13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for preethi_ga

Hi, Im having some problem with the dataset. Normally i drag the dataset from the toolbar and srop in the webform. and if i try to load its properties with the database. it does'nt work out. like if i right click and click in its properties. i cant set the …

Member Avatar for preethi_ga
Member Avatar for Kusno

Dear all, Does anyone know how to run Dos batch file from ASP.Net. I thought, I could use Shell("C:\Test\JRNE.bat") to run it, but it didn't work. Sheel command works for "net send" and calls some exe files, like calc.exe. Thanks, Kusno.

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for Chaster

I've got some homework to do, but I cannot go through this issue. I want my .aspx page to display my database records, one below another. In order to do this I use a GridView, while the data is stored in an ArrayList. This ArrayList is composed of User objects, …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Spider8990

Hey everyone Could someone please help ,I've been looking around on google for 2 days now..and I have no luck...:-( I have at this moment 2 listboxes ... User selects keywords from the 1st listbox .. "click add" button ,and the selection value goes to 2nd listbox...I also have a …

Member Avatar for planemaniac

Hi, I'm selecting a list of results from a table called 'slots'. In a different table, called bookings, I have 3 important fields, 'booked', day_id, and week_num. Now, what I want to do, using SQL or ASP.NET logic, is get the slots from the table 'slots' where booked is not …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for vasireddy83

Hi, I want to avoid the back arrow navigation.If user click on back arrow button then it should dispaly don't use back arrow button,use left hand side menu for navigation.plaese help me. Tahnks.

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for bharatshivram

hi..i am learning vsiual studio 2008 (asp.net)..i hav created a db in ms access(. there are two columns in it ID (auto generate) and the name(string) .. i set the id to primary key.. i hav created a page that has a details view control with enable inserting set to …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for davidegan

This is my first forum post ever, so I'm not sure exactly how it works. I'm looping through the code below to create a list of links that will open a new window with information about an event. The code below seems to work fine in firefox but displays very …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Hager

Hi everyone, My graduation project is going to be an e-advising system for my university, but i need more information about such systems...if anyone could help with any info or ideas about such system. Waiting 4 replies... Thnxxx Hager

Member Avatar for sniper1983

Hi, I have an old web-application in production which works fine. Now I want to make some changes and loads it into MS web developer express with the newest .NET framework installed. The problem occours when loading the website into the program. It seems that the "My" doesn't support request …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for rajni11

I am having confusion in ExecuteScalar & ExecuteReader If we use ExecuteReader for select with aggregate function, it will not give any error and run successfully so if we can do both queries select with aggregate & select with non aggregate with the help of only one method ExecuteReader so …

Member Avatar for chan_lemo
Member Avatar for fortiz147

please help this simple script doesn't work. it's suppose to display the word failed in the ajaxDiv section of the index.php script when the login fails. index.php [code] <?session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) { header("location:home.php"); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Login</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <script src="ajax.js" …

Member Avatar for SuperPinkster

I am presenting an Adobe Form to a client from within an IFrame. When the client has completed his changes, he will click a "Save and Submit" button on the page that the IFrame resides in. At that point, I need the modified Adobe Form to be saved to a …

Member Avatar for reinaldo.aru

I have a web application deployed in IIS 6.0, in Windows Server 2003. While doing some testing, randomly I get weird reponses like this: -----------------------------7d83a932d0356 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ctl00_PageContentUser_ToolkitScriptManager_HiddenField" ;;AjaxControlToolkit, Version=1.0.10618.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e:es-VE:bc82895f-eb24-48f8-a8ba-a354eb9c74da:e2e86ef9:1df13a87:c4c00916:9ea3f0e2:9e8e87e9:4c9865be:ba594826:c76f1358:69ce9abf:80f47b59:83b0cef6:d7738de7:a6a5a927 -----------------------------7d83a932d0356 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="__EVENTTARGET" -----------------------------7d83a932d0356 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="__EVENTARGUMENT" -----------------------------7d83a932d0356 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="__LASTFOCUS" -----------------------------7d83a932d0356 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ctl00_PageContentUser_treeVwPpl_ExpandState" ecnnneennen -----------------------------7d83a932d0356 …

