Hi, I have never used a forum like this before but I am stuck! I have to write a C++ program that allows the user to enter up to 20 students info. It must include Nem, Exam 1 grade, exam 2 grade, Homework average, final exam average. For each student, the program should first calculate a final grade using the formula:
Final grade = 0.20 * exam 1 grade + 0.20 * exam 2 grade + 0.35 * Home work avearge + 0.25 * final exam grade and then assign a letter grde - All information should then be displayed and written to a file - I have been having a real tough time with programming for some reason - Everyone in my class just seems to get itand I am really struggling - Well anyway this is what I have so far and If anyone knows of soem good resources to help me learn this class better other than the text book I would appreictae the information! Thanks
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <TCHAR.H>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Grade
string name;
int exam1, exam2, homework, finalExam;
Grade(){setGrade("Tom", 94, 92, 87 ,85);};
Grade(string name, int ex1, int ex2, int hw, int final){setGrade(name, ex1, ex2, hw,final);}
void setGrade(string nm, int ex1, int ex2, int hw, int final){name=nm; exam1=ex1; exam2=ex2; homework=hw; finalExam=final;};
string getName(){return name;};
int getExam1(){return exam1;};
int getExam2(){return exam2;};
int getHomework(){return homework;};
int getFinalExam(){return finalExam;};
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
const int Grades = 5;
string filename = "grades.dat";
string name;
ofstream outFile;
int i, exam1, exam2, homework, finalExam;
Grade g;
vector<Grade> gTable;
cout << "The file was not successfully opened."<<endl;
outFile << setiosflags(ios::fixed)
<< setiosflags(ios::showpoint)
<< setprecision(2);
for(i=0; i<Grades; i++)
cout <<"\nEnter students name, 1st exam grade, 2nd exam grade, homework average, and final exam grade (type done to exit): \n";
cin >> name>>exam1>>exam2>>homework>>finalExam;
cout <<"\nFor the students the following data has been written to the file: \n";
cout <<name<<" "<<exam1<<" "<<exam2<<" "<<homework<<" "<<finalExam<<endl;
g=Grade(name, exam1, exam2, homework, finalExam);
for(i=0; i<gTable.size(); i++)
outFile <<gTable[i].getName()<<" "
<<gTable[i].getExam1()<<" "
<<gTable[i].getExam2()<<" "
<<gTable[i].getHomework()<<" "
cout << "The file " << filename
<< " has been successfully written." << endl;
return 0;