Good day. My semester of c++ is coming to an end. I've got to complete a total of 7 assignments within the next 3 weeks. I've completed 5 out of the seven. I've got two left (1 has a separate thread by itself). So you can also take a look at it. This is the assignment:

You have been hired you to write a special code translating program. They usually use a simple letter transformation, where the alphabets sequence of letters is started at somewhere other than the letter "A".

H  I  J K L    M N O  P  Q R S  T   U  V  W X Y   Z  A   B  C   D  E  F   G
A B C D  E   F G H   I   J  K L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S T  U   V  W  X  Y   Z 
Where H = A. R = K. A=T. G=Z.

This "extremely sophisticated" code has finally been broken by the professor and now the the students wants a code as follows:
1. Enter a key phrase ( no spaces)
2. Remove all the duplicate letters in the key phrase.
3. Remove the letters that remain in the edited key phrase from the string of the 26 alphabet letters.
4. Connect the edited key phrase to the front of the edited alphabet.
5. Use this new string to transform letters in the code to the alphabet (similar to the above example)
2. Remove duplicates: DOCTRZSIENVW
3. Remove these letters from the alphabet: ABFGHJKLMPQUXY
Write a program called "DECODE" that will allow for the keyboard entry of the key phrase (which Mr. Brown will supply to you), read one line of code from a text file, decode it and display the translation to the screen and printer. The
text files are individual and named as follows:
c:\\f(9999).txt example: f1234.txt
Here is one way of removing duplicates from a string;
1. Enter string1 and set string2 equal to a null string.
2. Set up a nested for loop. Loop1 from 0 to 1 less than the string1 length. Loop2 from Loop1 + 1 to 1 less than the string1 length (same as the Bubble Sort loops)
3. If the letters pointed to by both loops are equal, set the Loop2 letter to an *
4. After the loops are finished, start another loop from 0 to length of string1
5. If the letter is NOT an *, then concatenate it to the end of string2.

Here's an idea:

string stringl, string2;
string2 = “ “ // making string2 a null string
cout << "Enter string1; ";
getline(cin, string1);
for(i=0; I < string1.Iength()-1; i++)
for(j=i+1; ]< string1.length();j++)
if(string1[i] ! =’ ‘ ) // skipping spaces
if (string1[i] == string1 [j]) // finding duplicates
string1[j] = ‘*’; // making the duplicate letter a '*'
)// end if
) // end for j
// Removing the *'s, spaces and creating a new string
for(i=0; i < string1.length(); i++)
if(string1[i] != '*' && stringi [i] != ' ') // checking for an asterick (*) and a space
string2 += string1[i];
} // end for i
cout <<string2 << endl;

Thanks for any ideas, jumpstart and help. Have a good day.

First things first: Format your code

2. Remove all the duplicate letters in the key phrase.

Nested loops.... Replace any duplicates with SPACEs. When done, compress the SPACEs out.

3. Remove the letters that remain in the edited key phrase from the string of the 26 alphabet letters.

This one is easier than above, since you know there are no duplicates. I assume you know the relationship between letters and the value of the letter (A==65).

4. Connect the edited key phrase to the front of the edited alphabet.

This you can probably figure out.

Can you not use the string apis ?

Thanks for your replies guys.....i've never even heard of string apis. I'll be posting what i come up with.

hhhhmmmm....could someone give me a jumpstart? thx

3. Remove these letters from the alphabet:

declare a string containing all the letters of the alphabet.

loop through string2 and compare each letter in it with each letter in the alphabet string. Each time you find a letter from string2 in the alphabet string replace it with an asterix. Then remove the asterixes from the alphabet string to get an edited alphabet string. This should sound familiar, because it's basically, not quite, but basically, doing the same thing you've already done.

hhhhmmmm....could someone give me a jumpstart? thx

Since I did, you're welcome.

If you are having problems, you need to give us some info. After 559 posts, you should have some idea how to formulate a question that tells us what issues you have trouble with.

Good day guys. So I'm pretty much done with the C++ class (which i don't need any other one). This program (as below) and I have some problems. See my first post for what the assignment is about and also, I've included the errors I get.

