vishnu narayan 0 Newbie Poster

Hello every one ! How can I display node of parent node and corresponding child nodes.Suppose I have to display 'Label' nodes of all <ScreenToSupport>. There can be multiple <ScreenToSupport>
inside parent node <ScreensToSupport>.In this case I have to display Label 'rediffHomePage' and 'rediffHomePage1' of both <ScreenToSupport> node.But I have to display corresponding Label of FieldsToSupport/FieldToSupport' of <ScreenToSupport>..In this case I have to display Label 'HotJobs'and 'Game' for 'rediffHomePage'
similarly display Label 'Images' and 'Air Tickets' for rediffHomePage1'.
For example on click an Item like rediffHomePage from a repeater/dataList It should display Label like 'HotJobs' and 'Game'of FieldToSupport. How can I display Label of corresponding
FieldsToSupport/FieldToSupport on click on corresponding Label of <ScreenToSupport>..How can I do this ?
following is the structure of XML file, which is not follows an hierarchical structure of XML..
<FieldSupportItems />
<FieldSupportItems />

<FieldSupportItems />
<Label>Air Tickets</Label>
<FieldSupportItems />
I am not very familiar with how displaying XML contents.. I tried this way..
But stuck on that point please help me ..
I will very thankful for that..

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