can any body tell me how can i send arabic sms with at-command in C# ?
i try with this code but the message show incorrect on phone !


                string cb = char.ConvertFromUtf32(26);


                this.serialPort1.Write("AT+CSCA=servicecenter\r\n");//Ufone Service Center

                this.serialPort1.Write("AT+CSCS=\"" + "HEX" + "\"\r\n");
                this.serialPort1.Write("AT+CSMP=\"" + 1 + "," + 167 + "," + 0 + ","  +8+ "\"\r\n");
                this.serialPort1.Write("AT+CMGS=\"" + textBox1.Text + "\"\r\n");// message sending
                this.serialPort1.Write(textBox2.Text + cb);//message text

and massege is this :


please help me thanks

SMS is not for free. This will not do. There are ways but you will have to pay the service. Are you still intereseted?

SMS is not for free. This will not do. There are ways but you will have to pay the service. Are you still intereseted?

That's not true. You can send sms for free using SMTP (as long as you can find your opearator's sms gateway).

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