4,589 Topics
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hi i am sathish. i am asp.net beginner i want learn grid view in asp.net using C# . i donot how to do. so any one know plz send me step by step.. thank you | |
Hi I'm pritty new to C# I'm having trouble with items repeating in a combo box This method gets the values from my table and stores it in the list of strings which it does fine . . . I think. [CODE]public class EditStates { public List<string> getStates(CEditStates ced) { … | |
Hi,I am new in c# development and I have some problems in my smart device application.I have 3 forms: Orders, Add_orders, Add_client. Orders is the mainform. What I want is that when I click 'Save' on Add_orders form, to navigate back to Orders form but not to close the Add_orders … | |
Hi Folks, I've been looking around all day and I've tried numerous suggestions, but to no avail. I've got a struct in C# defined as: [code] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] public struct GenericTrackRecord<T> { public Int32 hasValue; public T value; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)] public struct OTXFixDetailsStruct { public … | |
plz sir help to ,how code to login form with database and chage to password with to similar to pc | |
Hi Folks, This quandary should be fairly straight forward but I have yet to find an example that works. Essentially I have a struct, I create an array of these structs in C#, pass the array to C++, do some manipulation on the C++ side and return the results to … | |
Dear Sir, I am taking up first VC# Project i.e Nursing Home/Hospital Management, I require help like how to capture the informations from client & how to design tables & decide about classes & objects functions. I require overvall view of the new project. Thanks & Regards, Kishor | |
I'm trying to code a C# homework assignment that takes a phone number in this format XXX-XXXX (8 digits that can be alphanumeric) and then "Define a method named ReadDials( ) that reads each digit/letter dialed into eight separate char variables (DO NOT USE ARRAYS). All digits are sent back … | |
Hello! I programmed in c++ for a while but did not get very far into OOP; I want to make video games and I believe C# would be more accommodating for a beginner to achieve such a task? I'm wondering if what I will learn about OOP in C# will … | |
hello, im writing an HTTP proxy in C#. the proxy should capture both HTTP and HTTPS traffic from the web browser. so far i have implemented the GET and POST requests no problem, but the CONNECT request i am having a little trouble with. there does not appear to be … | |
Hello all I am a disabled college student trying my best to learn how to program in either C/C++ or C#. I have come here with the hope that I could find a guru to help explain some of issues I am still fuzzy on. I would like to chat … | |
Write a program that calculates and prints the take-home pay for a commissioned sales employee. Create appropriate variables and enter the values of variables that will change for each employee using Console.ReadLine(); Jessica received 7% of her total sales. Her federal tax rate is 18%. She contributes 10% to a … | |
Dear All, I am generating a report via crystal report. I am reading data from mysql db and one of the sample field I format is Cast(DATE_FORMAT(tblFranchiseTransfer.franchiseTransferFromDate, '%d-%m-%Y') As Char) as franchiseTransferFromDateOriginal. One problem I have few data which is ordered in this flow 04-01-2011,12-01-2011,13-01-2011,18-12-2010. I have ordered as ascending … | |
![]() | Hi, I'm about to develope a little application in C# where I need to save some data in an XML file. I'm viewing data from XML file in a DataGridView, but I would like to make changes and save it in the same XML file. I can't get it to … ![]() |
[CODE] <% response.buffer=True %> <!--#include file="inc-adovbs.asp"--> <!--#include file="DataStore.asp"--> <!--#include file="inc-nocache.asp"--> <!--#include file="func-conversions.asp"--> <!--#include file="error-catcher.asp"--> <!--#include file="func-getvars.asp"--> <% if userrights < 5 then response.redirect("default.asp") end if sort=wclng(request("sort")) delete=nonull(request.form("delete")) ' Set up the database connection Set ddConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ddConn.Open strConnect Set ddRs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") startdate=wcdate(request("sd")) enddate=wcdate(request("ed")) if startdate="" then startdate="09/01/2001" end if with response .write … | |
[CODE] <% response.buffer=True %> <!--#include file="inc-adovbs.asp"--> <!--#include file="DataStore.asp"--> <!--#include file="inc-nocache.asp"--> <!--#include file="func-conversions.asp"--> <!--#include file="error-catcher.asp"--> <!--#include file="func-getvars.asp"--> <% if userrights < 5 then response.redirect("default.asp") end if sort=wclng(request("sort")) delete=nonull(request.form("delete")) ' Set up the database connection Set ddConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ddConn.Open strConnect Set ddRs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") startdate=wcdate(request("sd")) enddate=wcdate(request("ed")) if startdate="" then startdate="09/01/2001" end if with response .write … | |
hi guys.... can someone please give me the code to automatically enter the movie name and the imdb id in the website given below... and then pull out the poster which it generates.... [url]http://api.movieposterdb.com/console[/url] i have to use this in an ssis package script component... to pull out images for … | |
Hiii I am developing one window application in c#.net with sql server 2005 as database. now, i have Some questions: How To Use OpenFileDialog control in C# window application. and how to give the validation for it. How To copy this file On The Other Folder also store the path … | |
I have a label and text block on a WPF window and I'm trying to update those from a 2nd cs code file. I've tried the below code but the label is not getting updated...any help is greatly appreciated! [CODE] MainWindow main = new MainWindow(); main.statusLabel.Content = "Blah...blah"; main.statusTextBlock.Text = … | |
I have a datatable which is having n no. of rows and each row has a unique field say ID. Now I want to get a particular row for a specified ID. eg. there are 5 rows in a datatable and the id's are 1,2,3,4 and 5 and if I … | |
I want a programme in c# in which , Delete phone numbers from csv file,if these phone no. exist in database Please helo me regarding this | |
Hi i have been trying to do voice recording using c# for window mobile programming. I tried using OpenNETCF, but because the free OpenNETCF version i downloaded is a community version which doesn't provide a full source code. I found out that i can use waveinopen for voice recording too. … | |
I am somewhat new to C# and I've started with the basics. I need to create a Windows Form application where I can interact with the Web. My needs are that I need to access my website and log in to my account to check my stats. How does one … | |
hello , i am going to build a web site in which i want to transfer the session variable value from master page to other page i try some code like i have use session variable in master page in button click event [code=.aspx] Session["name"] = txtemail.Text; Response.Redirect("userpage-1.aspx"); [/code] now … | |
Hello, I'm a beginner in these to programming language. Here I want to know how to display the actual value of variable of enum holds. Like this in C++: [code] #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main(void) { enum Difficulty { Low = 1, Medium, High }; Difficulty … | |
hi my friends I developing shop program and want my software can read price from POS device , i dont have information about POS please help me | |
Hi, In my current project we have been inserting quite a few records into the data base, we dint chk abt implementing locks, my client doesnt want any duplicate records for a column in a table, there is no primary key constraint on any of the column for the table … | |
hello, Actually, i want to play sound file from [COLOR="green"]resource[/COLOR]. I am using [COLOR="green"]WindowMediaPlayer[/COLOR] Control for window application. But there is only option is "[COLOR="Red"]URL[/COLOR]" (Property of control) to play sound file. I don't want to use [COLOR="Red"]URL[/COLOR] property. Because my sound file is present in the [COLOR="Green"]Resource[/COLOR]. Any body … | |
hi guys)) please -someone who use MS Visual C# Express Edition - tell me is there System.Math (with mathematic functions) library there? Thanks in advance!) | |
Hi, I am studying to become a software developer. This year is the last year of school and to pass i need to create a System myself. I know C# very well not as good as java. I wish that the software project will be programmed with C#. What ideas … |
The End.