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"Me in a Nutshell"---- Oops don't fit!!
I love everything what I do and I do almost everything which I love!!
112 Posted Topics
Re: Does it happens with all the Windows or with any specefic Window ? Are you trying to hide any window which you have created or any other applciaiton's Window ? | |
Re: how about trying this [code] #include <Windows.h> BOOL MySystemShutdown() { HANDLE hToken; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp; // Get a token for this process. if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) return( FALSE ); // Get the LUID for the shutdown privilege. LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, &tkp.Privileges[0].Luid); tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; // one privilege to set tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes … | |
Re: [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms644927(VS.85).aspx"]About Messages and Message Queues [/URL] This talks about everything. Please let us know if you have any question. | |
Re: [QUOTE]Have I got this right so far? With that file pointer I would be able to write to file within those functions. [/QUOTE] It clearly indicates you have done things right!! | |
hi everyone, i m messed up with intializer lis. please help me by solving these questions. [QUOTE]How does compiler impliments intializer lits? How intializer lits improve performence? When it is must to use intializer lits? When intializer lits must not be used?[/QUOTE] What is wrong with this pice of code.. … | |
Re: You reminded me one of my interviews (that did not go that well :) ). Yes this is how you need to do it. | |
[B][COLOR="Red"]Introduction[/COLOR][/B] There are many times when we try to create a binary search tree of many different data types. This article explains creation of a template library CTree. template <class T>class CTree can be used to create a binary search tree (BST) of any data type. [B][COLOR="red"]Features[/COLOR][/B] This class support … | |
Re: u can think of writing a projectof file management include these funtion search files relocate them delete them hope it will not be too difficult. | |
Re: For connection oriented UDP (like in your case), it is important to bind | |
Re: [code=cplusplus] int DisplayMessageBox() { int msgboxID = MessageBox( NULL, (LPCWSTR)L"Sample", Cap, MB_YESNOCANCEL ); switch (msgboxID) { case IDCANCEL: // TODO: add code break; case IDYES: // TODO: add code break; case IDNO: // TODO: add code break; } return msgboxID; } [/code] | |
Re: See this [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/Colored_Conslole_Messages.aspx[/url] | |
Re: hi, try with thi code. i suggest to look carefully at changes made and try to sortout reason behind changes. [CODE] #include<iostream> using namespace std; void sortit(int x[], int n) { int temp,i,j; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=i;j<n;j++) if(x[i]>x[j]) { temp=x[i]; x[i]=x[j]; x[j]=temp; } } bool bsearch(int x[], int max, int searchnum, int … | |
Re: [QUOTE=nanodano]I'm writing a Win32 application for Windows XP with Visual Studio 2005. It is a console program, and I'm trying to find the HWND attribute of my console. I need this because I need to use it as a parameter for a function. So, thanks to the MSDN library I … | |
Re: Methods do not belong to an object, they belong to class. >>I wanna ask, can we call the “treatingStaff()” [U]method of “treatmentB”[/U] from the “treat()” method of “treatmentA”? This is a wrong question. "method of “treatmentB" does not mean anything. Any member function of a class can be called from … | |
Re: In addition to wat Narue said... Given an instance of class C, there is a B subobject and an A subobject. The instance of C, including the A and B subobjects, is the "complete object." Using run-time type information, it is possible to check whether a pointer actually points to … | |
Re: What does not work? Does it gives you compile errors? Does it crashes? | |
Re: What is the error? You can always redifine _WIN32_WINNT as per your target OS | |
Re: If you are targetting Windows.You will need to have Windows SDK to build your application. Windpws SDK comes with all the required header files. You can download the letest SDK from [url]http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=C2B1E300-F358-4523-B479-F53D234CDCCF&displaylang=en[/url] | |
Re: How long did you wait after the hung? Does it hang your machine? What is the .NET framework you are using? It takes longer if you have installed new version of framework sometimes as long as five minutes, subsequent builds will be faster. | |
Re: Hello Jason, Simply speaking you cannot execute any application on a remote machine. There are many problems doing this. Apart from the implementation limitations there are some major security risks. However, you can use a utility called PSEXEC([url]http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553.aspx[/url]) to do this. It internally installs a service on the remote computer … | |
Re: How this problem is related with C++? Install letest update and try to repair it. | |
Re: Are you trying to write a balanced binary tree?? You should explore how AVL trees work. | |
Re: @rajatC your question is not clear. Do you want to redirct standered output? You can use [URL="http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363858.aspx"]CreateFile [/URL]API to open the file. However, keep [URL="http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa364399(VS.85).aspx"]this[/URL] in mind, and make sure there is no sharing violation. | |
Re: What is the error? Linking errors are different than syntactical error one can't find them looking at the code. | |
Re: @obscured47 You can do anything once you catch the exception. Why do you want to throw an exception to pause the execution? There could be better ways to do that. Can you post small segemt of your code and let us know the behaviour you are expecting ? | |
Re: Simplest is call main from every function you call in switch ex [code] void opcio1(){ cout <<"How to\n\n"<<endl; main(); } [/code] However, this is not the best way, but I am sure it will give another idea of implimenting menu in a function. | |
Re: @Max_Payne You can not initialize arrays the way you are trying. However, you have exposed a good problem. [B]How to initialize a constant string inside a class?[/B] I have been facing these kinds of problems during my carrier and every time I implement a work around which suits to my … |
The End.