4,589 Topics
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Hi all, I am looking for a sample code that show how to change Microsoft Windows console font. I found a way to add more fonts to console but I could not find how to select this font from the code. ![]() | |
Dear all, im new to this forum.can u pls help me to do this one. i am reading a particular pdf file and searching for a particular word and how time it occured means number of occurences in that file.. pls assist me to do this one Thanx in advance.. … | |
HELP! I am trying to write a database app with three tables. I have figured out how to connect to my database with oledbconnect. From there I am confused as to how to get a select command to work. I have found plenty of info on selecting data from one … | |
Hello evrybody, I wanted some help regarding windows form in C# .. I have a label control where i need to put a linkbutton control inside the label control dynamically ,I am able to place a link button but not at the required position inside the label control.. I hav … | |
[COLOR=#000000]I want to update the current user to UserName field in my database from a login control which identifies the current user as <% = CheckLoginStatus1.CurrentUser.UserName%>.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I have a datagrid with the update function. It is able to pick the current user, but the database UserName field does not get … | |
Hello all, I'm trying for hours to compile a visual c#.net project. I have a Visual C# .NET Project with 3 Forms. How can I build from this project .exe File which I be able to send for everyone? Please help me ! (Note: Please don't tell me "Use Csc.exe", … | |
howdy all, im just looking for some good websites that list all of the controls in C# that list the various ways of interacting with a MySQL database through C# through a website. While i normally use PHP for this type of thing i would like to expand my horizons. … | |
I have written a program in c# for quick sort using multithreading. but the code has a problem. the array is not sorted properly. i think it is because the parent thread terminates soon before the child threads sort the array. i am attaching the code herewith. kindly help me.any … | |
I have a Class (base) that takes a TYPE in the constructor and loads the appropriate image into memory - this class is used to fill the level map of my game - so I create like 50 of the objects, 20 walls, 10 bricks, , 20 floors, etc... and … | |
Hi! I'm a beginner C# programmer, and our instructor has asked me to create a verification system for our web site so that a person has to complete a puzzle before they can fill out a form to submit comments on the site, etc. What he wants us to do … | |
Dear Forum: What is a better program for web development- C# or VB 2005? Thanks | |
i want to write an application in c# that check that either MSDE installs on current machine or not if not then install MSDE to current machine and copy SQL Server2000 database files(mdf and ldf) files to a specific location so that my another c# application use that database.could anybody … | |
i'm new in C#. I wish to learn this programming language. May i know what software for writting C# language? Do C# same with VB.net? Thx. | |
i have a window form that has usename and a password but i cant get my 2 buttons submit and cancel to work dose anyone know where i could look to learn more on how to make my buttons work ty all | |
Hi All, I'm trying to call a parameterized stored procedure in C# using microsoft ODBC .NET. Could you please give me some help or hint? Thank you very much! C# code: ... //connection code odbcCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; odbcCommand.CommandText = "BEGIN myProc(?, ?); END;"; odbcCommand.CommandTimeout = 0; OdbcParameter paramA = odbcCommand.Parameters.Add("@A_CNT", … | |
hi i want to reverse the LL useing recurtion in C#, i am able to print it in reverse order but unable to store it as LL in reverse order, below is the code for it ::) [CODE] [COLOR=#0000ff]using[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] System;[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]using[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] System.Collections.Generic;[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]using[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] System.Text;[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]namespace[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] linearLL[/COLOR] { [COLOR=#0000ff]class[/COLOR] [COLOR=#008080]LinkList [/COLOR]{ … | |
is there a way that i can link JAVA with C#?? or that i can write a C# code in a Java code?? THNX | |
I just wrote a phonematic name search in C# using the Levenshtein Distance Algorithm. It is very tricky and was quite hard to figure out. This is the samething google uses, and many major search engines. it matches by rank to the text you type in, even if it is … | |
Hi. all, im a newbie here, i just need an help on how to code in C# to find an open ports in a network.. I had a program to interact in a network.. Any ideas how, links, tutorials or sample codes??? Pls.. do help.. Thanks a lot | |
[COLOR=black]Your cell phone provider bills you for minutes consumed per month. The billing rate per minute varies by time of day. The cell phone company rounds usage to the nearest N where N is dependent upon the time of day. Write a C# method based upon the following signature that … | |
Somebody! Please help to start. I didn't work for couple of years and now I found myself lost. It looks like Microsoft changed their subscription packages. What do I need to order or subscribe to get C#.NET, VB.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET ??? Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect Visual Studio .NET Enterprise … | |
I am trying to display a database into textboxes without using Datagrids. How do you give a value to a text box that corresponds with a Sql row. Thanks. | |
Hello new world. I'm new to C# and very new to GDI and drawing and would really appreciate some help. I'm trying to draw some boxes (rectangles). I wont put code up as I don't think it's nessesary... but you never know. As a test I've made a form and … | |
i need to link between JAVA code and C# code i need to call C# from java or write C# code in JAVA code can anyone tell me how?? THNX | |
Hi, How to insert blob into MySQL using ODBC in C#. My application is windows application. Thanks Ramana | |
hello people :) found this site via google and its helped me a great deal so far but ive hit a snag. from this topic: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread19672.html[/url] ive managed to create an app that will sit in the system tray and can be minimised and restroed again but the problem is … | |
Can someone tell me about your favorite blogs websites dedicated to C# & .NET as a whole, that you like to read. | |
Hello people! i reallay dont have a clue how to connect my newly made database to my c# please help. | |
Hi, can someone help me with a code sample? i want to create a .wav file with C#. :cry: Please .... Thanks! best regard |
The End.