4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for Andrew J

Hello, first time posting here, but site has been plenty helpful to me so far, thankyou. Am currently working on C# oleDb connections with access .mdb files for a university project, i have the start of a program that works fine in university, but when i run it at home …

Member Avatar for Andrew J
Member Avatar for tanco

Hello, I'd like to set multiple InputScopes to one text box in a Windows Form with using C#. This application will be used in TabletPC. I found SetInputScopes API. But I'm not good at C#, so I don't have any idea how to program it in C#. Could anyone please …

Member Avatar for tanco
Member Avatar for aoelord

I need to output the results from a .dat file then have it read in data and assign a new * for every 2% each record equals. It is meant to appear as this: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 | | | | | …

Member Avatar for aoelord
Member Avatar for AMetnik

[CODE] private void displayWith1Criteria(string column, string value) { Console.WriteLine("entering _1_ display method"); dbcontent = new DBtestEntities(); var studienummerQuery = from members in dbcontent.Medlemmer.Include("Retninger") where column == value orderby members.Fornavn select new { Studienr = members.Studienummer, Fornavn = members.Fornavn, Efternavn = members.Efternavn, Email = members.Email, Studiested = members.Studiested, Betaling = members.BetalingsType, …

Member Avatar for AMetnik
Member Avatar for AMetnik

[CODE] var studienummerQuery = from members in dbcontent.Medlemmer.Include("Retninger") orderby members.Fornavn select members; foreach(var a in studienummerQuery) { Console.WriteLine(a); } [/CODE] Thats my code, wonder why it doesnt work.. My tables are: Medlemmer Retninger

Member Avatar for AMetnik
Member Avatar for wade2462

I want to be able to have a Textblock set to a certain width and height so it can contain two lines of 36pt font. I have accomplished this with word wrap, but it can still overflow. Is there anyway to make the font size shrink when there is an …

Member Avatar for Hassan_w

hello everybody.. recently I'm doing attendance software connected multiple RFID devices, the device doesn't support seeking new input automatically, so I need to implement the loop to seek next card automatically, the read function takes 3 parameters. I did read from each devices but separately. I need to read from …

Member Avatar for adiiz

[B]I have this XML code and I want to print value of UserName and Email on console.Can you help me??[/B] [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <USERS> <User> <UserName>abc</UserName> <Email>abc@gmail.com</Email> </User> <User> <UserName>abc</UserName> <Email>abc@gmail.com</Email> </User> <User> <UserName>abc</UserName> <Email>abc@gmail.com</Email> </User> <User> <UserName>abc</UserName> <Email>abc@gmail.com</Email> </User> </USERS>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for Garrie

I know this seems very basic but my code reads in grades from a .dat file, it then counts how many of each grade there is and now i need to work out the percentage of each grade compared to the total number of grades. I hope this makes sense, …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for james6754

Hi there...im after a bit of adivce..I am doing an assignment that requires reading grades from a file...seeing how many grades there are of each and for higher marks outputting them to a html file in the form of a graph(instead of a graph to the console screen)... Could anyone …

Member Avatar for heartking2004

i'm new to asp.net but i already finsih one real time project in vb.net with mdi form. But in asp.net , i dono how to use with mdichild form. In asp.net, i want to create one object for mdichild form and i want to use this object anywhere in my …

Member Avatar for Mattan360

Hi! I'm trying to login to my website throught my program, to do that I need a password and username. The password is encrypted using C# SHA256 but on the server it uses an javascript code I got from the web. My problem is that my C# Hash differs in …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for JMC31337

its just a prank.. but shows the recatngle arrays and falling pixels in a 25 x 25 region snapshot of yur current screen after 10seconds... then creates a form and further cascades the pixels.. any key press will end it.. but its autostart will wait another 10 seconds and cascade …

Member Avatar for JMC31337
Member Avatar for octavia

Hi i'd like to know how to store dynamic string into MySQL database from c#.net desktop application. I was able to store only fixed data . Help me pls as i 'm new in database . thanks

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Jesi523

I have two different views in my ASP.Net application. I have a list view and a calendar view. I am trying to get the link to perform differently under certain circumstances. If the the class is full the link should be disabled and read class full. If there are available …

