13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for FaridMasood

Hi, I am using the freetextbox control in my page. This is used to design the pages on run time. But problem is that when i write the text first time to save this is working fine and showing the right HTML code, but when i use this box to …

Member Avatar for Jesi523

Hello, I am used to VB.Net, and I recently starting using ASP.Net 2.0 with VB.Net. What I do not understand is how to keep my variables. Everytime the page goes back to the server I lose information. It gets lost. I've looked everywhere and read a lot of information and …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for spr_vivega

hi viewers, is there any way to convert html to asp.net? if so please let me know asap. Do i need to install any software? Am using dotnet framework 2.0 but i want to convert some html format to asp.net format.

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for Mapper99

If I execute this query in VS2008, data is returned OK: SELECT DESCRIPTION FROM AZTECA.REQUEST WHERE (DATETIMEINIT > TO_DATE('09/03/2008', 'MM/DD/YYYY')) AND (DATETIMECLOSED < TO_DATE('09/04/2008', 'MM/DD/YYYY')) If I execute the same query with a parameter: SELECT DESCRIPTION FROM AZTECA.REQUEST WHERE (DATETIMEINIT > TO_DATE('09/03/2008', 'MM/DD/YYYY')) AND (DATETIMECLOSED < TO_DATE(:CLOSEDDATE, 'MM/DD/YYYY')) and enter …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for lucky_asfand

hi... I am working on a project and need to implement a chat room in it. I have done group chat but unable to do private chat.. Can any body help me out?...I need private chat. I am using VS2005(asp.net,vb.net) ...

Member Avatar for puja_suri

Is it possible to have a grid view with column in which the text is displayed in multiple line rather in a single line?i mean i want column to be ofd specific width and if the length of the text exceeds that width den it shuld be displyed in next …

Member Avatar for lucky_asfand
Member Avatar for preethi_ga

Hello , Im having the doubt in dataset. When i click in the dataset and drag it and place it in the webform. one dialog box will be opened. and it asks for "typed" or " Untyped" Dataset?. if i click in typed dataset, "Edit in Data Designer" is disabled. …

Member Avatar for preethi_ga
Member Avatar for da_tikboy

Can anyone point me to some C# examples on how to create conference room reservations through Exchange server 2007? TIA.

Member Avatar for jvcoach23

I would like to place a radiobuttonlist inside of a gridview cell. The gridview is using a iList as it's datasource. In that gridview, in the second column i have a itemtemplate that holds a radiobuttonlist. I need to change the radiobuttonlist to not hold static listitem values and text …

Member Avatar for jvcoach23
Member Avatar for gnane786

Hi all my name is rama kishore I am sending emails in asp.net by using one of my client domain abaoth2.com. Now i want to store the emails what i was sent....please tell me how to do that one please help me....

Member Avatar for n4naeem
Member Avatar for dudegio

hello everyone! Anyone has an idea of reading the content of the text file from the remote computer using ASP.Net VB. I know how to read textfile if it resides in the server but i keep searching on the net on how I can read the data from the textfile …

Member Avatar for n4naeem
Member Avatar for planemaniac

Hi, I have a really quick question. I have Sub Page_Load(...), and in that sub, I set a couple of variables. In a form, further down the page, in the <body> tag, I have a button, set so when I click it, it operates another Sub, Btn_Click(...). How can I …

Member Avatar for n4naeem
Member Avatar for mubin_attar

Hi, While trying to connect MSSql Server 2000 databse through ASP .Net application using c# I got below errror. Please help. Sql Server does not exist or access denied. Mubin

Member Avatar for n4naeem
Member Avatar for sanbal

HI, I am new to Asp.net . i have a login page, with user role like guest, member, admin.I want to control the page access based on their role. How can we do this in asp.net and c#. Thanks.

Member Avatar for sanbal
Member Avatar for ashish banerjee

For a website hosted at the dedicated site, i set the start page as existing at the following level. root/subdir/startpage.aspx. And in the iis in the virtual directory for the website i have set the default page as startpage.aspx. but on typing the name in the U.r.l the page is …

Member Avatar for n4naeem
Member Avatar for bharatshivram

hi i am using visual studio 2008 express edition. i have created a database in sql ( add new item > sql database). the db has 2 fields uname and upwd. have also created a web page in asp.net that has 2 text boxes (textbox1,textbox2) and a command button (cmdbutton1). …

Member Avatar for bharatshivram
Member Avatar for wsee

Hi, I have a aspx page which has no problem to show multiple records from a db table as selected items in list box control ASP.net 2.0. After user change their selection in list box, how can I effectively and correctly post the user selections back to db table? Is …

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for Robins Antony
Member Avatar for Robins Antony
Member Avatar for Dinomike1000

Hello, I made a website using ASP.NET 2.0, and it mainly consists of articles I have written. I would like to add a "comments" section after every article, where guests can leave comments and discussions - this may boost interactivity for my website. Anyway, two things I have tried already …

Member Avatar for Neal_1037

I'm creating a table using a DO WHILE. The INPUT objects are named by an increasing variable. I'm using the GET method on the form and action is calling the same page. Need to set the value of each textbox with Request.QueryString using a variable. The following four lines produce …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for jaden403

I have two datasets that are being returned from two separate stored procedures. I need to be able to merge these two datasets into one so that the resulting dataset can be used to populate a DataList. I tried the typical ds1.Merge(ds2, true), but the result was not correct (as …

Member Avatar for chan_lemo
Member Avatar for Robins Antony

hi frnds, Is it possible to store image url in a database without converting it in to a binary array. I`ve used an upload control to load the image in the form, and stored its path in the database. is it possible to display it in a grid by using …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for wsee

Hi, I need to press two times to save multiple records in different tables. I tried to use tran=con.begintransaction() to roll back transactions in case of error. But I didn't have the luck. So I tried in several sets of Try...catch...finally. After clicking submit button the first time, the page …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for SuperPinkster

If I load a text file as the source of an IFrame, how do I save any client side changes to it back to the server?

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for drinksbreak

Hi Everyone Ive created 2 cascading drop down lists that gets populated using the cascading drop down tool from the asp.net AJAX control toolkit, Their use is that the user will select what country they are from and then the approriate states will be displayed in the following drop down. …

Member Avatar for prasannapower

Hai , Im working with Asp.Net2003...I have fetched the data's in a onedatatable and assigned it to a dropdownlist....but if i select an item in the dropdownlist and give a button click it always inserts only the first data in the dropdown to another datatable.I need the selected value to …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for Robins Antony

Hi all, I`m doing a project in ASP.net How to create a remember me cookie? code follows... pls correct the errors in it? [code=aspnet] protected void cmdlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dt = obj.execquery("SELECT i_userid, u_username, u_password FROM user_tbl"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if …

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for agz86

i have a text box that should only accept alphabets... i know we hav 2 use RegularExpressionValidator but i dunno the format to write the code in.. plz help me out.. thanx in advance..

Member Avatar for ajsa
Member Avatar for Naters_uk

Is it possible to send sms from an asp.net webform? :eek: I have searched multiple sites, but can't really find anything useful..any advices?

Member Avatar for jalpaeol
Member Avatar for Kusno

Dear all, How do I call RPG AS/400 code from ASP.NET ? Now, I just want to run this code below : [CODE] MNUQQ,1 0001 RUNQRY *N TEMPPD 0002 call TEMP 0003 WRKSPLF SELECT(*CURRENT *ALL *ALL TEMP) 0009 s [/CODE] Those code run in AS/400, but I want to run …


The End.