#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <dos.h>      
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <conio.h>
#include <windows.h>

#define cls system("cls")
#define frz system("pause");
#define yl  system("color 0e");

using namespace std;

//********************************** Type definitions
void layout();  // declaration of display function
 string ReadFromFile();  // declaration of function to read from files
 string encrypt(string code, string text); // declaration of function to encrypt files
 string decrypt(string code, string text); // declaration of function to decrypt files
 string codeCreation(string string1, char alphabet[26]); // declaration of function create code
 string numericalValue(string s); // find the number value

//********************************** Function Prototypes

//********************************** Main Function
//declaration of string variables
 string converUppercase(string strn1);
 string s1, s3, original, s7 = "ETRERTRHFG";
 string string2;
 string string3;

 //the main function were everything starts and ends
 int main()
   	//declaration of the original alphabet
      char alphabet[26] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

      //initialization of string
      string s2 = ""; // making string2 a null string

      //get string from user
      cout << "Enter string to create the decryption alphabet code : ";
		cin >> s1;
      cout << '\n';
      original = s1;

      //convert string to upper case
      s7 = converUppercase(s1);

      //create encryption code
      s3 = codeCreation(s7, alphabet);

      //encrypt the file
      s1 = encrypt(s3, s7);

      //decrypt the file
      decrypt(s3, s1);

      cout << '\n';

      //clear the user screen

      //read from files

     //prove user interaction

     //paused for 3 seconds

     //allow user to decode a file again
     int choice;

     cout << '\n'<< '\n';
     cout << "to decode another file press 2, or 9 to exit" << '\n';
     		cin >> choice;

    	switch (choice){
      case 2:
goto start;

      case 9:
      			exit (1);
           cout<<"invalid choice";


   	return 0;

	}//end main

 //the folowing is the initialization of the code us in the decrypt function
 string codeCreation(string string1,  char alphabet[26]){

     //initialization of string
     string3= "";
   for(int i=0; i < string1.length()-1; i++)
			for(int j=i+1; j< string1.length(); j++)
				if(string1[i] !=' ' ) // skipping spaces
					if (string1[i] == string1[j]) {// finding duplicates
                 // if (string1[j] !='*')
                  //string3 +=  string1[j];

                  string1[j] = '*';  }
						// making the duplicate letter a '*'
				}// end if
			} // end for j
         //cout << "string1 = " << string1;
      // Removing the *'s, spaces and creating a new string
		for(int i=0; i < string1.length(); i++)
			if(string1[i] != '*' && string1[i] != ' ') // checking for an asterick (*) and a space
				string2 += string1[i];
            //string3 += string1[i];
      } // end for i

      //check do +
      for(int i=0; i < 26; i++)
         for(int j=0; j < string2.length(); j++)
			  	if(alphabet[i] == string2[j])
                  alphabet[i] = '+';
      } // end for i

      //create string3
      for(int i=0; i < 26; i++)

			  	if(alphabet[i] != '+')
                  string3 += alphabet[i];
      } // end for i

        cout << '\n';
     //cout << string1;
        cout << '\n';
        string3 =   string2 + string3;
     //cout << "string 3 = " << string3;
             cout << '\n';
     //cout << "string 2 = " << string2;
     cout << '\n';

     return  string3;
     }//end function

     //the following function will encrypt a file
     string encrypt(string code, string text)
                              //cout << '\n';
      //   cout << "your original text is first converted to uppercase to give "
         //			<< "the result below : "<<'\n'<<"Uppercase Original text : "
           //       	<< text<<'\n';
         for(int i=0; i < text.length(); i++)

           		if (text[i] == code[0] )
               	text[i] = 'A';
            	else if (text[i] == code[1] )
               	text[i] = 'B';
            	else if (text[i] == code[2] )
               	text[i] = 'C';
            	else if (text[i] == code[3] )
               	text[i] = 'D';
              else if (text[i] == code[4] )
               	text[i] = 'E';
            	else if (text[i] == code[5] )
               	text[i] = 'F';
            	else if (text[i] == code[6] )
               	text[i] = 'G';
            	else if (text[i] == code[7] )
               	text[i] = 'H';
            	else if (text[i] == code[8] )
               	text[i] = 'I';
            	else if (text[i] == code[9] )
               	text[i] = 'J';
            	else if (text[i] == code[10] )
               	text[i] = 'K';
            	else if (text[i] == code[11] )
               	text[i] = 'L';
            	else if (text[i] == code[12] )
               	text[i] = 'M';
            	else if (text[i] == code[13] )
               	text[i] = 'N';
            	else if (text[i] == code[14] )
               	text[i] = 'O';
            	else if (text[i] == code[15] )
               	text[i] = 'P';
            	else if (text[i] == code[16] )
               	text[i] = 'Q';
            	else if (text[i] == code[17] )
               	text[i] = 'R';
            	else if (text[i] == code[18] )
               	text[i] = 'S';
            	else if (text[i] == code[19] )
               	text[i] = 'T';
            	else if (text[i] == code[20] )
               	text[i] = 'U';
            	else if (text[i] == code[21] )
               	text[i] = 'V';
            	else if (text[i] == code[22] )
               	text[i] = 'W';
            	else if (text[i] == code[23] )
               	text[i] = 'X';
            	else if (text[i] == code[24] )
               	text[i] = 'Y';
            	else if (text[i] == code[25] )
               	text[i] = 'Z';