Member Avatar for crishjeny
Member Avatar for darkelflemurian

Hi, everyone this is my first post here and let me tell you my problem I have a C# application, i have SQLServer 2005 installed on my computer my database is there and the program works fine the problem I'm facing is that i need to make an installer for …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for mscutie33

Hi, I created a data file, which seems to work perfectly, but as far as reading it into an array is where I get stuck. It should be 20 random #s 1 to 99 read into this array in a single line. In my data file, they are all on …

Member Avatar for mscutie33
Member Avatar for stevetaylor15

Hi i have a string array, such as: [CODE] string[] test = {"one@test.com","@test.com","@contoso.com"} [/CODE] And I want to modify values only where the address has no first portion that is "@domain.com", so the example return would be: [CODE] string[] test2 = {"one@test.com","*@test.com","*@contoso.com"} [/CODE] ANy ideas how to do this please?

Member Avatar for stevetaylor15
Member Avatar for Kyaw Thi Thi Sa

Dear all, Now,we are developing e-learning system written in C# asp.net.We also creating flash learning games.The problem is how can we load those flash game from our asp.net page and how can we save score into database and how should we start.I have no idea.We want like this flow. 1.LearnerAAA …

Member Avatar for "ICode"

hi all, ---put in mind that im doing an ASP.NET website.... i made a DB using VS2010 (installed SQL server 2008 with the VS 2010 installation). the DB is in the App_Data folder. in the default.aspx.cs file i wrote this [CODE] Sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(); con.connection = "server=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachdbFile=|DataDirectory|\\Database.mdf;Database=Database;Trusted=true;" [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for mahdi68

Hi can any body tell me how can i send arabic sms with at-command in C# ? i try with this code but the message show incorrect on phone ! [CODE]serialPort1.BaseStream.Flush(); string cb = char.ConvertFromUtf32(26); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); this.serialPort1.Write("AT+CMGF=1\r"); this.serialPort1.Write("AT+CSCA=servicecenter\r\n");//Ufone Service Center this.serialPort1.Write("AT+CSCS=\"" + "HEX" + "\"\r\n"); this.serialPort1.Write("AT+CSMP=\"" + 1 + "," …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for waleed.makarem

Dear All , I need your support to convert the below C++ 6 lines code to C# or vb.net . this function calculates the checksum for a given text. GUCHAR GenerateCkSum(GUCHAR *pure_data, U2 size) { GUCHAR chksum; I2 i; chksum = pure_data[0]; for(i=1; i<size ; i++) chksum ^= pure_data[i]; return …

Member Avatar for arvin.gh

Hi, I need to be able to upload a photo from a datagridview. I am using the C# ready database (I don't know what excatly it is called. But I have made a login page using login control and created a few users). I have added a new table or …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for iamsmooth

Hi. So I'm new to Visual Studio, and created a project with lots of windows. The problem is I want the program to be seamless, i.e. when you progress through a dialogue that goes to another windows form, I want it to remain in the same location and seem like …

Member Avatar for Antenka
Member Avatar for TJVR

Hi Please help with the following. This is my code: [CODE]<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Configuration" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Xml.Linq" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient"%> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb"%> <html> <head> <title>Session Page 2</title> </head> <body><p>ASP.NET C# session page 2</p> <p>first name: …

Member Avatar for catherine sea
Member Avatar for survagya

hi friends, I am visual foxpro programmer with the experience of 22 years in FOXPRO and VFP. I studied ASP.NET and C# from last 2 years myself. As i have started my ASP.NET project, I faced the difficulty in displaying the data into text box before updating. For Example, I …

Member Avatar for tooqt4u_777

Hi guys, My group is having a software development project for our academics at a university. The software we want to develop is an inventory system which will be installed in a Local Area Network. We have decided to use Visual Studio C# (2005 or higher) as the front-end while …

Member Avatar for dValue
Member Avatar for nssltd

Hi During my Web browser program i have got a bookmarks bar running but when ever i add a bookmark to it the name is the URL, which is bad if you are adding a Google search page. When i try and add document title into the equation apparently i …

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Member Avatar for jobyjames85
Member Avatar for jlininger

Hi I am new to the programming world . I took a certification course for my MCTS .net I passed one of two certs for MS. But even though i undersatnd syntax i don't get coding in its entirity. I don't want to see that my time and money went …

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The End.