13,153 Topics
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Hi, this is vijay i have a calender control in that i want to add two dropdownlists for year and month based on selection of month and year calender must be changed, and in the year drop down if i select 2002 upto 2002 years only visible in the drop … | |
Hi , I have a Questionnaire form in my application, which i am developing using C# & ASP.NET. The form should have a fixed number of main questions (8) and each main Question has a number of sub questions (say 6). I created a repeater to accomplish this. SOme Main … | |
Hi, Is there some way how to repalce "Enter" character on the end of line (for example in the textBox) with HTML tag </br>, so I can use it then in Literal? Steve | |
Hi All i need Final Project ideas for bs Cs Please help Bye | |
am using a grid view in my application. and putting the data directly from the other text box control. i am not using any database. it keeps on adding the data one after another in next rows if the data changes. now, i want to delete a row from the … | |
hi all, can anyone please tell me how to add images which are in subdirectory of application directory to an image control. i created an subdirectory called [B][U]'images'[/U][/B] in application directoy, and my application directory exists in [B][U]d:\raj\aspcoding\addphotox[/U], [/B]and now i added an image contol to the form , and … | |
i am having dropdownlist in gridview.i am retrieving values from database in dropdownlist.when i select from tht particular item from dropdownlist,i have to identify tht paricular row | |
:) hai can any one help me that how we can display values in a repeater from the database in c# | |
hi please help me out ot on this how can i create attacment so that someone can attach a document when submiting a form | |
Hello there, I have a page. In its left side selection controls and right side one iframe. The user has to select from controls from left side and submit the form. In button click function calling the iframe and loading another .aspx page to display crystal reports The report page … | |
I am working with Silverlight website with released version 2. I have created a website with have some xaml pages, I want to show contents dynamically it might be aspx page or simple html page, contents of which can be loaded on the xaml page at runtime on a button … | |
Hi All I am getting problem in putting text at the cursor location in freetext box which is place in a Place holder and . My code is as follows: [CODE] <select name="ddlPlaceHolders" onchange="FTB_API['ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ftbMailText'].InsertHtml (ddlPlaceHolders.options[ddlPlaceHolders.selectedIndex].text);"> <option value="<!FN>">First Name</option> <option Value="<!LN>">Last Name</option> <option Value="<!EM>">Email</option> </select>[/CODE] the statement [CODE]"FTB_API['ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ftbMailText'].InsertHtml (ddlPlaceHolders.options[ddlPlaceHolders.selectedIndex].text);"[/CODE] is working … | |
hi i have created application that uploaded files (.zip, .doc, ... any type ) to file system and then i have create another code to download the files but i need so have the option to open also the file if i do not need to save it on my … | |
[code=aspnet] private void AddRecordToGrid() { try { datatable dt = new datable(); if (Session["SampleDataTable"] == null) { dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ID", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Qtr", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Exp", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Partner", typeof(string))); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Net", typeof(string))); dr = dt.NewRow(); } else { dt= (DataTable)Session["SampleDataTable"]; } dr = dt.NewRow(); if (dr.IsNull(0)) { //dr = dt.NewRow(); … | |
I have problem with datatypes. When I use the text datatype on SQL Express, I get "The data types text and nvarchar are incompatible in the equal to operator." error. Wwhen I set my variables to "varchar" or "nvarchar", I don't get an error, but my update command does not … | |
Hi, i am trying to find a good final year project to do which is relevant to the modules im studying and course (bsc software development). I've thought of making an Online Backup Application / Manager which would facilitate the storing of files online with various other functions such as: … | |
can someone suggest a good free rich editor for Asp.net cms | |
Hello all, I am trying to do something like this.I have did this before with C# and asp.net but it was long back and currently am not able to recall anything similar. This time i need to make it work with [B]vb.net and ASP.net[/B] I want that only a administrative … | |
| Hi, I have an emergency. Over the past few weeks I have been helping a developer at our company develop a web application for use on the intranet. All I was doing was some basic css to create the look & feel. However, since then the developer has left the … |
Hi All I have following code running on Vista Business under IIS7. It works, but is incredibly slow (about 20+ seconds). I have the same code in Java and it's instant. It appears to be the line "int bytesRec = sender.Receive(bytes);" that is the killer I'm very new to ASP … | |
Hello all , I face a problem these days in converting my application into divs. Datalist is rendered as a table tag. To Avoid that i made RepeatLayout="Flow". It worked fine ( rendered as span) , but it looks to ignore RepeatColumns Attribute; All records have one column. And it … | |
Hello, I am somewhat new to web programming so there may be a simple solution that Im not aware of...I have a masterpage set up with a Header, Footer and side content. I also have the main content div that is set to a max height of 650px. I have … | |
hii, i m developing an application n i am using the list box control. i hv allowed that multiple items can be selected. now what i want when the user selects a particular item , a popup or any control should open that allow user to enter the amont related … | |
[CODE] Response.Write(MoviePayedDate) '11/3/2008 9:32:15 AM Response.Write("<br> -" & Now)'11/3/2008 9:37:31 AM Response.Write("---------------") Response.Write("<br>" & DateDifference)' HOW do i get this? [/CODE] | |
[code] protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string connectionString = "Data Source=localhost\\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=JobApplication; Trusted_Connection=True; Integrated Security=True"; SqlConnection mySqlconn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); mySqlconn.Open(); string query = "INSERT into JobVacancy(JobName, BriefDesc, FullDesc, ClosingDate) VALUES (@jobtitle, @briefdesc, @fulldesc, @closedate)"; SqlCommand mySqlcmd = new SqlCommand(query, mySqlconn); mySqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@jobtitle",jobtitle.Text); mySqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@briefdesc", briefdesc.Text); mySqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fulldesc", fulldesc.Text); mySqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@closedate", closingdate.Text); … | |
hi, i have written some code that lets the user to upload a file to the root directory of the website. I want the file to be renamed automatically before it is being saved, how do i do this?? [CODE] using System.IO string ImagesFolder = “MyImageFolder”; string savePath; string saveFile; … | |
hi i added modal popup handler into my application the popup which enmrges out is a panel and inside the panel i added the label and correspondong to label there is one textbox(txtE1) now the problem i m facing is tht i want to write the method related to the … | |
Hi Everyone! I have the following problem: I'm trying to create a web shop (now just the sample of it), using Visual Web Developer 2008 (Express). I've added an SQL database, and a ButtonColumn, where the button selects the line and add the datas to another database. My only problem … | |
Greetings All, I have a problem with a page that contains a dynamically created table and uses the modalpopupextender control. The page is designed to allow users to interact with internal postings, there are buttons that allow the user to add to the list, edit an existing item and remove … | |
Hi , I am working on an application to fetch and display the image from the video server by using asynchronous HTTPHandler. it is working fine but when 10 clients try to access the URL at the same time "Page cannot be accessed" error occurs. Can anyone help me how … |
The End.