         }//END FOR

        cout << text << " ";

     		return text;

     //the following function will convert from lower case to uppercase
      string converUppercase(string strn1)
           cout << " ";

      	for(int i=0; i < strn1.length(); i++)
           if(strn1[i] == 'a')
              strn1[i] = 'A';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'b')
              strn1[i] = 'B';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'c')
              strn1[i] = 'C';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'd')
              strn1[i] = 'D';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'e')
              strn1[i] = 'E';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'f')
              strn1[i] = 'F';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'g')
              strn1[i] = 'G';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'h')
              strn1[i] = 'H';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'i')
              strn1[i] = 'I';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'j')
              strn1[i] = 'J';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'k')
              strn1[i] = 'K';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'l')
              strn1[i] = 'L';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'm')
              strn1[i] = 'M';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'n')
              strn1[i] = 'N';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'o')
              strn1[i] = 'O';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'p')
              strn1[i] = 'P';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'q')
              strn1[i] = 'Q';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'r')
              strn1[i] = 'R';
           else if(strn1[i] == 's')
              strn1[i] = 'S';
           else if(strn1[i] == 't')
              strn1[i] = 'T';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'u')
              strn1[i] = 'U';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'v')
              strn1[i] = 'V';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'w')
              strn1[i] = 'W';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'x')
              strn1[i] = 'X';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'y')
              strn1[i] = 'Y';
           else if(strn1[i] == 'z')
              strn1[i] = 'Z';
              strn1[i] = strn1[i];

   	return strn1;

     //the following function will decode a file
     string decrypt(string code, string text)

     //initialization of string
     string answer = " ";
     int hold = 99, temp = 3;

     	        //cout << '\n';
         //cout << "decry befor CODE " << code;
         //cout << '\n';
         //cout << "decrypted text " << text << '\n';

            // the following is a loop that read all characters from the text input file
     for(int j=0; j < text.length(); j++)
     		//ensure that j is not repeated
     		if(temp == j) {}

         // the following is a loop that read all characters from the text input file
       	for(int c=code.length()-1; c >=0 ; c--)
                //cout << temp << " diff temp = " <<  "j " << j << '\n';
         		if(j == temp)
               	cout << temp << " temp = " <<  "j " << j << '\n';
                  //break;//j = temp++;

               //start the encryption
                 	if(AlphabetCode[c] == text[j] && hold !=j)
                  text[j] = code[c];
                  //cout << " j code " << j;
						//cout << "    c code " << c ;
						//cout << "    text code " << code[c] << '\n';
                	//do no changes
               	text[j] = text[j];

              hold = temp;
             }  //sleep(1);

               //check that j has change
             	if(temp != j){
               temp = j;
                    cout << " same ";

               // hold = j;


         //output to screen
         cout << " " << text;

         //return string
     		return text;

    //function that reads information from file
     string ReadFromFile(){

     //declaration of strings
         string TextFromFile, sConvertToUpper, printToFile, encryptFile;

         //the following provide interaction will files on the computer
         ofstream outfile ("decodeFile.txt", ios::out);
         ofstream outdecode ("output.txt", ios::out);
      	ifstream inencrypt ("output.txt", ios:: in);
      	ifstream infile ("f1234.txt", ios:: in);

         //check if file was open
         if (!infile)
         	cout << "Error opening file"; exit (1);

         //check if file was open
         if (!inencrypt)
         	cout << "Error opening file"; exit (1);

         //check if file was open
         if (!outdecode)
         	cout << "Error opening file for printing"; exit (1);

         //check if file was open
         if (!outfile)
         	cout << "Error opening file for printing"; exit (1);

      //read all from the text file
   	while (infile >>TextFromFile)

         //conver each word in the file f1234.txt to uppercase
         sConvertToUpper = converUppercase(TextFromFile);

         //encrypt the ininformation read from f1234.txt
         encryptFile = encrypt(s3, sConvertToUpper);

         //print the encrypted information to a file called output.txt
        	outdecode <<  encryptFile << " ";

         //decrypt the information that was encrypt
         printToFile = decrypt(s3, encryptFile);

          //print the decrypt information to a file called decodeFile.txt
         outfile << printToFile << " ";

        //cout << TextFromFile << " ";

