OK im not sure if this is a programming or pc problem but please read on

ok i made a program to display playing cards in random locations using cards.dll just for a bit of fun but on my main PC which has 2.19 GHZ processor and 1 GB ram running XP and it can display about 200 - 300 cards a second when i run that same program on my laptop running Vista 2GHZ dual core processor 4GB ram laptop is a acer aspire 6530G it only displays 2 cards a second but the laptop is not slow on other things so any help or advice to what it could be will be appreciated thanks in advance

I do have some rough ideas, but first of all, tell us detailed information about both processors. I'm not interested in graphic cards or ram(they really don't matter is this case), just about the CPUs.

this definitely does not seems to be problem with c++ code

I do have some rough ideas, but first of all, tell us detailed information about both processors. I'm not interested in graphic cards or ram(they really don't matter is this case), just about the CPUs.

AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3400+ main PC
AMD Turion X2 Dual Core Mobilr RM-70 2.00 GHZ Laptop

I am pretty sure that 64 bit processors are faster than 32 bit.

I am pretty sure that 64 bit processors are faster than 32 bit.

Yes, but nearly all modern processors are at least 64-bit (both of these definitely are). Whether 64-bit processing occurs or not is dependent primarily on whether your O/S is 64-bit or not.

Based on the OP's description, this application is fairly graphics intensive. The more likely issue is that it's Vista running on a Mobile platform. Mobile platforms generally have neither very large nor very powerful video cards, unless you are willing to pay a ridiculous amount for your system, and Vista hogs resources.

Additionally, because it's a mobile platform, it's power is probably being throttled back by the chipset to save battery power and reduce heat production.

As far as I have considered, Vista runs games much smoother and faster compared to XP. And also a lot of people believe that, Vista consumes huge amount of memory, even when no program is running. It's a wrong assumption as well because Vista uses some techniques borrowed from Linux to reserve some memory in close access for further use, albeit it doesn't mean that it has allocated all that memory space.

Regarding your problem, one probable answer in my mind is, it's true that new processors are faster as a whole, but each single cheap is not as fast as before. What I mean is, previously we had Pentium 3.6GHZ, but have you mentioned that suddenly they all dropped to 1.4GHZ, 2.2GHZ and so on?? Why???

So, my idea is that, PARTIALLY, due to the fact that your program does not take advantage of multiple processor capability of your new machine, therefore the outcome is faster in your old machine.

>>...Vista uses some techniques borrowed from Linux to reserve some memory in close access for further use, albeit it doesn't mean that it has allocated all that memory space.
Whether it's actually allocated or not is irrelevant, the fact of the matter is it has still taken the resources for itself, making them unavailable.

No, it actually is available. One of OS's duties is to provide good user responsiveness. Imagine yourself sitting at your pc, waiting to get few things done at the same time, and you see Non-responding page, like windows 98, it would be really irritating. But Vista uses this technique to provide faster response and less memory faults which could end up with slower respond. It stores some memory in advance for user's application and when user fires up a program, that part of memory is allocated to the user.

sorry guys forgot to mention the main PC uses a geforce GT8500 graphics card and the laptop uses a ATI Radeon HD 3650 but even that graphics card should be pretty quick shouldnt it? also the laptop can run games like company of heroes pretty fast where the main pc is very slow it just seems weird to me

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