Member Avatar for compovet

Hello everyone I want to create Textboxes according to the entered number at runtime but with different names because I want to deal with the the data entered in this textboxes [CODE] protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int rows = 0; int cells = 0; int counter =int.Parse(TextBox1.Text); …

Member Avatar for LizR
Member Avatar for Robins Antony

Hi all! How to use crystal report with ASP.net? How to choose database? pls help with an eg. Robins

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for buknoii

hi there! im a newbie on asp.net and would like to ask you guys if you have any idea on how to convert my connectionstring to mssql <script language="vb" runat="server"> Dim myConnection as OleDbConnection Dim strConnectionString as String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & "c:\pubs2000.mdb" any info would be appreciated :)

Member Avatar for IT_Techno

hi i want to aske if there is away to upload / download files to / from sql databse using asp.net with C# i need to do that using using gridview i have view my data inside asp.net gridview i want to download my uploaded file in db when i …

Member Avatar for Traicey

Guys I need a way to create a dropdown menu in ASP web form and VB.Net 2003 any help would be highly appreciated

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

Install iis 7 on your vista os.Open up the iis manager from administrative tools. Right click default web site and choose add new application. Give your application(your site) a name(alias) and point to your physical application folder. open up your web project in visual studio. Right click the web project …

Member Avatar for skiabox
Member Avatar for leemind

Hi All, I have a WCF web service and i also have a desktop application. Now i want these two to communicate between each other. How do I do that? I am completely new, towards this, so please send me a working code if possible or the steps needed to …

Member Avatar for aliasneo86

i have a menu that has product IDs from a data base and I have a price text box that I wana get the price of that product from the data base on the menu change. HOW can i do this ?? plz help me so far this is the …

Member Avatar for Robins Antony
Member Avatar for anish.anick

Hi I am facing an issue regarding ASP.net validators. I have a web page which contains 3 textboxes,one drop down list, one radio button and a button to submit the form.Some times the validators are not fired on submitting the form. I checked the validation group and it is correct. …

Member Avatar for AntonioGK
Member Avatar for stevejhon

Hello I had problem I want to delete row from my datatable through asp:linkbutton. How can I do this. I had the following code, but it adds another row to the table protected void delCart(object s, DataTableNewRowEventArgs e) { dt = (DataTable)Session["Cart"]; dt.Rows[e.Item.ItemIndex].Delete(); //dt.Rows(e.Item.ItemIndex).Delete(); int CartItem = (int)Session["cartItem"]; CartItem = …

Member Avatar for zezo
Member Avatar for nice_true

hello! I would like to know the method of preserving the format of text when entering it into the databse, so that the same format is restored when data is retrieved bak from the database. for example if I write hello world [B]good morning[/B] [COLOR="red"]how are you[/COLOR] all the three …

Member Avatar for zezo
Member Avatar for Enjoy

Hi all, I am using asp.net with vb.net and creating linkbutton dynamically during run time. I need to add a handler for all these buttons. Plz tell me how to add one event handler for all the link buttons. this is the function i am using Protected Sub linkbutton4_Command(ByVal sender …

Member Avatar for zezo
Member Avatar for mailtosridar
Member Avatar for gafooronline

Hi I have created a web page that reads excel file it's working fine in Excel 2003 files, when I am trying to open Excel 2007 it hangs(If I run the page from VS 2005 then it first display 'file conversion Box' and then reading the excel file.if I am …

Member Avatar for creativehacker

Is there any way to disable saveas option in IE browser I found a site where they disabled saveAs in IE [url]www.totaram.com[/url] how did they actually do that can this be done using javascript...or any other mechanism I want saveas to be disabled when users see my site in IE

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The End.