13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for uddipto_banerji

:sad: Hi, I have created a login page in ASP.NET through C#,there I have two text boxes and one command button called submit and i have created a database and a table named login in SQL server2000 where I have stored the user name and password.Now I want the user …

Member Avatar for ChimpusDupus

If you haven't guessed by the number of questions I'm asking, I'm in the process of [I]learning[/I] ASP.NET as well as using it to update a website. This problem deals with Validation. Basically, I have two buttons within a table that have the functions of Editing corresponding data in the …

Member Avatar for selimatmaca

I spent my whole day but I could not solve the problem. I dont have much experience in Asp.net. Please help... DropDownList dont send selected value to the Sub DropDown_SelectedIndexChanged The Error Message is:[B]Exception Details: [/B]System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.[B] [/B][B]Source Error:[/B] Line 38: …

Member Avatar for Fenerbahce
Member Avatar for samsundar

hi, iam having 2 listboxes.In one listbox i am populating products from Msacess.Then after clicking any of the product it should populate corresponding schedules in the other listbox.Below is my code Kindly reply me as soon as possible.. [CODE] [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] sql [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]String [/COLOR]con = [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data Source=D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\WebApplication12\WRMdatabase.mdb") sql = …

Member Avatar for Fenerbahce
Member Avatar for Techno_dame

I got a problem , can you help me out. Recently started learning how to program in asp.net using Web Matrix. I downloaded and installed all necccessary software as instructed (i.e. the Web Matrix software, MSDE software and SQL Server 2005 Express software. Strangely, in Web Matrix, when it comes …

Member Avatar for ChimpusDupus

Hi, I've been trying to get this to work for hours to no avail (at least they're paying me :cheesy: ). I have a DropDownList that obtains its values from a database. The DropDownList will not retain it's values when a Postback is done (caused by a submit button being …

Member Avatar for ChimpusDupus
Member Avatar for tigtag

Hey anybody knows where i can get complete tutorials on asp.net from basic to advanced. help me

Member Avatar for bodikon

Heya! First time on DaniWeb - so i hope i don't buggar protocol up! I code in ASP.NET and am pretty new to it, about a couple of years. And am still only getting to grips with the full power of ASP. (I started out in PHP for all of …

Member Avatar for LeProgrammeur
Member Avatar for infinity4ever

hi all now this is something hard and i hope that someone knows how to do it lets say that i have a table in the database named "Test" the table contains this data [B][COLOR=#000000]Question_____________________Type[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=#000000]What is your name? ________________[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Txt[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]How are you?______________________[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Rad[/COLOR] the webform has only a Button named …

Member Avatar for infinity4ever
Member Avatar for aish

I fill dropdown lists values from the database then I wants to hard code first value and last value. I already hard code first value it's like this. cboName.Items.Insert(0,new ListItem("----Select----","0")); how can I hard code last value of the dropdown list, I want to add last value as a ----Other----. …

Member Avatar for ChimpusDupus
Member Avatar for AliAbbas

Hi, I have a folder with some Excel files in it. These files are all in Excel 2.1 version. I need a batch file in ASP.Net to open that folder and to convert all the Excel files into Excel 2003. And I also need to count the number of Excel …

Member Avatar for plazmo
Member Avatar for sirishachalasan

Hello frnds.hope one u will help me to solve this problem. how to create a new user login page in asp.net using vb

Member Avatar for Gowrishankar

Hi,Anyone can tell me the way of encryption using the inbuild function of the ASP.NET in C# code?I want to encrypt the password and store them in a sql db...and encrypt the user input value for password then validate with that one to the encrypted db value..using the inbuild function …

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for lexaTW

Somebody! Please help to start. I didn't work for couple of years and now I found myself lost. It looks like Microsoft changed their subscription packages. What do I need to order or subscribe to get C#.NET, VB.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET ??? Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect Visual Studio .NET Enterprise …

Member Avatar for edu.quest
Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

hi, how can i find out that what number of record(row) my cursor focused on in database? thanks label1.text= active row`s number ????? example : [code] [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] baglanti [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] SqlClient.SqlConnection()[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] command [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] SqlClient.SqlCommand() [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] kisiler [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] SqlClient.SqlDataReader baglanti.ConnectionString = [COLOR=#800000]"data source=instance2000;"[/COLOR] & [COLOR=#800000]"initial catalog=dbf;"[/COLOR] & [COLOR=#800000]"integrated security= SSPI" …

