13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tester99

[COLOR=#000000]Hello![/COLOR] Command line builds: devenv solutionfile.sln /build solutionconfig [ /project projectnameorfile [ /p rojectconfig name ] ] I try to build.........please could somebody tell me what is solutionconfig? Thanks

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for chapamanuel

Hi Guys, Does any of you know how to dynamically add steps to a wizard control. I have been able to display the steps; however, in the next iteration the wizard steps disapear. Also, I had to add a template step for the dynamically added wizard steps controls to be …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for sathiya

Hi, I hav created an application running on ASP.Net using VB. I hav a panel and a button to print the page. I want the page to be printed as what it is exactly looks like on the page. And i want only the panel to be printed and not …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for Munira

Hello all! I have been developing my asp.net application in c#, on my local machine. I have started working with the "reportViewer " and it works fine on my machine, but as soon as i upload it onto our server, which is windows 2000 server, IIS 5.0, it won't work. …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for blacklocist

Hi All, Well once again I go round and round with IIS. I have got it to run with a little tweaking with ASP 1.1v but I can't get it to run with ASP 2.0. Here are the variables: Server Hosted on IIS 6.0 Running Windows 2k3 Server Not a …

Member Avatar for blacklocist
Member Avatar for katli

Hi i have a CipherLab CCD 1000 barcode scanner that i need to use with a windows form, and have no clue as to how to focus the scanned data to the textbox. i have already set the scanner up, but somehow i cannot seem to get the .dll file …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for web_developer

hey all i need ur help i have a database, and a table with report column. in this column, i storing data and i can change the bold, colored and aligned the text using a toolbar,[B] like the toolbar here when u want to put a thread[/B]. all that is …

Member Avatar for web_developer
Member Avatar for crbeckman

I have a form page on the web using a FormView. There are a half dozen fields for the user to fill or select from drop downs. These get populated into the sql database with the standard sqldatasource insert statement. However, I also want to add the current date and …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for sahimel

hello everyone, im new with Asp.net so im seekin some help from all of u.actually im looking for any article or tutorial or some sample code from where i can get the idea how to use Asp.net where my language would be javascript and ajax and my server would be …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for letuscode

Hello All, I am a beginner in asp.net..may be my question seems to be silly to you all, but pls help me out... i have a web application which basically redirects the page to another web application and the url of the first web application has to captured in the …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for gurnoor

i have to design a login form for my project with loginid and password.:sad: [B][U]Problems[/U][/B] 1) i have to store passwords in encrypted form 2) connectivity of asp.net with oracle 8i after cross checking of password and loginid next page should display details account so please help me on this:?: …

Member Avatar for angelicjess

Hi All, May I know how to write the codes to get the correct Username and Password when I Click on "submit" (stored in Access - User_Login.mdb)? Next, how to make the locked the Login Page until I entered the correct Username and Password? Because now even when i type …

Member Avatar for angelicjess
Member Avatar for runaway

hello,i have a nice-looking dhtml menu written by javascript,the javascript code is in a separate .js file,and when i use it in html page,i just insert <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="stmenu.js"></script>in <head></head>tag and it works fine now i want to use this menu in .aspx page ,is it possible ?and how? …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for ramareddy_dotne

I want to retrieve data from controls in the requested page to other page by using [B]request.form(control name)[/B] but this is not working for me.I tried both [B]response.redirect [/B] and also [B]server.transfer [/B] for redirect to new page but it is not working for both the commands.

Member Avatar for nbp
Member Avatar for MeDotCom

Hi everybody, I am new to this board. I have a new client that has a public access point for his business. He wants to ensure each person that uses this access point registers so he can get everyone's contact information to send them out coupons, etc. The way I …

Member Avatar for MeDotCom
Member Avatar for bagi

Hello there all, I need your help..........I have datagrid with its data from SQL server. But i want to update its data to click the ID......That is it........ <a href = "DataUpdate.aspx"> Something here to validate my ID </a> Please help, any idea would be big big help to me......Since …

Member Avatar for campkev
Member Avatar for rajni11

When we talk about MVC architecture…. Why we write connection string code in web.congig file rather we can write it in DataUtility.cs in OpenConnection() method and what is the role of web.confic file?

