4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for ben_

I wrote this function about a year ago, it's very useful for generating safe file or folder names from text that a user inputs. One method I use this for is storing the filename in the database and then url-rewriting with global.asax. You can get an example of url rewriting …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for dmenke

I am running multiple lines generated from a SQL data source and using pulldown menus to input the data on a button click control using c#. When this is executed with the button, only the first set of data is transferred to the SQL table. The other lines are not …

Member Avatar for sivananda2009

please help me to solve this problem,i want to insert data by checking the multiple entries in my form and retrieve the same data, the check box must checked the corresponding field retrieved.

Member Avatar for ahamed.suhail
Member Avatar for rachaelginge

I need to get codes for ADD DELETE SEARCH (WHICH GOES TO ANOTHER FORM WHEN CLICKED) UPDATE (WHICH UPDATE AND SAVES RESULTS) [ATTACH]19289[/ATTACH] just the code for that thank you! :) it's from a SQL Database;

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a question in C# files. i have a client application which is created in visual studio C#. and from that i copy a file to a folder in the server computer folder. so when i am trying to display it ot the user i user System.Diagnostic.Prcess.Start(PathToTheFileInTheServer) …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for music613

I need to take the content of a C# datatable and deposit it (...) in a new Excel spreadsheet. I have seen some good generic code to do this, however, my problem is that I need to be specific, column by column, as to the format of the cells. For …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for RavesCoder

Hello DaniWeb, I am wondering if any of you guys here at DaniWeb, could help me start of C# Coding, In exchange of me helping one of you , code some other programs, i've basically coded everything but visual studios. So please PM me if you can help me out!

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for carlitosway17

Hi I am New to C# i Am trying to create a grade book form but I cannot build successfully because of the following error. [COLOR="Red"]The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context [/COLOR] [code] // Fig. 19.7: GradeBook.cs // A reusable Windows Form for the examples in …

Member Avatar for carlitosway17
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hi, I need to hide calender of datetimepicker in (c#).net. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde
Member Avatar for borkarparesh

hi! i m having a main form which is having a blacklist button in this i m having website database which i want to block when an url address is been enter in the comboaddress box plz suggest me the code in c#

Member Avatar for borkarparesh
Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for PhilHernandez

How do I add a Macro to an Excel Sheet using Late Binding? I had the code working using Excel(2010) PIA: [CODE] //create a new VBA control module oModule = oWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(VBIDE.vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_StdModule); //Add the VBA macro to the new code module oModule.CodeModule.AddFromString(sCode) //sCode is the VBA macro I created;[/CODE] I now …

Member Avatar for Sebastian_
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

How to access all values of the selected Row of a DatagridView in C# using Coding, MS Access as a Database..??

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for ayushi12

heyy..plz suggest me new C#.net project topics other than managemant systems..

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for radhikakumaran

Hello all, I hv jst recently started using C# and i need to read some Xml documents using C#. I hv a Xml document as , [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <add>< fnum>12</fnum> <snum>12</snum> </add> [/CODE] Now, i need to independently get the values of the elements fnum and snum and …

Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

Delete selected record on Button click. I am using MS Access as a Database in C#. How it can be done ??

Member Avatar for jay.gadhavi
Member Avatar for neo.mn

Hi everyone, I have developed a desktop application. I have created a menu item to click for backup database from MS SQL Server 2005. This is why I have created a method to perform the operation. But the method is not working well. There’s something wrong in the code which …

Member Avatar for Progr4mmer

could someone please explain to me the differences of these languages (C, C++, C#) and when i would use them. (i know a little C++)

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for 303factory

Good afternoon I have recently had to switch from using VB.Net to using C#. The software I am trying to write needs to hold a DataSet in memory (consisting of about 5-10 tables). Then depending on user interaction, data will be added to or read out from the DataSet and …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

Hi there, how can i create an executable so that anybody can install in their own computer? I want to create from visual studio C#. please give me a tutorial or something, i did some but it didn't work properly please help guide in this thanx

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for funfullson

Hi dears. I wrote a program in C# with visual studio 2010 an now need to ensure that my program will work on any system with XP or seven or vista windows version. I used from .net & directX in my project. How can i compact it with an installer …

Member Avatar for funfullson
Member Avatar for ChrisHunter

Hi i need to add a combo box to a property grid that can be populated with the result of an sql statement, i can more than likely populate it when i come to it but i have no idea how to add the combo box. Currently i am creating …

Member Avatar for paddypowa

Hey all, A quick question, i've been picking my brain and browsing the net for a few hours now and still can't get any further. I have a simple C# windows form which acts as a login, but also has a form to change the password of a user. When …

Member Avatar for zachattack05
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I'm using .NET 3.5 with VS 2005 C#. I created a simple application where when I select the time zone from a combo box, it displays the current time of that time zone. To do this I simply use the GetSystemTimeZones() method of TimeZoneInfo class, and then populate the combo …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for JudeV

•Generate a random number from 1 to 100 inclusive. •Input a guess. Use a while loop to check the guess to ensure that it is within the range of 1 to 100, If the guess is outside that range, continue to input guesses until it is within the desired range. …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for vincezed
Member Avatar for Enderz

I am trying to learn C# and have an idea for an application. I am building a windows form application in C# that will convert an area code from my Access database into the time zone that area code is located in. I have the database connected to Visual Basic …

Member Avatar for peck3277

Hi guys, Does anyone know if it's possible to connect to the MYSQL database in wamp using C#. I basically want to take information from the COM port using C# and write it to the database. Any thoughts/tutorials/links would be greatly appreciated!

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for peck3277

Hi guys, Does anyone know if it's possible to connect to the MYSQL database in wamp using C#. I basically want to take information from the COM port using C# and write it to the database. Any thoughts/tutorials/links would be greatly appreciated!

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for junioryz

I have a text file with the following numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 How do I read each individual number into an array? It needs to move along each row so read in 1, 2 and then 3 into a array of 6 integers. Then move to the …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca

The End.