I have a C program I am writing and need this program to write to syslog and have the logs in a separate file for my program.

Eg. My program is called "example.c", then I want to have a log file called "example.log" in /var/log. Do I define log file "example.log"in syslogd.conf file?
Or have the C-Program to write to this file via syslog?

I want to have the message in the format yyyy/mm/dd 24HR:MM:SS LOG_TYPE: MESSAGE

I need to have date and time in format yyyy/mm/dd 24HR:MM:SS. Log_type is an severity of error. and MESSAGE is acutal error message.

Any suggestions in doing this in C?

Look for C file operations and also how to get the system date. A little googling will do.

Do you really want your operating system to do the logging? Or do you only need a file created with log entries in it?

Do you really want your operating system to do the logging? Or do you only need a file created with log entries in it?

WaltP I am pretty curious to know now, how would you make OS to log things for. As far i know it should have done by programmer itself isn't Or... am i going wrong somewhere


WaltP I am pretty curious to know now, how would you make OS to log things for. As far i know it should have done by programmer itself isn't Or... am i going wrong somewhere

Only in your explanation. You said "I have a C program I am writing and need this program to write to syslog..." Syslog means system log, the log file for the system and I was simply wondering if you really meant what you said.

When you need to log a message, call a function that uses sprintf() to put the message together. Open the file, write the message, close the file.

Only in your explanation. You said "I have a C program I am writing and need this program to write to syslog..." Syslog means system log, the log file for the system and I was simply wondering if you really meant what you said.

When you need to log a message, call a function that uses sprintf() to put the message together. Open the file, write the message, close the file.

Sorry i dint say that, perhaps u confused between the OP and me. I just question u. So there no feature in the OS which basically logs any events for the applications, instead we need to write ower own. Thats fine.

Thanks a lot


there u go a pesudocode for u

void writetofile(char *log)
     open file
     check file open status
     build the log message with time and append the *log using sprintf
     write log to file
     close file


Do you really want your operating system to do the logging? Or do you only need a file created with log entries in it?

I just want pass it to syslogd to do the logging in a separate file.

Then you need to look up how syslogd works. Google for it.

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