13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for na_atheeq

Hi, Before migration: Existing application (running on .Net 1.1) is using custom control developed by inheriting TreeView control of Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls and displays data (country & its city’s) in heirarchical format. After migrating existing application: the same custom control is not displaying data in hierarchical format, only country node is being …

Member Avatar for jabb

Hello, I'm doing a degree in accounting(Bcom in India) . I have final year project work and I think i'll do using vb .net. It should be simple... What do you think I should do? I'll be doing it with my cousins company who are doing cooling solutions for cottons …

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for neetigulati

Is there any limitation for number of Asynchronous threads that we can create using ASP.net with configuration: IIS6.0, win 2003 server, net2.0, webservice, app pools.

Member Avatar for neetigulati
Member Avatar for sajithkahawatta

we are developing a web site which must support multi languages. so we use .resx files. the user must be able to edit the content of the resource file after the deployment. we could not be able to put .resx files in to App_GlobalResources, the .resx files are compiled to …

Member Avatar for skumar.snl

At run time I am getting error requested database does not exist in configuration see at Line 19 string con = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["cn"].ConnectionString; [code]Line 19: Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(con); Line 20: string sqlcmd = "select * from Movies where MovieID<500"; Line 21: DbCommand dbcommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sqlcmd);[/code] In my webconfig i have …

Member Avatar for vasioky
Member Avatar for Ninad16

I am a beginner.Please help me out... What is IIS?How do we run and install IIS?Why is IIS required?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for preethi_ga

Hi Everyone, Im using ASP.NET and SQL Server. I have Insert , delete data working well. but if i update a particular record it just all the records are updated with the same value. for example if i have 3 records with 3 different values, if i display the second …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for -mk-

Hi, I want to create a web application that have messaging feature, thus the message inbox will be similar to typical email inbox where you can tick the checkboxes to select which email to be deleted or moved. Just like the below picture : [url]http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/7720/chkboxrj0.jpg[/url] How do i create the …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for arunasingh

sir I want to know how to make any checkbox value to be checked in the form load event using vb.net

Member Avatar for Aneesh_Argent
Member Avatar for arunasingh

Hello Sir I have a problem in uploading a file in server ,so can u tell me how to upload any file in server.Suppose if i want to upload any resume in my asp page then tell me how to do this

Member Avatar for Aneesh_Argent
Member Avatar for Renukavani

hi all, i search in google, i didt get any solu.so raised ? here.if anybody know plz let me know thnks

Member Avatar for Aneesh_Argent
Member Avatar for arunasingh

Sir I am a developer so i want to know how to upload any file in server using asp.net .please do me a favour for this.

Member Avatar for Aneesh_Argent
Member Avatar for arunasingh

sir I am a developer and i have one problem when i am taking out a print of any report then print report window minimises and i have given the back button on that form due to this that back button query does not fire. so can u sort out …

Member Avatar for Exelio

Hi, I have created a HTML template for sending emails to the clients. I read the values from the database and fills them in the template. Now i want to read the contents of this HTML template. Can anybody suggest me how to do this? Thanks in advance Regards Exelio

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for mcgarry101

Hi, just a quick question from a newbie! I have recently inherited an asp.net website from an ex-colleague and I have a question regarding db connections. I am using vb.net for code behind with an oracle 9 database. The site at the moment, sets up a database connection GDBConn in …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for paslanmaz

I've installed with my tomcat, connected to sql with jsp and did the same thing with asp.net I've checked the speed with for loops as seconds but I've posted to be sure, thanks.

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for knowledgelover

Hi there, I am developing a page (using a button) to upload a file from a server , and I need the file instead of being viewed on the page it self, to be showed as a link only and this link is saved in a data base , then …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for preethi_ga

Can anyone tell me how to Insert,Delete,edit,update records in a DataGrid in ASP.NET? if u give the coding in VB , i can understand properly.

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for rajkishore

hi friends, i am novice programmer of .net technology(asp.net and c#), i want to learn Ajax , can any body please advice me which book is best to learn Ajax, the book should cover most of the topic of Ajax, from basic to advance topics, please help

Member Avatar for rakeshpatil1234

i have a textbox,button and datagrid i want to add textbox value in grid on button click(with out database) and finaly store this grid data in database(mySql) i want to add multiple value from textbox to grid? plz help

Member Avatar for diananizam
Member Avatar for paslanmaz

you can view the error in the following image, please help [TEX]http://www.paslanmazbul.net/hata1.jpg[/TEX]

Member Avatar for paslanmaz
Member Avatar for chirutha12345

hai friends, I am developing a job portal applicaton using sqlserver ,asp .net, c# .net. i completed the uploading the resume file into database.i am getting a problem. while upload a file my client says the file download and while the application it can be opened in the browser.but how …

Member Avatar for yeap7

Hi I have a web site which hosts an activeX (using object tag) . This activeX is actually a user control in a class libraray project . I wrote some code to be executed once the client press the OK buttom of the user control . I need at a …

Member Avatar for laurus2008

Hi All, I need some help understanding HTTP Modules a lot better. At the moment I understand creating the Init and Dispose functions and making the Init function include an event handler. Its only in the Event handler that I am clueless as to the logic of getting something to …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for sierrasoft
Member Avatar for asifjavaid

Hi, I have an application which is currently in VC++.NET 2003. It is using two static libraries, 1. mfc71d.lib 2. wsock32.lib. Now I want to convert this application in VC++.NET 2005. But it contains mfc80d.lib instead of mfc71d.lib. If I change this static library to mfc80d.lib, my application in VC++.NET …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for arshadshaikh

I need to access controls of the main page from an iframe with ASP.Net C#. Is there any way to access it. For example i have a page i.e. index.aspx and there is a label name with Label1. And also i also have used an iframe inside index.aspx. Now i …

Member Avatar for divyasrinivasan

i want to take a button and a text..i give a string in textbox n in button click i want the string to convert to bytearray.... i wrote the code in button click [code=C#] string s="divya"; byte[] bytstr=Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s); [/code] now wat to do next ...where to input n how to …

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Member Avatar for cardi22

Does anyone know if it is possible to save a document to a SQL 2000 database image field from a .NET web form running on Windows 2000 .NET 1.1 framework. I've seen plenty of code on the internet on how to do this in Visual Studio 2005 and .NET 2.0 …

Member Avatar for aijhann_05
Member Avatar for Traicey

Is there any way to hide columns in the datagrid that are data bounded using C# coz I have realized that they are not references as columns maybe cells but then again I dont find visible property for the cells, U only get the text, I tried to use this …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur

The End.