13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for denmarkstan

Hello people, i need your help here;I want to use this code on asp.net application that has seperate files "Contactus.aspx and Contactus.aspx.cs" please how do i arrange these codes. [CODE]<%@ Import Namespace="System.Net" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Net.Mail" %> <script language="C#" runat="server"> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //create the mail …

Member Avatar for ckchaudhary
Member Avatar for artemisxx

I'm working on highlighting repeater row. And then when i click on another row, the previous row becomes unhighlighted. So it's working, but only for a split second. Once the modalpopup appears, the highlight is gone. By the way, i have a linkbutton in every row that makes the modalpopup …

Member Avatar for tanha

I developed a web application system using ASP.NET VB code with SQL Server Database. Now I need to deploy them on a real server. I never used windows host and therefore, need and look for your valuable comments and feedback for the followings: [LIST] [*]Which host is better? [*]What kind …

Member Avatar for mani508

my project is web discussion forum. profile management is one module of my project . i want to find user location using google map how it possible..?

Member Avatar for mani508
Member Avatar for mmazeemahmad

Hi i am making a stored procedure with multiple select statements when i execute them than different resultset are maken for each select statement all i need is to get one resultset from all select statements of sql quries in the stored procedure......HERE is the SP code..[CODE]SET NOCOUNT ON; Select …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Bchandaria

i want to store and manage the state data in a cache object so that the other request to the same page can retrieve the data or list from the cache itself of client machine without accessing or using the webserver

Member Avatar for chandnigandhi

how to place controls next to next for images in a steps?like 1 main image consisting of different sub images.

Member Avatar for Bchandaria
Member Avatar for CRuveiro

Where can I find a free software to display error message using a callout similar to the Ajax ValidatorCallout.

Member Avatar for CRuveiro
Member Avatar for nickg21

Hey everyone, I know that there are hundreds of articles online about this same error, but I have been going at this for almost 2 days and it's time I just started a thread of my own. In my application, I have a textbox that has a CalendarExtender hooked up …

Member Avatar for mikev2
Member Avatar for pritesh2010

hi everyone, In my project i'm working on Fileupload control.when i browse a file with IE7 it gives me a full path path of file but when i'm trying in Firefox and Chrome it does not give me a file path. some says save it to your server or a …

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for Christos 696

Hi everyone, i am new in this Forum. I am from Greece so I'm sorry for my bad English. I must create an "e-shop" website with [B]Microsoft visual web developer 2010[/B] and [B]sql server 2008[/B]. I have done the database with sql, and the next step is make the website. …

Member Avatar for Christos 696
Member Avatar for pepyrs

Hey guys I know it had been discussed so much but I still don't get it working. What I need is to filter a gridview by a few dropdown lists and the main idea is to "continue" filtering the gridview. I mean, when I select value from ddl1, then the …

Member Avatar for robea
Member Avatar for Tissing

Today, I am going to take a break off from other software and take a review on one of the .NET component; I would call it [URL="http://www.e-iceblue.com/Introduce/excel-for-net-introduce.html"]Spire.xls[/URL]. The product title says it all, the main purpose of having this software is to enable developers/programmers to fast generate, read, write and …

Member Avatar for deceivingrakesh

Hi , guys i need help in converting WORD documents to PDF using a reference com object , i dont want to automate MS word on server , there's "itextsharp" but i dono how to convert files using that , 1 great reference lib is from subsystems , but it …

Member Avatar for AffineMesh
Member Avatar for surajrai

Hi, I am trying to put a dll to GAC. The assembly is signed. 1.I tried draging and droping (nothing happens) 2. I tried command gacutil /i abc.dll, from visual studio command prompt. It says Assembly successfully added to the cache but when I open windows\Assembly folder, I cant see …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for UFO Disko

I keep getting this error [CODE]Parser Error Message: Encountered end tag "nav" with no matching start tag. Are your start/end tags properly balanced? Source Error: Line 110: </li> Line 111: </ul> Line 112: </nav> Line 113: } Line 114: </div>[/CODE] My code is fairly simple (using Webmatrix with Razor) [CODE]@if …

