13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for GTTravis

Hi Guys, I have a asp.net web form that takes in a local user email address, on page onload i want to query active directory using that email address, and a specific group in active directory. if the user is found in the group i show the remaining controls on …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for aung.kyaw.1428

Hi, I'm devloping a c# application that shows all the usb storage devices' names and dates of past 30 days. I'm done searching the google and hadn't found a clue. Please help me out.

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for coder91

Have a database table with various tasks and each has a time against it that it should take, some tasks have the same time. I now need to display these times in a drop down list but only want to display each time once, how can I do this?

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for AragornofAraton

i am a newbie to C# and ASP.Net programming, i have created a database which has 6 tables connected to each other by foreign keys. my problem is how do i insert data into all the tables at once considering the foreign keys they have. i just need a sample …

Member Avatar for annaharris
Member Avatar for Diogo Martinho

Hello, I'm currently developing an application that will have to support Globalization, meaning that it will have to support different languages. I've been doing some research since this all new to me and I want to take the best approach, and for now all I've been doing is following some …

Member Avatar for annaharris
Member Avatar for khizer03

Hi every body as i am very new to this technology and hardly know few things but my organisation gave me a sample application which is build in Asp/net mvc3 and along with it C#.. i need to do some slight modification and want to change a databasefrom from MS …

Member Avatar for annaharris
Member Avatar for imm123

Dear, I have a problem..... i am new in this field and making a Dashboard My question is that how i get selected Gridviews from list box and display in new Page

Member Avatar for annaharris
Member Avatar for kumar89hitesh

how to set the text with image in asp.net? I mean how to set start three or four lines with the left/right side of image and next lines onwards? Please give me the code. i need it immediately.

Member Avatar for annaharris
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I am currently working on a big webpage project. I basicly need to create webpage that one can create your account with. I have the HTML part covered. I need to make a script in the client side of the webpage so that it will send the information e.g. First …

Member Avatar for MasterHacker110
Member Avatar for ZeroZen

Hey Folks I've created a template and storyboard that applies to all buttons in my application. When you click the button, it drops to the right and down a bit, then snaps back up. The problem is, when I handle the click in code, it executes before (or during?) the …

Member Avatar for ZeroZen
Member Avatar for gbhs

Hi To All, I am a newbie. I have 4 computers that I want to connect together as a LAN. I have a switch and ready cables. One of the computers C1 will have a sqldatabase to be accessed by the other computers C2,C3 and C4. 1. How do I …

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Member Avatar for simon.evans.7739

Hi everyone I'm having a very annoying problem that I can't seem to find an answer to. I have a rather simple web app that basically retrieves some data from a database. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Pro. I've developed the app and deployed it to my web server and …

Member Avatar for annaharris
Member Avatar for jeansantos
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Member Avatar for singularity~

I have jQuery, jQuery Mobile and jQuery-UI included in my MVC4 project. I am having a problem where the jQuery-UI script only loads if the page is refreshed, otherwise the jQuery-UI will not load initially. I have tried moving the include script to the bottom of the page instead of …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for menukadevinda

[Click Here](http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/razor/grid/hierarchyajax) Hi, I have a problem , can anybody explain what this code really mean... .ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowDataBound("orders_onRowDataBound")) .DetailView(ordersDetailView => ordersDetailView.ClientTemplate( Html.Telerik().Grid<OrderDetailsViewModel>() .Name("OrderDetails_<#= OrderID #>") .Columns(columns => { columns.Bound(od => od.ProductName).Width(233); columns.Bound(od => od.Quantity).Width(200); columns.Bound(od => od.UnitPrice).Width(200); columns.Bound(od => od.Discount); }) .DataBinding(dataBinding => dataBinding.Ajax() .Select("_OrderDetailsForOrderHierarchyAjax", "Grid", new { orderID …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I receive this error message. Can anyone help me solve this error. [IIS error](http://www.rustoleum-indonesia.com/IIS%20error.png) Thanks.

