4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for Coool Pinky

hi frindz, o m new ti ur forum plz help me, i m trying to do my Library project in C#,but i m new to this language i need login code so that i can start my project by first completing login page.can somebody help me :confused:

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for kunal_ktr

hi, in c/c++ we have a function system() that lets us to call any external application from the c/c++ program. i wanted to knw that do we hve any similar function/method in C#?

Member Avatar for tayspen
Member Avatar for Longnt

I have a table with an amount field and I want creat a report with 3 columns -Column 1 counts records with amount <=60 -Column 2 counts records with amount >60 and <=100 -Column 3 counts records with amount >100 and I don't know how to do, Somebody can help …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

I just got a VC .NET 2003 compiler and want to learn C# programming. What books would you recommend? I've been reading the book reviews on amazon.com and there appears to be a lot of good books -- or so the readers claim. I'm not at all interested in "C# …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek
Member Avatar for danny_tekle

Hi everybody i spent the last few months playing with .NET(c#). i'm considering to do a project work using c#(.net) just for my own experience. so can any one help me to pick an interesting topic to work with. Thanks

Member Avatar for c#dummie
Member Avatar for HardTech

This uses Inheritance Im am doing inheritance on the console line, and well all is semi ok. But what im confused on is how do this in a windows design. I am trying to complete something, but I dont even know where to start. I was hoping someone could help …

Member Avatar for HardTech
Member Avatar for c#dummie

hi.. im new to c#.. got to do a project to display data (that was downloaded from another PC to my PC) on bar graphs like those u can find in [url]www.advsofteng.com/gallery_bar2.html[/url] > graph titled 'Product Revenue For Last 3 Years'.. i nid the codes to produce such a graph …

Member Avatar for tayspen

i got a .av file to play but how do i sop it how would i do that. also what code would i use to open a .wav file from in the proggie

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for BeeNarak

Hi Anyone, I've made a web application, and now I want my web login by username and password as below but it's have got error('Login.WebForm1.DBConnection(string, string)': not all code paths return a value) anyone who can help me? [code] private bool DBConnection(string strUserName, string strPassword) { string LoginSQL; OleDbConnection MyConn …

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for drp

Hi, I've made a web application, and now I want to be able to distribute it with a copy of MSDE SP4. MSDE has to be installed via command line, and the web application takes a certain database setup. I've got all the scripts and commands ready to install the …

Member Avatar for drp
Member Avatar for CSharp-DG

Hi Guys... I'm a new memeber and need your help in coding C# Game. I've started coding in C# couple months ago and i have a project to submit next Wed (01/06/2005). I've been trying to working on the project for the last few days....but i couldnt code the project. …

Member Avatar for Gargen
Member Avatar for papouAlain

My software (C# Winform) need to connect to a website to download a file. The file is sought on the website with the login and password, then given to the client to download. If I try with the browser, the website gimme a page with the password and the login …

Member Avatar for DotNetUser

I'm new to Visual Studio .NET. I thought C#.NET replaces VC++ 6.0 until I saw that C++.NET was still around. So, what's the difference between the two? I want to create a GUI that uses some C++ header/source files and a C++ socket library. Which would I use? I have …

Member Avatar for darklordsatan
Member Avatar for silkfire

Hi, I'd like to have tabs in my console app, but instead of using \t, I'd like to use an equivalent of the C++ setw() method in C#. Any ideas of what I might use? And another thing, in C++, you would declare more than one array with indexes like …

Member Avatar for r0ckbaer
Member Avatar for Paul.Esson

What kinda appoch would people here take for tacking a gui on an already existant console program.

Member Avatar for Paul.Esson
Member Avatar for populate

Hi Guys, After devloping couple of years and months........many projects in .NET framework.....using C# , VB.NET, and ASP.NET.........My personal vote goes to C#. No doubt I love to code in this languages. And I know many of you like so... So then whether VB.NET Programmer getting downward.....I can't say so,, …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Hello, Can anybody tell me how to be able to open up internet explorer, and then go to a website using a URL and then controlling the website (not control like hack, but like being able to press the enter button or adding something to a textbox). I was trying …

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen
Member Avatar for Joe Diamond

Hi, I'm working in C# Windows Forms, with an MDI system. My documents contain several different objects. I want those objects to be shown as dragable windows *inside* the document (MDI client) window, and to be part of that window (ie scroll with it, affect the scroll bars, etc). I've …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek
Member Avatar for Brent_Ritterbec

I am working through the book Visual C#.NET Step by Step, and I came to the section of the book where the author shows how to create comments on your code with XML. ///<summary> ///The obligatory Hello World in C# ///</summary> ///<remarks> ///This program writes out Hello World ///using the …

Member Avatar for casmith
Member Avatar for tgreer

Since nobody answered the thread on Binary File IO, I took a different approach. Now I'm having another problem. As I process a very large (>2GB) binary file, I store the byte position at certain points. Then, I reposition the file as needed. I store the byte positions in a …

Member Avatar for alpha_foobar
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

I want to check someone's ip address when they come onto my website, is there a way that I can do that using c# and asp.net?

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Hello, I want to know how to use xml and c#. Can someone give me and example of how to do this or link me to a good tutorial. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen
Member Avatar for gicio
Member Avatar for sham

Hello , I am new to C# and want quick info to start. I know C, VB , JAVA. I am not sure where to start. Also does C# has any changes in .net2002 or .net 2003. Regards [Sham]

Member Avatar for nicentral
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Can anyone explained to me how to use asp.net with c# for web applications or direct me to a good tutorial on it?

Member Avatar for Paladine
Member Avatar for crypter

Would it possible to have a form when you start a program that asks a username and password. Then the information sent to a server analised and compared to a database for approval to then show another form which then lets you use the program? so basically you start xyz.exe …

Member Avatar for crypter
Member Avatar for Ghost

Hi everyone! I was wondering if anybody knew how to compare to strings in C#. I know in java you use CompareTo, but how and what do you use in C#? Thanks, C++ :mrgreen:

Member Avatar for Iron_Cross
Member Avatar for Dani

This might sound silly. But I'm working on a C# assignment for school right now, and I can't get a simple if-else statement to work. Isn't the syntax the same as in C++ or Java? I want to do one thing if a boolean variable is true, something else if …

Member Avatar for guitarded
Member Avatar for C#_Virgin

Hi, I'm new to this site so quite unfamiliar with how things work.... I have recently begun learning about C# and the .Net framework. As a java programmer, I found C# a good basis to start on. I wanted to change a lot of my existing code from Java to …

Member Avatar for Decency

The End.