4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for SelArom

okay so I'm getting started with directx and C#, but the tutorials I've found are very similar and general and I'm having trouble finding the best way to do this. Any advice is appreciated on this: I'm trying to make a grid, of varying sizes like say 10x10 or 5x5 …

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Member Avatar for shadowrider
Member Avatar for hunnyz
Member Avatar for Eng Dina

at fact , i donot know what is the mean of Direct X? i want some one to help me to find abook about Direct X using c#?????

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for nedwards

I was wondering by using the Visual Studios 2005 and Windows XP could you write code in C# and add some other code in C++? What is happening is that I am updating this program that was previously made in C# and I need to add some security functionality, although …

Member Avatar for nedwards
Member Avatar for ongxizhe

Hey all. Sorry to embarrass myself here. I have a question to ask: What exactly is C#? Well, I know it's a programming language but how would you explain it? Does it have anything to do with C and C++? Sorry, I'm kind of novice in programming. Your help will …

Member Avatar for ongxizhe
Member Avatar for bRutal!

Hello I'm just wondering what kind of practice do I need, because I'm ending with C++ and moving to c#. What do I need to be prepared most and what is the hardest part of learning C# from beggining yours sincerely ! thanks :)

Member Avatar for bRutal!
Member Avatar for BaluTheWiz
Member Avatar for BaluTheWiz
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hey everyone. I have some work I have to get done for work and it involves ASP, .NET, SQL, and C# being developed on MS Visual Studio 2003. I was wondering if anyone had any resources out there for VS 2003? Mostly everything I find is for 2005 and we …

Member Avatar for Barefootsanders
Member Avatar for sadhanasingh

i am a beginner we are making a website during registration process i faced this problem that i am posting below please help error is:- System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: The system cannot find the path specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070003) at P3ADMINLib.P3DomainsClass.get_Item(Object vIndex) at register.AddPop3User(String MachineName, String DomainName, String UserName, String Password) in …

Member Avatar for prodigygroup
Member Avatar for kohilaengineer

I want one datagrid with checkbox column. I use Windows Forms C# .net 2003. Then i want 3 columns from one data table and one checkbox column extra. Plz help me.

Member Avatar for Gourav Nayyar

hi i want to save a query design by me to Ms Access in Query tab by C# coding . what i have to do , pl'z do it fast

Member Avatar for Gourav Nayyar
Member Avatar for ChimpusDupus

Hi, Is it possible to use the System.Drawing.Graphics methods without having to put code in the control's Paint event? If so, how? -James

Member Avatar for mkbmain
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Did you know C# has its own scripting language based on Lisp, here is an example ... [code];;; Scripting a 'C#'' GUI with Lsharp, free from [URL="http://www.lsharp.org"]www.lsharp.org[/URL] (reference "System.Windows.Forms") (reference "System.Drawing") (using "System.Drawing") (using "System.Windows.Forms") ;; Create a form (= form (new System.Windows.Forms.Form)) (set_text form "Hello from Lsharp") ;; Create …

Member Avatar for amitabhwankhede

Hi All, I have an application where user can export the results of search action to an excel file so he can locally store it.. I have done this with very simple code which is [code] Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=StackRanking.xls"); Response.Charset = ""; System.IO.StringWriter sw = new System.IO.StringWriter(); …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister

Does anyone know of anyplace/anybody that teaches C# at the highschool or college level to get students used to a programming language?

Member Avatar for pygmalion
Member Avatar for Hellodear

Hi, I am a newb in C#. I want to make programming in C#. What is the pre requisites? Somebody told me that we need to download Microsoft framework SDK and install it on OS. Is it all for us in this case? Hope somebody would respond, Hellodear.

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

hi Please help,i have installed Visual studio .net 2003. i code in C#, when i write my code, for example "Console." imidiately before i complete the statement it closes the application requesting to restart the application, and i wrote my code on a notepad making sure that the code is …

Member Avatar for pygmalion
Member Avatar for sibotho

Hi all Can someone tell me how to connect to msql database using c# 2003. can you please show me the steps to take. i have tried many times without success. Are they compatile? Thanks sibotho

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for taineechan

I'm writing a wpf application in c# on .net framework 3 using visual studio 2005. I need to connect my VistaDB database to my c# code. This can be done with .net Framework 2 on a windows form but does anyone know how to do it with a wpf application …

Member Avatar for mmjepp

Hi! First of all, im from sweden so my english isn't the best :!:.. I read a guide "How to make a simple login page" ..(something like that) But i need help with my languages(aspx,C#,sql2k5) The problem for me is how to make the SP for checking if Username and …

Member Avatar for brainbox
Member Avatar for Monyet

Hi, it is pretty much my fault for procrastinating, anyhow.. I need to get the best grip for this language in about 2 weeks using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional. I need to get comfortable with both, I have experienced with Java but still pretty much new... I know objects, …

Member Avatar for percent20
Member Avatar for GeneM

Hello all, I am having a problem performing a calculation while in formview. I am using visual studio 2005, sql and C#. I have many textbox's that a user inputs, some of these require the calculation of subtotal and total. Here is a small example of what I have tried; …

Member Avatar for GeneM
Member Avatar for jan1024188

Hello again, I was working on Linux platform for a lot of time now and now I am moving to windows (because of job). Today I was accepted to wow project, and I have to start with developing apps for windows. I have a doubt. I dont know what to …

Member Avatar for jan1024188
Member Avatar for Monyet

I want to make a program with C# that can locate a store that we want dependent on the (X, Y). So for example: if I put (1,2) it will say that this is the nearest store. Do you guys have any idea on how to do this? I'm fresh …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Rocksoft

Hi, I have used stream reader to read text file using Readline method, and i tried to append all string to string builder, but i'm not able to get all string value, i'm only getting last line of file, i have used the following coding StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@"d:\web_extract.txt",Encoding.Default); …

Member Avatar for _r0ckbaer
Member Avatar for Rocksoft

Hi, I have used C# in vs 2003, in my application i have to read text file, pick data from text file and insert into database, but the text file have some garbage value (garbage value "Ú" ) , so i should replcace this garbage value to single space, i …

Member Avatar for Rocksoft
Member Avatar for Dhanapal

Error: Found 0 possible guest users. Only 1 guest user should be a member of the group marked as the guest group. How to solve this error in ASP.Net with C# Coding...

Member Avatar for bhavna_816

I have a class MyDataGrid which is inherited from Datagrid which have two protected override functions. i want to register the events. for example public class MyDataGrid : DataGrid { protected override void OnMouseMove(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { //dosomething } protected override void OnMouseDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { //dosomething } Now i want to …

Member Avatar for tonakai
Member Avatar for bhavna_816

i have a datatable and want to display the contents of datatable in a datagrid when i want to put the checkbox in datagrid separately they are visible.But if i integrate it with datatable it doesn't show the checkboxes instead it shows (null) how can i make the checkboxes visible? …


The End.