Member Avatar for mikev2
Member Avatar for naheedkassam

hi, I have a table in sql where rights are assigned to a group of users. I have been able to read and display the data correctly into a gridview with checkboxes bound to some of the columns. The code for that is given below. [CODE] <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" …

Member Avatar for gspeedtech

I have a ASP.Net 2.0 web app in VB. I need to copy all relavant data for the current customer shown on the page from a menu action item. Then when the action has completed the copy methods, with a new Unique reference ID, I need to reload the same …

Member Avatar for ckchaudhary
Member Avatar for pulak2008

hi i am using asp.net with c# i get this problem when i try to enter date grater than 12 "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime." i am using sql server 2005. In the table field is in datetime format.In the procedure its is also taking as datetime.and …

Member Avatar for omar isaid
Member Avatar for geethuj
Member Avatar for omar isaid
Member Avatar for emreozpalamutcu

Here is list of things I want to do: Display context menu strip only when mouse is over the item and right clicked on it, the code I have for that is this: [code]private void contextMenuStrip1_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count == 0) e.Cancel = true; } private void …

Member Avatar for kubi081

Hi, I was wondering if you could help me with the problem of Request.PathInfo! The only difference between the two pages I will refer below is Request.PathInfo I want to make clear urls, instead of id based urls. If you want you can check the urls below: Here it is …

Member Avatar for dvlpr30062

I am creating a web page with dynamic controls and want to add events to the controls. Specifically, I have labels and checkboxes on my web page and want to add an event to review the status of the checkboxes. In the event, I want to check to see if …

Member Avatar for mitultechs
Member Avatar for bilal_fazlani

[ICODE]listbx.Items.Add(New _ ListItem(BorderStyle.None.ToString(), BorderStyle.None)) listbx.Items.Add(New _ ListItem(BorderStyle.Double.ToString(), BorderStyle.Double)) listbx.Items.Add(New _ ListItem(BorderStyle.Solid.ToString(), BorderStyle.Solid))[/ICODE] can anyone please tell me how to do this in asp code.. in vb.net it adds the borderstyle as value... when i try that in asp.net it just adds string value. [ICODE]<asp:ListItem Text=Solid Value=Solid></asp:ListItem>[/ICODE] do I have to …

Member Avatar for naveedqadri

Dear Experts, Thanks for your time. I have to creat a dynamic table through asp.net in database. On page there is a table Row with text and column with text. There is button Edit above the table: User press + to add a row or colum Column and row is …

Member Avatar for naveedqadri
Member Avatar for samaustin

Hi Friends, can anyone provide me java script for asp.net calender control using regular expressions for mmm-dd-yyyy format. it must check whether the year is leap year or not and for month it should check whether it has 28or30or31 days and it should also check (jan-00-000 ) month year should …

Member Avatar for samaustin

Hi all, I am fresher in asp.net. I have entered values in text box. when i clik OK button, values of text box should be displayed in Grid View.after that if i click on save button the values in grid view should store in sql server(backend),also insert, update ,delete operations …

Member Avatar for naheedkassam

I have a table in sql that holds the rights and values (True/false) for different groups for an application. Using sqldataconnection I have been able to get that data into a radgrid, but all the check boxes have been disabled. How do I enable them so that a user can …

Member Avatar for krunalk

Hi All, I have to redirect page to no-page-found.aspx in case there is no such page is existing in website. i have implemented it. it works on local successfully but it is not working on live site. if i write .aspx at the end then it is redirecting. ex. i …

Member Avatar for rotemorb

Hello Guys. my problem is this: I want to use this Jquery: [CODE] <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server"> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js" type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#tblGames tr:even").addClass("alt"); $("#tblGames div:odd").addClass("alt"); }); </script> [/CODE] in order to alternate coloring a table (zebra style) this is the table definition: [CODE] <table id="tblGames" runat="server" border="1" style="border-style: …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.