4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for sam1

am trying to write an application in c# to lock or freeze all programs until someone enters a value in the app's textbox and clicks 'ok'. The purpose of the app would be to get people to enter their time(by force :) ). As far as I know you can …

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Member Avatar for ryanwebber

Hi I require assistance on how to show browsing First, Next Previous and Last in C#. I need to split a text file with numerous records to show this information and I am struggling. If i could get a helping hand it would b much appreciated. Thanks Ryan

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for PoovenM

Hey guys, I was wondering: suppose I created a standard console application and but I now want to make the program (well the code behind the program) into a dll file or some other reference object that can be added to other projects - how would this be done? I'm …

Member Avatar for gregs88
Member Avatar for anaisthitos2

Is there a way to call a visiblox chart that created with c# code in wpf? Let's say that i have created a chart like : [CODE]private Chart CreateNewChart(int num_chart, string chartName) { Chart newChart = new Chart(); newChart.Name = "Chart_"+num_chart; newChart.Title = chartName; newChart.Width = 600; newChart.Height = 120; …

Member Avatar for almuy

Hi, I created an application in C# winforms. Sometimes disabled textboxes in my application loose their value (i.e. they become empty valued). Has anyone evre encountered that same problem and has a solution to resolve it ? Thanks in advance for you advice, Alex.M

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Member Avatar for man7tomani

how i can load all custom fiel and add to combobox ? and how i can set tag to send new post ? xmlrpc - c#

Member Avatar for man7tomani
Member Avatar for ablitz

Im trying to to write a program in C# and I'm stuck. The program suppose to create a post on wordpress via xmlrpc. I can create the post successfully but I have problems creating custom fields for the post. So when I open created post, custom fields are never there. …

Member Avatar for man7tomani
Member Avatar for solomon_13000

I attempted to invoke a C# method using jQuery but it failed. The reason is because the method cannot be found. However the method exist in the class. Did I miss something? Your help is kindly appreciated. Thank You

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Member Avatar for shivaloca

Hi, I'm trying to translate a class to c# from vb6 (see C# code below). It fails to Build in Visual Studio, giving me "class used as type" error to relation to m_Dept. This assignment worked in VB6 and in VB.net but I want to rewrite the class in C#. …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for badllama

Howdy. I'm just starting to learn .NET & C# and picked a simple project to start. I'm using VS 2008, created a Windows Form that opens an XML file, puts the data into a BindingList and shoots that out to a DataGridView. I created an "add data" button that opens …

Member Avatar for Andy90

There is DateDiff() function in VB.NET but which function is equivalent to it in c#? I m facing problem in converting this vb.net code to c# [CODE] Private LastPointWhenClicked As Point Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick If LastPoint = Cursor.Position AndAlso LastPointWhenClicked <> …

Member Avatar for Andy90
Member Avatar for Griff0527

I am working on a project of converting VB code to C# code and I am lost as to how to read data from a prompt in C#. Here is the snippet I am concerned with fixing, but below I will post the entire code. [CODE] private void Button1_Click(System.Object sender, …

Member Avatar for Griff0527
Member Avatar for IceyRed

Hello everyone, I'm trying to get some text via a C# console app from a web page. The text I'm trying to get is the current players from our Battlefield 3 server we are renting. The url is: [url]http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/bcc85e8a-c2fd-41a4-98f4-21548297a9b1/[/url] Obvious, the text I need is this: [url]http://prntscr.com/4qbiz[/url] I have some …

Member Avatar for IceyRed
Member Avatar for narmnarmafzar

some times when you use Application.Exit() your application will not close. but i founded the problem. you should change the [COLOR="Green"]formborderstyle[/COLOR] attribute in your form propertis window.

Member Avatar for jnmisa
Member Avatar for kamilacbe

Hi , Am developing a Windows application in which one module has to send a report to customers a mail.. the Question is I use net.mail namespace in c# and here comes the code . [CODE] try { SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(); smtp.Credentials = …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22

Hello, i want to create something like this (watch after 30 sec, - character creation) [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u9hmTMP3as[/url] is that possible in C#? can i use 3D Models in C#?

