4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for dotNetDummi

Hi all, (I apologise if this thread is out-of-topic) I need some ideas for my project. I have to develop a web application for some users to approve some documents. The problem I have is that I [U]can't[/U] give these people a login account (due to my project requirement). I …

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Member Avatar for samiullah478

AA All i want to know about future of Vb.Net i am a vb6 and Vb.net developer since many time. but now i see from every where that ever body says that C# over comes vb.net in future and vb.net no more available and finish. so how much its true …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for sam63

I've got some really fundamental questions that I am almost embarassed to ask. But what is the real importance of properties in C#? And how many ways are there to invoke a method? Ssam .......

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Member Avatar for vishnu narayan

Hello every one ! How can I display node of parent node and corresponding child nodes.Suppose I have to display 'Label' nodes of all <ScreenToSupport>. There can be multiple <ScreenToSupport> inside parent node <ScreensToSupport>.In this case I have to display Label 'rediffHomePage' and 'rediffHomePage1' of both <ScreenToSupport> node.But I have …

Member Avatar for sam63

I used to work with procedural languages. C# is all about types. The procedures are secondary to typology. Why???? What do you think was in the minds of those who invented C# ??????? What do they want nincompoops like me to get out of this ??? I love the language …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for nedwards

Hi, I have an interesting question. I have this C# Application and I need to generate a report. I want to be able to print the report or save it to a file. Unfortunately I don't want it to depend on a third party software ( Crystal Reports, MS Word, …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for HLA91

Hi all I started learning C# but I became annoyed at the need for the .NET enviroment on every machine the program was run on, so I switched to C++ and started learning that. I am hearing talk about C++ dying out and C# is better and is where all …

Member Avatar for HLA91
Member Avatar for rolemodel

hi there... I'm new in this forum so I don't know how to start new threads, anyway.... I was wondering if anyone could help me with a login page, I mean by sending me a good tutorial, because I'm stuck in a homework, a web application that needs a login …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for mailkayzay

How do I begin the creation of a web project in C# using the file system in VS 2005

Member Avatar for mailkayzay
Member Avatar for fishsqzr

Does C# allow short-circuit evaluation of Boolean expressions? That is, if you have an expression such as if (test1) & (test2) {....} when test1 is false, there is no reason to evaluate test2 and a language which supports short-circuit evaluation never looks at the second test because the result will …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for franco75

hi, i have downloaded files from server and this file's extensions is .eml i want to show this files content in my app. when i select a file from listbox i must show this file content. how i can see this files content? thank for your help.

Member Avatar for FallenPaladin

Hi, I am currently studying programing, and have become some what stumped with Visual studio 2003. I have written a number of application using the console, however currently i am trying to clear of text that has already been written to the console.....but can not find any command or code …

Member Avatar for FallenPaladin
Member Avatar for tphuynh

Hi, I don't under what I'm doing wrong. In my line of code I have 2 outputs: The first outout returns a value, however, when I try to output the second ConsoleLine I get a value of "0"?? I'm thinking it has something to do with Converting a string to …

Member Avatar for JerryShaw
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hey everyone, I was wondering if you could help me with something. I am attempting to set up VS C# EE on my comp but I would like to use it to make ASP/.NET web pages. I have VS C# EE installed but there is no selection for ASP web …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for manjusaharan

Hi All, I m creating a MDI from in c# and want to add a main menu control at design time.But the Mainmenu control is notactivated even if I m Selecting the MDI Form. Any one please Help me in getting rid of this problem. Thanx in advance.

Member Avatar for manjusaharan
Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

Hi. I am currently working on a quote system project. The final step of the quote would be to print the quote. Does anyone know whether it is possible to create a pdf file with c# coding? even if i first have to create something else like a XML file …

Member Avatar for scru
Member Avatar for Preethising

Dear friends, i have problem in encrypting and storing the password field in my sql server 2005 database. i want to concat my user name and password field and then encrypt and store using md5 in c# using visual stdio 2005 can anyone please help me out...... preethi

Member Avatar for khanhtrung
Member Avatar for manjusaharan

hi all, i m new in c#. I dont know how to convert hexadecimal value of a character into its charcter equivalent. please help me in solving my problem. thanx in advance.

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Member Avatar for tanvirtonu1

Hello everybody,I m in new in C#. I gave password to my MS Access DB.Ms Access only requires password to set,it doesn't require user name.So I did it as they require.Now I made a very simple c# program which access the DB and retrieve some info.When I did it without …

Member Avatar for malik
Member Avatar for Subcynic

I'm pretty new to C#, but I've used winsock in VB a lot in the past, anyways, the problem is, I can't get .GetData to work. [CODE]private void axWinsock1_DataArrival(object sender, AxMSWinsockLib.DMSWinsockControlEvents_DataArrivalEvent e) { string R_DATA; axWinsock1.GetData(R_DATA); }[/CODE] Gives error: 'Cannot convert string to ref object' Or [CODE] private void axWinsock1_DataArrival(object …

Member Avatar for truebot
Member Avatar for blacklocist

Hi all, I have been trying to drop a stored proc for sometime using SMO. I can create with ease but can't seem to drop. Any ideas? I thought it might be permission but for testing used SA account. No luck... [CODE] private void btnCreate_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection …

Member Avatar for blacklocist
Member Avatar for ksk1
Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for rocky_jhonny

Hi i am developing an application in C# which is going to put the system in sleep states like s1,s2,s3,s4 depending on the specification. [CODE]i need to get what are the sleep states supported by currently running system[/CODE] and also [CODE]how to know whether the system went into the sleep …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for Duki

So, I've ordered two separate books for studying C#, and am sending them both back. One was Murach's C# 2005 and the other is Illustrated C# 2005 by Daniel Solis. Neither of them were written the way I like to learn; I prefer a textbook style of learning with exercises …

Member Avatar for Samson_ZXL
Member Avatar for Atlantistwo

Can someone tell me why this SQL Command at the end is not working? I am a noob, but I have tried everything I can think of and I am getting nowhere. There is no literature on how to do something like this... It would have to be my first …

Member Avatar for Atlantistwo
Member Avatar for terminateproces

Dear board, I'm (trying) to make lil socket app. Its a server app thats supposed to echo back the text I type to it. Problem is, when I telnet to it (i want telnet to be my client) it only accepts one character and spits back only one character. Any …

Member Avatar for GRaymer

I'm a student working on an internship, without a lot of guidence. I went to develop a program with C# not realizing that as a developer in the organization I have a different standard desktop than the rest of the organization. So on my computer I was able to develop …

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Member Avatar for chait_anya

Hi. I am having a problem. I have created .TLB type library in c#. in my c# application i have decalred two functions which returns string and string array respectively. Now, i am importing the type library into vc++ 6.0 application. i have created the interface pointer and using that …

Member Avatar for bodikon

So on my desk, i have nothing but a computer running Windows XP SP2. I want to connect a usb connector into my computer, into a component board with an LED. Then I want to create a program in C# command line that I can turn the light on and …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for manjusaharan

Hi, I need help in copying and pasting text in notepad application using c#. I tried so by using sendKeys.sendWait() function but not able to do it. i used setForeGround("notepad"); sendKeys.sendWait("^A"); sendKeys.sendWait("^C"); sendKeys.sendWait("^V"); but it is showing error that Changes are not allowed while code is executing on the execution …

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The End.