4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for Monyet

Hi everybody, I'm so new with Visual Studio 2005!!!! It has bunch of functions that I don't understand on how it works, does anybody have idea on how to debut my code? I wrote a class program that will receive 2 integers from the main methods, but I don't know …

Member Avatar for JerryShaw
Member Avatar for Monyet

How do you create static methods using C#? How do you specify each items in the static methods? thanx.. I'm a C# newbie >.<

Member Avatar for Monyet
Member Avatar for Marks256

I am just curious about the pros and cons of each. Please leave your opinion(s). Thanks! (sorry the question is so broad, but i just wan the pros and cons of each.)

Member Avatar for Marks256
Member Avatar for sharpyC

[COLOR=#0000ff][COLOR=#000000]I am new to these forums and message boards, but I am trying to do a C# windows application Lab and cannot get the code correct for the button's click event which will Cube a "double" number entered into an adjacent textbox. Also, another textbox is supposed to return the …

Member Avatar for nagramana

It is possible to drag and drop an mailitem from Outlook to Explorer or MSWord or desktop. In the same way Is It possible to drag to C# Windows Application? Ramana

Member Avatar for shyamkishore
Member Avatar for blondie2007

Hi everyone, I am new to C# and also new to programming and I'm having a blonde moment. I have been working on this project for a week but have not figured out how to work this one out. I would appreciate any help you can provide. 1. Output total …

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Member Avatar for Monyet

Hi guys, I found out that this is a VERY interesting community for programmers :D Anyways, it seems that C# and Java are VERY SIMILAR, and almost identical, however, i'm just wondering whther there's a need to import library in C# ? Thanx

Member Avatar for nikkiH
Member Avatar for Richard Lelle

I am still pretty new to C# and .NET. I am using .NET 2005, and am attempting to use a Gridview. This GV displays data from two tables, one dependant on the other. I cannot, however, get the GV to Edit/Delete a specific column in any row. I was able …

Member Avatar for nikkiH
Member Avatar for asp_dev

Hi friends help me out in this i want a stopwatch to be displayed in the form...in which the stopwatch must start its process once the button is clicked and reset's its process on anoher button click.Also I need to catch the total time spent from the fist button click …

Member Avatar for Aswathy

Hi, I have a button click event handler in which i have embedded a javascript code for generating a confirmation box. Based on the selection in the confirmation box a change is to be made in a hidden field having id hdnField. In the same btnSubmit_Click() i have a conditional …

Member Avatar for Aswathy
Member Avatar for annstephy

Hi,I have to read an xml file into a check list in C#.net..pls explain me how to proceed with it..Im a beginner in .NET..

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Coool Pinky

hi, i m trying to do my library project in C#,i am new to this language i dont know how to write login code in c#,can sombody help me

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Maidomax

This friend of mine had an idea to make a program witch would be used to manage large numbers of mp3 files, with the ability to change their ID3 tags all at once. This would be usefull if you wanted to divide your mp3 music ino genres etc. Now he …

Member Avatar for Phaelax
Member Avatar for khoramdin

[COLOR=#000000]Hello everyone,[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]I am a newbie with millions of questions and not many answers! I am not even sure if C# is the right way to go about it. I just came to the conclusion that I should use C# to do what it is that I am planning to …

Member Avatar for Killer_Typo
Member Avatar for dfdez

Hello, I'm working on developing a plugin system in c# for an application. I need a system that can load and unload an assembly. Ideas? Webs? tutorial? Thank you for all.

Member Avatar for JerryShaw
Member Avatar for Mix

csc /out : DemoLogo2.exe DemoLogo.cs /out: LogoNamespace.netmodule LogoNamespace.cs Its a command in a book but it gives no reference. I'd like to know exactly whats going on here if anyone can assist

Member Avatar for Ravalon
Member Avatar for Mix

[COLOR=#0000ff]switch[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000](time)[/COLOR] { [COLOR=#0000ff]case[/COLOR] 1: System.Console.WriteLine(" Enter the century. ie 20 or 19."); C = System.Console.ReadLine(); Convert.ToInt32(C); [COLOR=#0000ff]goto[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]case[/COLOR] 2; [COLOR=#0000ff]case[/COLOR] 2: System.Console.WriteLine("Enter year in YY format. ie 96") ; Y = System.Console.ReadLine(); Convert.ToInt32(Y); [COLOR=#0000ff]goto[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]case[/COLOR] 3; [COLOR=#0000ff]case[/COLOR] 3: System.Console.WriteLine("Enter month in MM format. ie 03"); M = System.Console.ReadLine(); Convert.ToInt32(M); [COLOR=#0000ff]goto[/COLOR] …

Member Avatar for TylerSBreton
Member Avatar for Maidomax

Hey Guys, there's a simple problem I can not solve, and neither can my friends. How do I shut down the computer in C#. I am trying to make an aplication that would shut down the computer after a countdown closing all other active applications, so that I can go …

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for Maidomax

Hi, guys. I have a gamepad, with vibration and analog control. Can anyone tell me if i could read the input from the gamepad (including the analog sticks), and make it vibrate from C#? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for dubeyprateek

I am a C++ programmer, I have a good hands on C, C++ and WIN32, however i don’t know MFC much. I am willing to learn C# and i am looking for few guidelines. It will be a great help if anyone can tell me how to start with it. …

Member Avatar for sedgey
Member Avatar for dr.it

i new with programming or maybe i'm confused!! with many definations of microsoft : 1- explain these things plz and diffrences between them: C++/VC++/C#/COM/MFC/WIN32API 2- i want to learn a cross-platform language which is more low level what is the best choice 3- which one is more low level VC# …

Member Avatar for TylerSBreton
Member Avatar for HelpAUniStudent

This is a skeleton of my full assignment attached. Can anyone please help me out and provide me with guidelines or comments to the assignment???

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for benfly08

Hi, I'm having a print problem for my C# windows form program. In my small program, I need to pull out data from my database and format them as invoice format. These parts were done quit well. When it went to printing, something weird happen. I used PrintDocument class to …

Member Avatar for danikail

i'm an basic c# programmer. I need some discussion about the c# based projects, for that i need your help guys. I like to do some thing special kind of programming, and i got this dani website by google search. I need some titles in C#.NET to make my self …

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Member Avatar for cyberjoe

I'm looking for a lazy loading solution in c#. The idea is, to have a kind of object factory, which will be responsible for creating my entity objects. When a property of such an object is accesed and it is not yet loaded, the factory (or a magic watcher) will …

Member Avatar for TylerSBreton
Member Avatar for chuck577

Quick question. I have an updatestring to send into an SQL command. It actually needs to update three columns in one row. I know how to write the string to update one column but is there a way to write this string to update 3 colums in that one row? …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ad5qa

I am looking for an example on how I can setup a redirector with ASP.NET. I develop for a Non Profit Organization and they want to be able to send an email to [email]admin@ww4va.org[/email] then forwarding it to our distro email and add it to a database for archival. This …

Member Avatar for christine21

Hello, I've cretaed a Matlab function and managed to call it out in C++. But, when i convert my C++ to C#, there's an [COLOR=red]'AccessViolationException Unhandled'[/COLOR] error. Besides, i have successfully import the mclmcr.dll and my function dll in C# by using [DllImport(@"mclmcr70.dll")] method. Below is my[COLOR=black] [B]C++[/B][/COLOR] codes: [COLOR=darkgreen][mxArray …

Member Avatar for anu2007

hi all, can anyone give me an idea to search all mdb files in the system using c#.net

Member Avatar for campkev

The End.