         //conver each word in the file f1234.txt to uppercase
         sConvertToUpper = converUppercase(TextFromFile);

         //encrypt the ininformation read from f1234.txt
         encryptFile = encrypt(s3, sConvertToUpper);

         //print the encrypted information to a file called output.txt
        	outdecode <<  encryptFile << " ";

         //decrypt the information that was encrypt
         printToFile = decrypt(s3, encryptFile);

          //print the decrypt information to a file called decodeFile.txt
         outfile << printToFile << " ";

      //return the string
      return TextFromFile;


   //the following function provides interaction for the user
	void layout()

    //clear the screen
     cout << '\n';

     //display the headder information
     cout << "****************************************************************************";
     cout << '\n';
     cout << "*******       THIS PROGRAM WILL READ FROM THE FILE f1234.txt         *******";
     cout << '\n';
     cout << "*******                          THEN                                *******";
     cout << '\n';
     cout << "*******            ENCRYPT THE FILE AND PRINT TO output.txt          *******";
     cout << '\n';
     cout << "*******                     THEN FINALLY                             *******";
     cout << '\n';
     cout << "*******    DECRYPT THE ENCRYPTED FILE AND PRINT TO decodeFile.txt    *******";
     cout << '\n';
     cout << "****************************************************************************";
     cout << '\n';

     //display the original string of characters you entered tfor code creation
     cout << "your original alphabet text is : " << original;
     cout << '\n'<< '\n'<< '\n' ;

     //display the code
     cout << "the decrytion alphabet code is below: ";
     cout << '\n'<< "code : "<< s3 << '\n' ;

         //declaration of string variables
         string readFromf1234,readfromoutput, readFromdecodeFile;

         //provide interaction with files from the computer
         ifstream readdecodeFile ("decodeFile.txt", ios:: in);
      	ifstream readoutput ("output.txt", ios:: in);
      	ifstream readf1234 ("f1234.txt", ios:: in);

         //check if file was open
         if (!readf1234)
         	cout << "Error opening file f1234.txt"; exit (1);

         //check if file was open
         if (!readoutput)
         	cout << "Error opening file output.txt"; exit (1);

         //check if file was open
         if (!readdecodeFile)
         	cout << "Error opening file decodeFile.txt"; exit (1);

        //paused for 2 seconds
         cout << '\n'<< '\n'<< '\n';
         cout << "the following is a copy of the original file read from the file f1234.txt";
         cout << '\n' << '\n';

         //read all input from f1234.txt
         while (readf1234 >>readFromf1234)
             cout << readFromf1234 << " ";
             cout << readFromf1234 << " ";
             cout << '\n';

        //paused for 2 seconds
        	cout << '\n'<< '\n'<< '\n';
         cout << "the following is a copy of the file that was encrypted in the file output.txt";
         cout << '\n'<< '\n';

          //read all input from output.txt
         while (readoutput >>readfromoutput)
             cout << readfromoutput << " ";
             cout << readfromoutput << " ";
             cout << '\n';

        //paused for 2 seconds
        	cout << '\n'<< '\n'<< '\n'<< '\n';
         cout << "the following is a copy of the file that was decoded in the file decodeFile.txt";
         cout << '\n'<< '\n';

          //read all input from decodefile.txt
         while (readdecodeFile >>readFromdecodeFile)
             cout << readFromdecodeFile << " ";
             cout << readFromdecodeFile << " ";
             cout << '\n';

   }//end layout function

My infile contains the following:


When it gets decoded it's suppose to show:


The errors that i get are:

52 C:\Users\Desktop\coding.cpp initializer-string for array of chars is too long 
 C:\Users\Desktop\coding.cpp:83: error: `clrscr' undeclared (first use this function)
C:\Users\Desktop\coding.cpp:83: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
C:\Users\Desktop\coding.cpp:92: error: `sleep' undeclared (first use this function)

C:\Users\Desktop\coding.cpp: In function `void layout()':

C:\Users\Desktop\coding.cpp:471: error: `clrscr' undeclared (first use this function)

C:\Users\Desktop\coding.cpp:527: error: `sleep' undeclared (first use this function)

Execution terminated

Thanks for all your help and input!

52 C:\Users\Desktop\coding.cpp initializer-string for array of chars is too long

This one is quite obvious. How many characters are you trying to stuff into what size array? Remember, c-strings must end with '\0'

C:\Users\Desktop\coding.cpp:83: error: `clrscr' undeclared (first use this function)
C:\Users\Desktop\coding.cpp:92: error: `sleep' undeclared (first use this function)

Where did you define these functions? They are not part of standard C++.

Thanks for spotting those out!

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