The following lab was originally assigned but skipped over because we were off for MLK day. I would still like to do it but am just not following what I should be doing. Help?
In this lab you are going to extend the code you wrote in you first lab. You are going to add to the class Coin a variable value that represents the value of the coin in cents (e.g. can be 1, 5, 10, or 25). This value, together with the bias, should be specified as the constructor to the class Coin.
You are also going to create a new class Change that stores an array of Coin objects. The array of coins, which can be of arbitrary size, should be given as input parameter to the constructor of the class Change. Add to the class Change a toString() method that prints the coins in the change. An example return value of the method is “dime nickel tails quarter tails”, which means that the 3rd and 5th coin are tails and their values cannot be seen. Add a method flip(int i) to the class Change that flips the ith coin. Test the class Change by creating a third class called Game. In the main method of this class, create a random change of size 10 coins.
Show the change to the user and print the sum of the coins that are heads. Then allow the user to flip all the coin if they want to do so. If the user decides to flip the coins, show the new values for the coins and the new sum for the head coins. The goal of the game is to the get the highest possible sum for the value of the coins that are heads.
Here is my original lab 01. Where do I go from here?
import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //Import class for use of JOptionPane windows
public class Coin
private static double face;
private static double bias = .5;
final static int HEAD = 1;
final int TAILS =2;
private static int value;
public Coin(double b, int v)
bias = b;
value = v;
public static void main(String[] args) //Main method
int counter = 0; //Local variable to control for loop
boolean data; //Local variable to evaluate outcome of flip method
int input; //Local variable to store JOP input
// Solicits user to run the program
input = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Would you like to change the bias and run " +
"the program?", "Coin", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if (input == 1) //Evaluates user choice as integer value
{ //JOP closes program based on choice of no option
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The Coin Program Exits. Good Bye!",
"Program Terminates", JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION);
System.exit(0); //Program terminates
while (input == 0) //While loop begins based on yes
setBias(); //Calls method, passing no arguments
for (int i = 0; i <10; i++) //For loop to toss the coin a set # of times
flip(); //Calls method, passing no arguments
data = isHead(); //Calls method, assigning to variable result of return
if (data == true) //If statement to evaluate is toss is a HEAD
counter ++; //If toss is HEAD, increment counter variable
} //JOP tells user the result of the program at current bias
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " You tossed HEADS " + counter + " times",
"Results", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
counter = 0; //Resets counter variable
//JOP prompts user to run the program again
input = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Would you like to change the bias and run " +
"the program?", "Coin", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
} //Given a choice of no by user, program terminates
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The Coin Program Exits. Good Bye!",
"Program Terminates", JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION);
System.exit(0); //Program terminates
}//End of Main
public static void flip() //Method to control tossing of coin
double calc = 0; //Local variable to create toss value
calc = 2 * (Math.random()) * (1 - bias); //Assigns to calc variable the result of math
// //formula to generate a random value of toss
if (calc <= .5) //If statement evaluates generated number
face = 1; //Assigns to face data field an integer value for comparison
else face = 2; //Assigns to face data field an integer value for comparison
}//End of Method
public static boolean isHead() //Method for comparing generated number to constant for HEAD
if (face == HEAD) //If statement compares generated number to constant for HEAD
return true; //Returns true to main method if values are equal
else return false; //Returns false to main method if values are false
}//End of Method
public static void setBias() //Method to allow user to change the bias value to HEAD
String biasInput; //Local variable to accept user input from JOP
//Prompts user to change bias value
biasInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Input your desired bias value", "Bias Change",
bias = Double.parseDouble(biasInput); //Parses bias value from string to double type
}//End of Method
}//End of Class
BTW, I have class Thur. so I would love to finish this before.