First some background on what I'm working on.
I have a particular service (Windows only) running on my computer, which is built using C#. Other than Control Panel > Management Tools > Services, I can also use C# programming to Start/Stop/Restart the said service. I use ServiceController class in System.ServiceProcess to do the above said operation.
I also have a web application, which uses web methods to perform various methods using this service. For instance, I might have MethodA() in my service, and I can access it using a web application (HTTP) and perform operations, send and receive data etc.
Now here's my requirement. I need to be able to Start/Stop/Restard this service by using a client computer, preferably using the above said web application. I can add a method like MethodA() to my web application if need be.
So, any idea on how I can get this to work? Also I need to know how to handle the admin previleges and such. Any thoughts are extremely valuable to me.