4,589 Topics
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I am trying to use my textboxes and checkedlistboxes to insert data to a ms access database that is local just as a preliminary step to get my app running to show what it can do. I have connected to the database through the datasource connection in Visual studio 2008 … | |
I'm working on application in c# that will download mp3 files to usb, mp3 ipods etc. but my problem that a sansa clip mp3 does not recognized as one letter(like f:\) so how do i recognize a sansa clip when it's inserted? thanks alot!!!!!!! | |
Okay, so I finished the first of a few files on the converting, and I am getting some errors, and yes I have googled them and tried to fix to no avail, I am a noob on programming and am being told to work on a high level project, which … | |
[CODE]FileInfo[] Images; Images = Folder.GetFiles("Image Files (JPEG,GIF,BMP)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.bmp|JPEG Files(*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|GIF Files(*.gif)|*.gif|BMP Files(*.bmp)|*.bmp|All Files|*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);[/CODE] getting error here [B]An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in mscorlib.dll Additional information: Illegal characters in path.[/B] completely confused because it works nice in other app. what i m missing? help | |
I am developing my knowledge base files these days and also I am trying to make an interface to update the templates in the knowledge base. Say I have the following AIML file. [code] <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859-1”?> <aiml version=“1.0”> <category> <pattern> WHERE</pattern> <template>Where the heart is.</template> </category> <category> <category> <pattern>Hi</pattern> … | |
Okay, so I understand this C# program I was given to analyze, and now I am being told that I need to convert the entire program into C++, just my luck. So there are several features that at the moment I do not understand how to convert over. If there … | |
Hi all, I'm new on this site and was hoping some of you more experienced coders could give me some advice. I'm a long time IT guy, always loved programming but never got too deep into it. I know the basics of programming in .Net and C# but I would … | |
hello i know that to sav i have to write someting like this [code] if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(saveFileDialog1.FileName); sw.WriteLine(this.textBox2.Text); sw.Close(); } [/code] how would i go about saving more than like 5 textboxes and other stuff like pictureboxes. do i manually enter the picture … | |
Hi i need to make a C# windows application that displays “Conway’sGameOf Life” game of life. you can find a history of the game online. does anyone know what sort of tutorials should i be looking to be able to complete this project my knowledge on c sharp is 1 … | |
Im a newbie and im working with 4 forms, first form is a main menu which has 6 buttons, if one of the button is clicked, a view only form is shown. this view only form has add edit and delete buttons. if edit or add is clicked, a single … | |
hi same week and am here again with another problem lol and yeah its my homework and am stuck somewhere as 95 % has been finished. Windows Form Application--- using C sharp and SQL server 2008 i made database in SQL server 2008 and using visual basic 2008 C sharp … | |
hi i need to write a program that connects to a device through Ethernet over the UDP protocal and get the data sent by the device. I tried using the .NET udp client methods but was unsuccessful. Can you guys help...this is my code.... [CODE] static void Main(string[] args) { … | |
hiiiiiii all I need help to know what are equivalent libraries in c# for those in java--> 1)import java.sql.ResultSet; 2)import java.sql.Statement; 3)import java.util.Vector; 4)import java.util.Hashtable; 5)import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; 6)import java.sql.SQLException; 7)import org.apache.velocity.Template; 8)import java.sql.Connection; Thanks In advance :) | |
Hi all. I'm new in .NET programming. I want to make an application using C# and Microsoft Access. I cannot found any good tutorial about C# and Access. I just want to know how to connect, insert, delete, edit, and update database. Any suggestion for a good site to learn … | |
Hi All I got lots of help from this site Here I am facing 1 simple problem but can't point it out, So I need urgent help from you all. I am using Windows 7, VS C# 2008, Access 2007 My Access database have 1 photo column of OLE Object. … | |
What's the C# equivalent to "System.setOut(new Logger(System.out));" in java? Basically with that line of code each line thats printed in the console prints the current date + time, etc.. Thanks. | |
I want to scrap data from a site. I have successfully scrapped the data on 1st page, but the data id divided into some 10 to 12 pages. How do i scrap data of other pages. The other pages have the same address as the 1st one. I guess it … | |
Hello everyone, I am looking for some instructions on learning C# for a 15 year old. He is creating some games in Unity 3d program and is doing pretty good following tutorials but i don't think he is understanding the programming concepts. I searched google but can't find anything that … | |
Hi, I am trying to create a league table. There are eight teams. The teams and their results are added to a text file on one form. The teams and results are seperated by a comma. On the second form i have a label where I am trying to display … | |
Hi, I’m starting out on C# and need some guidaance. My goal is to develop applications that will control/take measurements/gather data from RF lab instruments (signal generator, vector network analyzer, spectrum analyzer). My issue is to what commands are used by C# to actually talk to the instruments? In my … | |
Hi I have a question regarding the datagridview cellFormatting event in C#, [CODE] if (e.ColumnIndex >= 0) { if (this.dgvSubContractor.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name == "TelNo") { if (e.Value != null) { this.dgvSubContractor[3, row].Value = c.CheckingValue(e.Value.ToString()).ToString(); } } return; } [/CODE] I wrote the below code to format a 10 digit number to (456) … | |
Okay I have a datagridview with multiple rows and columns of data. I set the grid to Readonly == true by default, but have a method that when the user double clicks the datagridview, it's gets the current cell the user is clicking and then uses this line of code … | |
Hi everybody I wanted to retrieve data from sql server and save them in arrayList I use the following format [CODE] sql="select bookid,bookname from BookTable"; Sqlcommand cmd=new (sql,conn) // I define reader here while(reader.Read()) { list.Add(new book(reader[reder.GetName(0)],reader[reader.GetName(1)])); } [/CODE] in book class I build a constructor [CODE] public book(int id,String … | |
hi there, i have a text box in a form to enter a float value.say that the user types in 1234567789.09 it should be formatted and display as 1,234,567,789.09 how can i do this. i am using a text box. please can someone help me in this or give me … | |
Hello community im new! I am really rusty at C# but i do not want to learn the basics all over again so i hit the ground running and ran into a hurdle. I want to use an xml file for a database. Its a car repair tracking system i … | |
Hi im having trouble linking my database. I dont understand what ive done wrong and keep getting the following message: Syntax error in FROM clause. at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextErrorHandling(OleDbHResult hr) at................................... My code ive used is: [CODE] using System.Data.OleDb; namespace coursework2 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public OleDbConnection Coursework2; … | |
This snippet takes a string as input and formats it to proper case | |
[B][B]i m trying to grant permission to a folder using c#. but can't. i can restrict the folder with following code. plz can any one help me?[/B][/B] //**************** CODE ******************* [code] using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Security.AccessControl; using … | |
Hi, this i'm trying to make a loop that would read a list of character (including numbers) that you type in terminated by a period and that would only write the letters and ignore the other characters. How would i do this?? Thats the code ive been doing but there … | |
My scenario: I have a requirement in my project(C#).I need to give the user only reading capability for my word document opened thru my application.All other featues like cut,copy,paste,save,saveas,print,right click context menus should be disabled.How can i achieve this in word document programatically using c#? can anyone extend their help? |
The End.