Member Avatar for Fenerbahce
Member Avatar for Adzz

I have to create a number of controls equal to a number entered in a textbox by the user. I created a web user control, which has a radio button list. Then when the user press a Submit button, I want to check the selected values of the controls created …

Member Avatar for Adzz
Member Avatar for nsan

example: [URL="http://www.yourdomain.com/username"]www.yourdomain.com/username[/URL] when you sign up in Social Networking websites like zorpia.com and tagworld.com, they create a homepage for you that you can edit. your username comes after / and no file extension is included like [URL="http://www.zorpia.com/username"]www.zorpia.com/username[/URL] i dont know how they do it any hint?

Member Avatar for Techno_dame

Hi there, I recently started learning how create ASP.NET pages using Web Matrix but when I access the Web Control Toolbar and try and drag and drop controls, the selected control does not display properly. It works for some of the controls but for a lot of others in the …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for nsan

when you register in zorpia.com or tagworld.com, they create a homepage for you like: [URL="http://www.zorpia.com/myname"]www.zorpia.com/myname[/URL] i dont know how it works? does it create a seperate folder? how come no file extension is included? any hint for me to learn how to do that?

Member Avatar for Munoz

I am trying to display a database into textboxes without using Datagrids. How do you give a value to a text box that corresponds with a Sql row. Thanks.

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for jhickman41

Hello, I have developed a site ([URL="http://www.heftysgear.com"]www.heftysgear.com[/URL]) that needs to have a shopping cart added to it. I really do not have alot of experience in this area, but know a little to get the job done. I am having diffculty finding the code, or a affordable program were I …

Member Avatar for web developer

Hi all, I focus now a new problem . I want to make the user upload a complete Folder to the server . Not file by File How can i do it . and also if any one have a control (Browsing directory) instead of HTML file input? Thanks:rolleyes:

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for Tester99

Hi All, When I build a solution, it follows error: fatal error LNK1136: invalid or corrupt file [I]If anybody can provide a key how to fix this, please reply[/I]

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for bodikon

[code] sql = "SELECT * FROM tblcsvdump" set rs = connection.execute(sql) records = rs.Fields.Count dim heading(100) dim pulled(100) dim i dim count dim VAL dim VEL i=0 count = 0 for i=0 to records heading(count) = rs.Fields(count) response.write(heading(count)) header = heading(count) '**** THIS ROW HAS ERROR pulled(count) = Request.Form(header) count=count+1 …

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for infinity4ever

hi... i create a new table with this code Dim SQLCreate As New SqlCommand Dim Conn As New SqlConnection Dim DA As New SqlDataAdapter Dim DS As New Data.DataSet 'Create DB SQLCreate.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE test (ID integer NOT NULL)" SQLCreate.Connection = Conn Conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\RBD.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True" …

Member Avatar for infinity4ever
Member Avatar for adnan1888

i need to use the variables declared in javascript in asp.net saw a thread suggesting hidden textfields but that wud help in request or query strings what if i needed to use the value of a variable declared in javascript by fulfilling some condition into an INSERT COMMAND. the page …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for infinity4ever

hi i want to insert the current date and time in the sql server database... but i dont know how or what is the formulla exactly..i tried several time but all failed... basicly what i want is when someone log in the site with the membership the session("Date") will be …

Member Avatar for infinity4ever
Member Avatar for Itpon

Welcome everybody, I just installed visual studio 2003 in my PC and am facing a problem while trying to open a new asp.net web application project, this is the message that i get.. [IMG]http://www.up4world.com/images/images/adb9b488e1.jpg[/IMG] can anybody helping solving the problem? Thanks

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for grajeshmsc

HI All, i'm having a problem in authenticating the users in my application. Actually my scenario is i'm getting user name using 'httpcontext'. But this working fine in our developement.its not working in our client machine.The logged username is differ from its showing in the application.but for some users its …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for kirankumarreddy

The End.