my code. If yes Then plz tell me how can. [code=asp.net] Protected Sub checkavailabilityusername(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewInsertEventArgs) Handles usersformview.ItemInserting Dim name As TextBox Dim username As String Dim Query As String Dim dr As SqlDataReader Dim …

Member Avatar for chinni1
Member Avatar for AnilReddy

Hello Everybody Am trying to capture the screen in my web application. Its working fine locally, when i deploy the application am not getting any image. Anyone knows how to achieve this...It is something like getting equivalent code for Print Scrn keystroke. Please revert asap. Thanks in advance Anil

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Member Avatar for latikapuri

How to check for mail delivery failures in case of using sendmail in .Net. Also I would like to find a mechanism for incorporating a read receipt into my email so that I know wether the user has read my email or not. I want all this to be done …

Member Avatar for AnilReddy
Member Avatar for RamanRajesh

[B][COLOR="Red"]Hai...plz anybody help me in deploying the asp.net appln....[/COLOR][/B]

Member Avatar for AnilReddy
Member Avatar for kazoo

Hi, i am using vb to create a table, i then add that table as a control do a <div>. The data within the table comes from a select statement. When i change my select statement the data that appears in the webpage is always the first data that was …

Member Avatar for kazoo
Member Avatar for divyasrinivasan

Hi iam using login controls....for that i went o asp .net configuration website->asp configuration i went to security created roles and all... but something has to be written in webconfig file ..iam not able to get that..pls if anyone knowns about it pls guide.......

Member Avatar for SavuthHeng
Member Avatar for csharplearner

Hi all, I am trying to create Web Controls and i am getting this error: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. i inserted all respective directives and namespaces at the begining of the page and also in …

Member Avatar for csharplearner
Member Avatar for Yamazaki

Using ASP.NET Web Admin tool, i created 5 users and assigned them to different roles, but when i try to user Roles.IsUserInRole, it doesn't work, please take a look here: [CODE]protected void Login1_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e) { string username = Login1.UserName; string password = Login1.Password; if (!IsPostBack) { if (Membership.ValidateUser(username, …

Member Avatar for Yamazaki
Member Avatar for manoj_582033

Hi Friends I have make an application in which news will be present in marquee & User could make updation & insertion in that .so for this i am calling gridview inside of marquee & that is working properly but the problem is that when i click on edit button …

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for -mk-

Hi, I am working with a website that using the AspNetSqlMembershipProvider to store the user profiles data. I have discover that the User Profiles data are stored in the database named ASPNETDB.MDF, in the table aspnet_profile. The profile data are in : column PropertyNames and PropertyValuesString. It has the Data …

Member Avatar for Makjain

On the selection of value from dropdownlist, image is displayed in display page. Selectedvalue has many image in DB say 50+ but as per my query below it reads only 1st image of DB i.e.1st image of database. So do let me know where my code is gng wrong. [B][U]CODE …

Member Avatar for ricksvoid

Hi there, Im starting my own development company and would like some feed back on my two options for a company name. I will specialize in asp.net (front and back) [B]Castles in the Sky IT solutions[/B] or [B]Infinity Technology solutions[/B] I am a very indicisive and would appreciate some feed …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy

I have a custom class that is an entire structure within itself, many layers deep. However, this object is stored in memory through sessions. I need a way to retrieve the session variable without having to call it through a return method. An Example: This is what I currently have …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for kodingkarthik

Hi all, I am trying to select a value from drop down list and if the value is NewDepartment then a text box should be visible for adding a new value and that value must be populated in the drop down list also if the user selects the new value …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for asif786

I am coding a program which will simulate a ballot box, where voting wil take place. The code generates a random number which is the voter number which is unique to each voter. This is output to the user before voting. I would like it to perform a check to …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for chinni1

Hi,frends I have a Export product button in product details page. If i click the Export product button i want to get one pop up,the pop up should be contain the message like this [B]Your excel has been successfully create and can be viewed by clicking[U] Product_data [/U][/B]. so I …

Member Avatar for chinni1
Member Avatar for paslanmaz

[ATTACH]8736[/ATTACH] I’ll redirect to google for the above picture, for example when I search google for asp.net, this asp.net keyword shows at address bar as . QueryString("q") and asp.net comes up first at search results. I want to display “you’ve accessed our site with . QueryString("q") keyword” on the site …

Member Avatar for dfs3000my

Hi, I have a problem that I want to solve and I was told that I could use ASP.NET caching to solve it. Below is my scenario: [B][I]Users are required to fill up a certain type of questionnaire which has a deadline that is set by an administrator. Take for …

Member Avatar for srvishnukumar

Hi Wish U Happy New Year 2009 How Can I use Table Tools ? I want to Design my Home Page Via table tools as like HOME. PRODUCTS, CONTACT US, CAREERS,ETC Waiting for Valuable Rply Regards Vishnukumar SR

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Member Avatar for srvishnukumar

Hi Friends, How Can Inter relate two forms ? For Example While the web form displays User's Name Like that Welcome KUMAR ! which one User has Login his Acccount How Can Itz displays in label ctrl

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Member Avatar for Potato.Head

Hi to all I'm new in the forum and also new in the ASP.Net programing. I have the following question/problem: I have a Page(lets say Page1.aspx) this page has the following code [code] <iframe src="Page2.aspx" width="550" height="550"></iframe> [/code] I was wandering If can declare methods/objects in the Page2.aspx and the …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for mkn07

i have a project that receives virtual directories from IIS, and show the files in directories as an windows application form. Here my problem with defining the path as Directory.GetDirectories(dataDirectory)Directory.GetDirectories(dataDirectory) dataDirectory including the code is: //LM//W3SVC//1//Root//Data// also when i try another format as iis://localhost//w3svc//1//root//data and //localhost//W3SVC//1//Root//Data// anad also one back …

Member Avatar for Jason123

Hi to all, I am asking on behalf for my best friend. The question is how to create a pm alert notice just like this site

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for yanti

here the code i've try....but still not working....please help me.. <page_load> id = 6 dbconn = [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] SqlClient.SqlConnection("workstation id=HOME-5F227C8500;packet size=4096;user id=sa;initial catalog=pubs;persist security info=False") dbconn.Open() sql = "select * from NEWS Where NewsID='" & id & "'" dbcomm = [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql, dbconn) [COLOR=#0000ff]Try [/COLOR]dbread = dbcomm.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) [COLOR=#0000ff]While[/COLOR] dbread.Read() lbl1.Text = …

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The End.