13,153 Topics
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I have a Crystal Report that I am running in ASP.NET, and it has two parameters. When I run the page, the parameters are prompted for, and the report generates fine. But when I try to go to another page of the report, it re-prompts for the parameters, and then … | |
Hi frds, I have a page which contains the reference of another page .. <%@ Reference Page="../example.aspx" %> A listbox is there in the example.aspx. I want to call a javascript function, for eg, listbox1.Attributes.Add("onClick", "alert('hi');") that will be shown in main page. Plz help me to find the solution. | |
Hi Every One.. Im using Master Page in my project in my child page im using update panel while hitting the server button im getting this following error and I also added ValidateRequest="false" , EnableEventValidation="false" in webconfig Pages Tag but im still getting the following error. Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error … | |
Read multiple columns data from SQL query ( 1 row ) Hi all. I am using an SQL express where I’ve designed a table named User_DB_Main I have also created a procedure that makes some selections : [code] @UserId varchar(20), @UserPassword varchar(30) AS /*- Check if UserID exists*/ SELECT COUNT(UID) … | |
Hi Everyone, I have a question in regards to dynamic keyword insertion. When someone is on one of the major search engines and they type in [B]"blue widgets"[/B] how is it possible for you to have the words [B]"blue widgets"[/B] on your landing page without having to type [B]"blue widgets" … | |
Its been a while but I need your help on this one Daniweb...I am creating request forms (i.e. Conference from Reservation Request, Software & Hardware Installation requests, Network Access Request, etc.) Forms using Code 5 System ([url]www.code5systems.com):[/url] 1. I have a form for Conference Room Reservations. There are 6 conference … | |
hi ppl.. Can anyone help me. pls tel me the Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing asp.net 2005 | |
hi all, What namespace I should use for function RegisterStartupService(), to show alert message on button click? Thanks | |
hi ppl can any one help me pls tel me the Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing asp.net 2005 | |
| hey guys, I want to create IBM AFP files with an index. I checked many thing but got nothing. I have XFRendering server 2007 helps me to create PDF files which has also support for AFP files with no documentation... if you got sthng let me know pls.! M |
I am studying in final year BE. I want to know about core bankiing systems as requiremnets and specifications of the project.And also if any one from this community having code for this project or relative to this project please send to my e-mail address [email]suresh_k_n@yahoo.co.in[/email] | |
Hello everyone, Does anyone have experience accessing Java Jar Object with ASP? Please kindly advise. Thank you. | |
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ProcessInfo foo = ProcessModelInfo.GetCurrentProcessInfo(); Response.Write(foo.RequestCount.ToString()); } the code above generates the following error : `Process metrics are available only when the ASP.NET process model is enabled. When running on versions of IIS 6 or newer in worker process isolation mode, this feature is … | |
How will you know whether the input entered by a user in a textbox is alphanumeric, number, or string? I request a user to enter a number in a textbox and I wish to trap those users entering alphanumeric or strings. How can I do this? | |
hi, i want to collect information about my asp.net worker process, so i wrote the code below : Process p = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop in p.GetType().GetProperties()) { Response.Write(prop.Name + "<br>" + prop.GetValue(p, null).ToString()); } when i run the page i get the following error : Process must exit before … | |
hello all, I have to display top 8 images in the image control. For this I need to store all images from 3 different tables, in the Memory table, this table will be stored in the Session. When this work is completed there is need to display top 8 images … | |
I can't find the DLL for my website? I found the aspx pages, but can't find the dll. Please, someone clue me in please. Thank you. | |
Hi, I am trying to create dynamic contents in a web application where I retrieve a list of data from my database.. Let's say from table MembersInfo And in this table it consist of Membername, Member Particulars, Member Address, file location of their photo in the server. i do a … | |
My web hosting company gives me chilisoft asp I need to what chilisoft asp supports ? Dose is support any of 1.1 2.0 3.0 or 3.5.net ? | |
[B]Description: We are accredited dealers on all brand new and used models of television sets & Brand New Phones at very cheap price with complete accessories. We are great in selling to bulks buyers and also individuals buyers, if you are interested in purchasing any one of the products, kindly … | |
Hi , I want to change the bottom alignment of the table according to the data inserted.At first i inserted 10 letters.After that i w'l insert 100 letters. according to that the bottom alignment have to change.. I want the code to get this.. I am new asp.net,please give the … | |
can anybody tell me about the debugging proess of .net appliation? | |
i want to populate data to dropdown 2 after selecting options from dropdown1 plz any one help me ......... plz send code in asp.net ..... plz help | |
please tell me the process of GC?how they find the object is not used recently? | |
I have been using The Beer House web example to develope a project and i wan to add photo gallery inside but i m stuck when i can't get the user login identification from the web login which uses the cookies as the user authentication. I want to personalize the … | |
Iam creating a programme in Visual Web Developer 2005. In that am creating a login pager where the user has to give the username and password to enter. The username and password i have stored in Access Mdb.How to connect to database and check whether the username and password is … | |
Hi All, Im using .NET 2.0.How to import Access to Sql server 2005 using C#.Net Thanks, Karthik. | |
I am new to .Net and this forum. I am using Visual Studio 2005 and Oracle as a DB. I am creating a Web page Using Gridview from the Query [COLOR="Red"][/COLOR] Select Name,Sex,Country from Emp [COLOR="red"][B]Now I want to create a Stored Procedure from the above query in Oracle.[/B][/COLOR]How will … | |
hello everybody, I am working on .net application (asp.net and vb.net and sql server as backend). How can I provide security to my web application ? Please anybody tell me about it? Thank you, |
The End.