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for Z33shan

i have GridView, populated with images of 6 fruits (from drawable-hdpi). like this: ![de4e62f8db2c5d5afe016e20eda3d9d6](/attachments/large/3/de4e62f8db2c5d5afe016e20eda3d9d6.png "de4e62f8db2c5d5afe016e20eda3d9d6") now on selection, how can i come to know, what fruit the user has selected? since i'm populating my images from drawables-hdpi, so wot would be the identifier, and how to identify selection through it? …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for ryan311

I have this jquery code <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { var counter = 2; $("#addButton").click(function () { var newTextBoxDiv = $(document.createElement('div')) .attr("id", 'TextBoxDiv' + counter); newTextBoxDiv.after().html('<input class="required" data-val="true" data-val-regex="Provide a valid date." data-val-regex-pattern="^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{2}$" name="Date[' + counter + ']" id="Date[' + counter + ']" value="Date[' + counter + ']" style="width:165px" type="text" …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for nice_true

Hello everyone! I would like to know if there is a way to pass the Id value for an image in gridview through Session to an ashx file.... Here is my vb code in Gridview1_Rowdatabound event if e.row.rowtype=datacontrolrowtype.datarow then dim image as system.image.web.ui.webcontrols.image=ctype(e.row.findcontrol("imgphoto"),system.image.web.ui.webcontrols.image) session("passid")=val(databinder.eval(e.row.dataitem, "id")) image.imageurl="showimage.ashx" And here is my …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for elopez2389

I am not sure if this issue is a permissions or code problem. Whenever I run my script I get the following error. Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c' Path not found /build-your-own-report/stjreport/includes/includes.inc, line 16 **Line 16 in my includes file is getting the url path to the temp folder. The …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for pankajmahor663

Hi, so far i have created a program that has a checkbox option 'dont show this again'. When i check the option, the window not displayed again all goes well here. But the problem is when i have uninstalled the application and reinstall it again, the checkbox option window is …

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Member Avatar for NidhiSree

According to MSDN: Control.Disposing Property Gets a value indicating whether the base Control class is in the process of disposing. But when I checked, Disposing property of the control is always false (inside the Dispose() method itself). When will this Disposing property become true?

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Member Avatar for coder91

We use object data sources to access our database and having a problem at the minute, the user enters text and clicks search and the stored proc is pulling so much data back from the database that its taking over a minute in SQL, in Visual Studio the timeout is …

Member Avatar for coder91
Member Avatar for ryan311

I always getting this error in my dropdownlistfor: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: items View code: @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SiteId, new SelectList(ViewBag.ListSiteClass, "SiteId", "SiteName"), "", new { @onchange = "GetSiteid(this.value);" }) Controller Code: [HttpPost] public ActionResult Create(ServiceDTO ms, FormCollection form) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { int sid = ms.SiteId; ServiceDAO.Insert(sid); } …

Member Avatar for ryan311
Member Avatar for emilio

hi i have a simple website that includes a WebService and a Webform page. i'm trying to call my web service from the web form using jquery. when i type the web service's url using https, i get "Access denied" error from internet explorer. the call works just fine when …

Member Avatar for emilio
Member Avatar for blivori

Hi, Can anyone tell me why datareader is no reading user_id from this code? I debugged and the user_id_select remains 0 and I am getting no errors. Protected Sub btnAddUser_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddUser.Click Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=BRIAN-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=master_db;Integrated Security=True") Dim searchComm As String = …

Member Avatar for Dili1234
Member Avatar for hirenpatel53

hi all i am creating web site accidently i am facing one bug like i didn see pagging on grid after doing same thing on another form it works perfect Please look into my pronlem i am posting my Code here Please Help ASAP Thanks In advance This is my …

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Member Avatar for DaveD3

Hello, I am a C# desktop app developer who is trying to do an asp web page. The app takes input from the user then does a search of files that reside on the server. I can run it from the development environment and everything works fine. I can not …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for abzy1991

So, I have created a website application using Visual Studio 2010, C#. I have to create a test plan document. I am not understanding the unit testing. I understand i have to perform a white box testing. White box testing will test the flow of input and output of the …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for erum

hello to every body i m using NHunspell ..and started line of code on page load and its giving me an error AFF File not found: E:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\Dictionaries\en_GB.aff Hunspell b = new Hunspell(@"Dictionaries/en_GB.aff", @"Dictionaries/en_GB.dic");

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The End.