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40 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for sachintha81

I have a simple USB barcode reader which I intend to use to scan COD 39 barcodes. I know that just scanning the barcode while having a text field on focus will get me the text input of the barcode I'm scanning. However my requirement is a bit different. I …

Member Avatar for welkhanson
Member Avatar for sachintha81

In my C++ Win32 program I want to set the current Display Settings to "Extend" mode. I Googled and found out that SetDisplayConfig() is the way to go forward in Windows 7 (I'm on Windows 7) but now I am kind of stuck how to proceed as the MSDN explanation …

Member Avatar for sriv
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I referenced Acrobat.dll in a simple C# Console program, and then wrote a couple of lines of codes to run Acrobat. CAcroApp mApp = new AcroAppClass(); Console.WriteLine("Acrobat is running"); bool bClose = mApp.CloseAllDocs(); bool bExit = mApp.Exit(); However, while CloseAllDocs() return true, Exit() always return false. And accordingly I can …

Member Avatar for sachintha81

I am trying to extract all the images in a PDF and then convert them into DIB format using an Acrobat plugin. First part is easy. I extract all the contents in the PDF, then iterate through them and whenever I find a PDEImage, I put them in an array. …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for sachintha81

Let me describe my problem as well as I can. I have a C# application program, let's call it App.exe. It references a DLL named A.dll which in turn references another DLL, namely, B.dll. However the way in which they are referenced is a bit different. In the code of …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for sachintha81

Can someone please tell me what is the event that is triggered when a user clicks on the + sign in C# TreeView? To elaborate more, here is my problem. I have a tree view that is populated at the time of Form_Load. Then the user can expand/collapse/select etc with …

Member Avatar for jerry32uk
Member Avatar for sachintha81

Let me first describe my situation. I have a list of Hex values, which are called BaseID. They are chosen [B]such that logical OR between any number of them will give you a unique ID[/B] which is called FinalID. That is, my BaseID values are as follows. BaseID = { …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I have a WPF C# program where I attempt to delete certain characters from a text box at TextChanged event. Say, for instance, the dollar sign. Here is the code I use. [CODE] private void txtData_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { string data = txtData.Text; foreach( char c in txtData.Text.ToCharArray() ) …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I have done pretty much all my programming using C# and very much a newbie to C++. However now I have to convert to C++ and is finding it a bit difficult. For example, I wrote a pretty simple program using C# to acquire a RegistryKey, then using a recursive …

Member Avatar for drkybelk
Member Avatar for sachintha81

Hi All I'm wondering if there is a way to know, using a C# program, among my COM ports which are connected to BlueTooth devices? For example, let us assume that of my ports 1 through 9, the COM ports 7 and 8 are connected to some type of BlueTooth …

Member Avatar for sachintha81

I want to add a custom configuration section to my App.Config file in my C# 2010 project. I want the section to look like the following. [CODE]<DmModules> <Module Name="Module1"> <add key="DbType" value="..."> <add key="ConnType" value="..."> </Module> <Module Name="Module2"> <add key="DbType" value="..."> <add key="ConnType" value="..."> </Module> </DmModules>[/CODE] Of course there can …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I have a very simple WCF program where I have a simple self-host and a client running on the same computer. There is a single method which returns a System.IO.Stream, which is actually a serialized form of a simple string. (This could be any number of data types, but for …

Member Avatar for sachintha81

I'm using .NET 3.5 with VS 2005 C#. I created a simple application where when I select the time zone from a combo box, it displays the current time of that time zone. To do this I simply use the GetSystemTimeZones() method of TimeZoneInfo class, and then populate the combo …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for davieJohnson
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I have a WindowsService named, say, BST. And I need to give a non-Administrator user, UserA, the permissions to Start/Stop this particular service. My service runs on a variety of Windows OS, starting from Windows Server 2003 to Windows 7. How can I do this? I Googled and found some …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I have a simple ASP.NET page where after the initial page load the user enters a username and a password to two text boxes. Note that I can not use the built-in login control in ASP.NET, as my purpose of using this username and password is slightly different. Now, I …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I was looking for a way to Start / Stop Windows Services residing in a remote machine using C# code, and found the following code sample. It works fine for me. It is coded using Impersonation Technique, which apparently requires both the machines (let's say A and B) have a …

Member Avatar for adiiz

Use XmlDocument class to read data. [CODE] XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(@"C:\myXml.xml"); [/CODE] There are many ways you can display, basically you'll have to navigate through the aquired data. One easy way would be to put all the nodes of the XmlDocument object to an XmlNodeList. [CODE] XmlNodeList nodeList …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

1. If you want to store those data regarding basic settings, I say separate that section and use XML files (you could use a template) for that purpose. 2. For statistics, you could use XML files but there is always the risk of them getting big (depending on the usage), …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for divyakrishnan

When you say "using C#", I assume that at some point of your program you are reading the data from the DB to your program. Following is a very good in-detail article on how to create a PDF using C#. You should be good with it. [url][/url]

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for sachintha81

First some background on what I'm working on. I have a particular service (Windows only) running on my computer, which is built using C#. Other than Control Panel > Management Tools > Services, I can also use C# programming to Start/Stop/Restart the said service. I use ServiceController class in System.ServiceProcess …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for balrogf

Check what is the encoding type of your project. The suits above you have given are Unicode, I think, so it could be a problem with that.

Member Avatar for balrogf
Member Avatar for sjn21682

Can you please elaborate a bit more. It's very difficult to understand what you're trying to do.

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for BuhRock

[QUOTE=BuhRock;1402296]Still geting them :( [CODE] > expected for (int i = <str.length()-1; i>=0; i--) ^ ';' expected for (int i = <str.length()-1; i>=0; i--) ^ not a statement for (int i = <str.length()-1; i>=0; i--) ^ ')' expected for (int i = <str.length()-1; i>=0; i--) ^ …

Member Avatar for coil
Member Avatar for Xeros606

My opinion too is your teacher's method is a waste of time, and making things too complex when they can be done simpler. My usual practice is to put them in a separate file (not a separate class, but inside the same namespace) so they would be accessible from everywhere.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I am a bit (well, actually a lot) confused with how exactly I should use the Dispose() method on SqlConnection object in C#. First let me tell you what I have learned so far (I've been reading a LOT on the subject for the past 24 hours, and I'm still …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for sachintha81

This isn't exactly a problem with C# coding rules, rather I need help with logic. Here's my situation. In my program, I deal with a JobID. Say, a print job, and there is a unique (obviously) JobID assigned to each print job. Now, regarding each job there are MANY files …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for sachintha81

All the registered IIS MIME types in IIS 7 + Windows Vista are registered in the following config file. [CODE]C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config[/CODE] I was wondering where I can find the same file in Windows XP when I have IIS 6 installed? Additionally, in Vista if I add a MIME type MANUALLY, it …

Member Avatar for sachintha81
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I'm trying to set a MIME type for a certain file extension (.jdf) using MimeMapClass in C#. Following is the code I use which works fine. [code] // directory is a virtual directory, say BSS // extension = ".jdf" // type = "text/xml" private static void SetMIMEType(DirectoryEntry directory, string extension, …

Member Avatar for sachintha81

The following registry key contains many system default folder locations. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders The value for the path of the All Users desktop, which is found there, is as follows: XP or earlier : %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop Vista or later: %PUBLIC%\Desktop Whereas the actual paths of the All User desktops, respectively, are …

Member Avatar for sachintha81

The End.