Can anyone please help me with an answer? I have Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz processor and i've downloaded PC Wizard 2008 to see information about computer (especially for CPU usage and temperatures). The problem is (it isnt actually a problem ... ) why when using Borland C++ 3.1 the CPU runs at 2.4 Mhz/core, and when i'm using say Photoshop 9 CS2 or other programs like this it uses only 1.6 Ghz/core. This wouldnt be so disturbing if along with the inreasing of the speed wouldn't increase the temperature too. So, is there a way to make it use only as little as other "normal" processes would use? I think if I would overclock it then would use as much as possible...

Has somebody an explanation for this?:)
Do you recommend me another C++ editor/compiler that also has the Help included? I can search the functions, operators, header etc on google but it would be nice if i would have them within the editor :)

Thanx in adv.

For sure you need a compiler which actually matches your OS, and doesn't just live inside the DOS emulation layer of your OS.

> I have Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz processor
Yes, and despite all that, all that your programs will ever see of that machine is 1 core and 640K of memory. In what way do you regard this as being cost-effective use of the hardware you've purchased?

Step 1 - buy Ferrari.
Step 2 - replace engine with elastic bands.
Step 3 - complain on a forum about friction burns and why it doesn't go very far or very fast.

Here are some places to find out about new compilers.

I really dont understand what's the link between the two... anyway, thanx for replying and for those links :)

Your compiler itself is a DOS program.
Why would it know anything about how XP schedules programs?

As far as it is concerned, it has the entire machine to itself, so it's just going to grab all the CPU time that the virtual machine is willing to let it have. As a result, your system runs hot because the code is too stupid to run otherwise.

I don’t know how PC Wizard 2008 calculates CPU usage. How does it matters to you that some programs are using high CPU? CPU cannot be idle (it runs idle thread when it is idle!!).
Open up the task manager and watch for CPU utilization or use perfmon (type perfmon in Run window) to see CPU usage pattern. Normally you purchase a high end CPU to get high performance; it is possible only if you CPU run with full capabilities.

Don’t worry about heat. Your operating system is smart enough to handle heat of the processor.

Ok guys... thanx alot for replying :) i promise in the future in wont bother you with dummy questions... i guess i've exagerated.

For sure you need a compiler which actually matches your OS, and doesn't just live inside the DOS emulation layer of your OS.

> I have Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 Ghz processor
Yes, and despite all that, all that your programs will ever see of that machine is 1 core and 640K of memory. In what way do you regard this as being cost-effective use of the hardware you've purchased?

Step 1 - buy Ferrari.
Step 2 - replace engine with elastic bands.
Step 3 - complain on a forum about friction burns and why it doesn't go very far or very fast.

Here are some places to find out about new compilers.

Dude thanx alot for the codeblocks suggestion! It just rullz!!!

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