Member Avatar for sathiya

Hi Everyone, First of all, thanx Mojio for providing me the right code information on connecting sql server database. As I'm a beginner in ASP.NET, using vb as language. I have created few text boxes on the form as an input to the application. I hav managed to insert the …

Member Avatar for sathiya
Member Avatar for mojio

I'm a newbie and I've got some problem with my project. Here's my prob. I have 2 pages. First page I have 2 dropdownlist, months and years, and some radio button. Second page I have checkboxlist and submit button. When i click on radio button in the first page(autopostback), it …

Member Avatar for mojio
Member Avatar for ceug

hello, I've a empty dropDownList. When it is clicked, i want to go to the server and fill it with the appropriate data. My problem is that dropDownList has few events and has no click event. I thought about catching the event as client event and then call the server …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for sravankolla

Hiii all :) I need some help regarding webservices. I'm using the webservice as a mediator between Web application(website) and a Normal Windows Application. i.e for manipulating the data(updating, deleting etc..) I have to upload the data from the windows application to the Webapplication. Plz help regarding this... Thanks to …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for mojio

I've got the dropdownlist that has datatextfield from dataset from database. And i've the problem with my dataset If i have 1 row in dataset. My dropdownlist will have one item too. And i query on event selectedindexchange So if i have only one item in dropdownlist, it doesn't work. …

Member Avatar for mojio
Member Avatar for mosmar

i have a datagrid and one Columns of them is an email and i want to make the mail open like in <mailto > tag in html

Member Avatar for mosmar
Member Avatar for Fenerbahce

hi, sorgu = [COLOR=#0000ff]New[/COLOR] SqlCommand([COLOR=#800000]"SELECT name, surname, age FROM veriler WHERE name=@name"[/COLOR], database) sorgu.Parameters.AddWithValue([COLOR=#800000]"@name"[/COLOR], DropDownList1.Text) name surname and age are rows in one of columns. i cant add them into the DropDownList. DropDownList2.DataSource = kisiler DropDownList2.DataTextField = [COLOR=#800000]"name" [/COLOR]DropDownList2.DataTextField = [COLOR=#800000]"surname"[/COLOR] [COLOR=#800000]DropDownList2.DataTextField = [COLOR=#800000]"age" [/COLOR][/COLOR]DropDownList2.DataBind() this line add only "age". …

Member Avatar for mojio
Member Avatar for sravankolla

Hiii I got a error while working with datatables... The code and Error Are Given below DataSet ds; SqlDataAdapter da; ds=new DataSet(); da=new SqlDataAdapter("Select * from emp",cn); da.Fill(ds,"emp"); DataTable dt; DataRow drr; dt=ds.Tables("emp"); c:\inetpub\wwwroot\CSExs\MoveRec.aspx.cs(109): 'System.Data.DataSet.Tables' denotes a 'property' where a 'method' was expected Please Help me....

Member Avatar for sravankolla
Member Avatar for sravankolla

Hii All :) I am presently working on a project that has A website and All clients are having their own Windows Applications ... I want to manupilate the data in the website and Clients application using a Web Service. So My Web Service Should Get the data From Website(SQL …

Member Avatar for Geek-Master

Visual Studio .NET 2003 comes with version 8 of Crystal Reports. If I were to buy the complete package of Crystal Reports XI can I use the version XI Report Viewer instead of what comes with Visual Studio 2003?

Member Avatar for anju

[COLOR=#0000ff]This is the code i wrote for selecting all check boxes in datagrid bt it doen.t showin any error n also nt running too???????????????? Private[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]Sub[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] CheckBox1_CheckedChanged([/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]ByVal[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] sender [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] System.Object, [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]ByVal[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] e [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] System.EventArgs)[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Dim[/COLOR] i [COLOR=#0000ff]As[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Integer [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]If[/COLOR] CheckBox1.Checked = [COLOR=#0000ff]True[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]Then [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]For[/COLOR] i = 0 [COLOR=#0000ff]To[/COLOR] DataGrid1.Items.Count - …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for web developer

[CENTER][B]Hi all, I am want to know if i can create files and work in streams by javascript . if that is available please send to me the idea and the code if available. Thanx.[/B][/CENTER]

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for sravankolla

[COLOR="Red"] Hi all :) In the login page created in ASP.Net I want the passwords to be encrypted at the time of User Registration .... My aim is that the DBA even don't know the password that had entered by the User.... (It shud be in Encrypted Form while placing …

Member Avatar for tgreer

The End.