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Member Avatar for Charles.m

Hello, I am getting the contents on my website from database using SQL Stored Procedure (C#). Now, I want to change the output look with XML / XSLT. How can I do this? Something like this http://forums.asp.net/t/1230093.aspx/1 but am not sure how to go about it, am new to C# …

Member Avatar for Charles.m
Member Avatar for surakesh

[CODE]using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; namespace program { private void cmdOpen_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { FileSystem.FileOpen(1, inputfile, OpenMode.Input, (OpenAccess)(-1), (OpenShare)(-1), -1); // 1 : excel file Excel.Application MyXl; MyXl = new Excel.ApplicationClass(); MyXl.Visible = true; Excel.Workbook xlWorkbook = MyXl.Workbooks.Open(inputfile, 0, false, 5, "", "", false, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true, false, 0, true, …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I got a standalone application where I update 3 db at one time. One on local db, one is central db and one more is the its exact copy of local db in the central server. So I have been using the normal begin and commit when there …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for galhajaj

Hello :) i intend to make a game in c# that will contain information of 10,000 people i dont familiar with db yet but i guess from a little reading that the best way is to use ADO.NET sql library... the game is not on the internet, it will be …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for eoop.org

hey, I have created two forms. in one form there is a panel, which is Form1: [CODE]Panel1.visibel = false;[/CODE] Form2: When the [CODE]WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized[/CODE] then the panel1 in form1 needs to be visible, but how to do that ? :S Waleed Ahmed

Member Avatar for vadriaan
Member Avatar for trubilo

Hello, there. I'm using Visual C#, creating a small game currently. After Graphics g = CreateGraphics(); g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.White, 1), new Point(x, y), new Point(x, y); How do i delete that line?

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Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey AFAIK, you have to pay for Mono for Android so you cant write C# applications that run on Android. Is there any alternative?

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Member Avatar for WDrago

All, How do you specify a target framework version for the csc.exe c# compiler via command-line? I need to force csc.exe to compile for .NET Framework 2.0. I can target .NET 2.0 from VS, but VS is not an option in this case. I must work from the command line. …

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Member Avatar for bhagyap

Hi.. I am populating a treeview in form1 based on the checkeditems in checkedlistbox which is in form2 but am unable to list the subfolders and files of the checked folder.. Can anyone please help me???? Thanks..

Member Avatar for bhagyap
Member Avatar for SheepGotoHeaven

I'm having issues with generating tokens for the game of nim. Currently all im trying to do is get the generation of the tokens down in the canvas. I recently figured out that you can not add an object of the same name to a children collection if that object …

Member Avatar for SheepGotoHeaven
Member Avatar for farshadak2004

Hi My project is building a dictionary and I have done everything for it. Just I want to add a feature to my dictionary which is able the user to leave the cursor on the word which he/she want to find the meaning. after that the meaning appear in a …

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for bhagyap

Hi.. I am populating treeview using XML and then trying to access the nodes of treeview into webbrowser to view the files using the following code.. Can anyone please guide me with this?? [CODE] private void treeView1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { webBrowser1.Navigate(treeView1.SelectedNode.Text); } [/CODE] The following is the function to …

Member Avatar for bhagyap
Member Avatar for C# HELP

need major help on a address book in c# using strings that does the 5 stages below preferably code help required. 1 Add Entry 2 Delete Entry 3 Print Book to Screen 4 Edit a Record 5 Search for a record using either Surname, Firstname or Road Name

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Rass Saee

[CODE]using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; class BaseClass { public virtual void method() { Console.WriteLine("BaseClass method"); } } class SubClass : BaseClass { public override void method() { Console.WriteLine("SubClass method"); } public void someMethod() { Console.WriteLine(); } static void Main(string[] args) { BaseClass var = new SubClass(); var.method(); var.someMethod(); } …

Member Avatar for arunkumars

The End.