4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for svatstika

Dear friends! I have a button in form1, and now I want when clicking on it, a new form (form2) will appear. There's a text box on this form2. User will input a integer here. After user's pressing Enter, this integer will be given to a function into Form1.cs and …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for aowais

hi, how could i can connect C# with ms access 2007 as i want to use the data in a form of table in my C# program.As im creating a system to input the marks of the student and the list of student is in ms access so need to …

Member Avatar for gadflyyy
Member Avatar for Prasadd

Hi, I am working on a Desktop application using C# .NET Looking for some code that does 'email syntax validation' and 'send mail' tasks. Since it is not a web based application this cannot be done using Web based namespaces etc. Can anyone please help me out or even suggest …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for e_yasini

hi there i want to write a noise cancellation program (no matter c/c++ or c#) an I want to know how could I extract sound waves( I [URL="http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/6467/durexperformab9e4fdti5.jpg"]mean[/URL] phases(?))could any one help me and tells me how should I do this if you don't know a resource would be enough …

Member Avatar for sabril

Hey guys, sabril here. My friend and I are college students and our project is to come out with a game using C# language and controlling the game with the emotiv's epoc headset. We have already finished our game but we are still unclear of how to intergrate the headset …

Member Avatar for arya6000

Hello I created the following project to show you guys how I plan to do things. But my main project will be bigger and will have multiple classes. I'm just trying to get this to work properly so I know I'm using good practice when coding. ok, lets begin :), …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for christos312

Hello to all, I have a question, I want to make something like puzzle pieces connecting together in a sequence and when all are in the right place the game will end. [img]http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/1557/36927129.png[/img] I want to use this image. The problem is that the space that the next piece must …

Member Avatar for christos312
Member Avatar for LoLFactor

I'm interested in making an .ini file parser and I want it to have an internal list that can hold it's individual entries. The catch is I want to make one list to hold all the values. That means strings, boolean values and int types. I have a class to …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for bnath001

Howdy, I want to make a sql that goes to oracle. the sql should be "Select "cusip", "price structure" from tableA" (basically the columns are wrapped in double quotes. I used this synatax in C#: string mysql = "select "+'"'+"cusip,"+'"' + '"'+ "Price structure\"" from tableA" and I am getting …

Member Avatar for Kimpl
Member Avatar for Yearner

How to connect to a WAMP server database (located in default MySQL database location in WAMP) using C# 2010? I tried... SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source = C:\\wamp\\bin\\mysql5.1.36\\data\\testdatabase; User ID=; Password=;"); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * from transactions", conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds, "Transactions"); DataGridView1.DataSource = …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for someshdhaka

hello all i am new to C# i want to enter a datetime value in table but when i give datetime datatype in insert statement it is not displaying any error while executing but when i see the inserted value in my table it shows 1900/01/01 i want to enter …

Member Avatar for someshdhaka
Member Avatar for Jesi523

I have a SQL query where I need to pull email addresses if there is one associated with that row in my table. Depending on how many email addresses are returned could be 1 all the way up to 5 I need to send an email to each of those …

Member Avatar for Jesi523
Member Avatar for arcticM

Hey! I'm looking for advice! I'm a student and I need to make a system for a real client, no hw, no BS, for real people who really gonna work with it. so I'm trying to decide which programming language to use, I thought of C# (even though I don't …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for itslucky

Dear Friends, I am developing such a website where i have uploaded the ringtones for mobile phones, and i need to know that how can i play the ringtone in the [B]Asp .net C# pag[/B]e. before download user can [B]listen[/B] the ringtone and same action can done with Videos. Please …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

Okay so I am a newer programmer and have no clue how to use the language fortran77. All I know is I have the source code for the old game Adventure. Here is where I downloaded it from [URL="http://jerz.setonhill.edu/if/crowther/"]Where I Downloaded Files[/URL] I have no clue how to use this …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for VIeditorlover

Ok, the problem is this - plenty of code, many times called, probability of raising exception is about 1e-5. From many reasons is not possible to serialize params into string just for the case that exception would be raised. Is there possible to save *values* of params *generically* just from …

Member Avatar for divin757
Member Avatar for usg

Hi, I am doing a web based chattebot system and my problems are these. I need to get a particular user question and check for some specific keywords in it(for example take the nouns) and find for synonyms and well as do the spell check? Therefore What is the best …

Member Avatar for adeela83
Member Avatar for Streamx1

Please, help to organyze time out. I have a program which connects to another device by COM port. If device is disconnected and I try to connect this device, the time out exeption must be. Can anyone give me example of making time out here? [CODE] private void OnButton_Reading_Click(object sender, …

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for butt89

hi, i need some help in this regard of creating a software, that manages the attendance of students, by taking their thumb prints.

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Hello, I am trying to read this xml file. But whenever I get to the load part of it, it gives me this error: "[size=1][size=2]The data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1"[/size] [/size] [size=1][size=2]This is the code I am working with:[/size][/size] [size=1][size=2][code][/size][/size] [size=1][size=2][color=#0000ff]public[/color][/size][size=2][color=#0000ff]static[/color][/size][size=2] Response Message([/size][size=2][color=#0000ff]string[/color][/size][size=2] doc)[/size][/size] …

Member Avatar for bbauraj
Member Avatar for pranaya.guduru

im doing a project oon e quiz management using c#.I urgently need code for selecting the answer of a question with multiple choice.and also I need code for incrementing the score when each question is selected.Please help me out.I have project submission day after tomorrow.

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for vijaykrishnabor
Member Avatar for omarelmasry

I am currently working on a C# project that contains UDP and TCP connections, and outputs to a serial port,... etc... So I was thinking ... How hard is it to take a C# program and convert it somehow to be embedded on a circuit board? ... i.e: replacing the …

Member Avatar for omarelmasry
Member Avatar for canadiancoder

Hello folks, I've got a conundrum that Google was unable to fix, so here's hoping someone here knows how. I've got an application and a Delphi DLL and now what I need to do is write a C# DLL which exposes a number of functions the Delphi DLL will use. …

Member Avatar for canadiancoder
Member Avatar for mfaisalhayat

[url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=17710&d=1287740073[/url] Let me know how much it help you in getting started.

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for snehalj

[code] string s = TextBox1.Text; string[] s1 = s.Split(new char[] { "&" }); Console.WriteLine(s1[0]); Console.WriteLine(s1[1]); [/code] above code giving me error as 'Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'char' ' pls give me solition.

Member Avatar for raj_developer
Member Avatar for NagaSravan514

hi.. How can we add list of items to Combo box which are in DB(SQL SERVER). is it necessary to write a STORED PROCEDURE

Member Avatar for NagaSravan514
Member Avatar for braveheart_sb

i'm running C# on a windows application and found a problem. I'm unable to Check if a row from my data grid contains a null value, because im populating the rows for the datagrid from a CSV file and after that i need to populate that csv file into my …

Member Avatar for hyperion
Member Avatar for Roflcoptr

Hi together, Is there any library/framework for C# you would recommend to use in combination with an MS Surface application that allows to calculated a lot of different metrics from source code? It does not have to be the source code of the actual application, it is enough if it …

Member Avatar for arshadziard

Hi There, I'm new to C#. However, my task is 2 read a textfile and store the data in database. But, when reading, i only need 2 read the 1st 2 element of each line leaving the header. Reading the whole line and storing it in database is possible. Bt …

Member Avatar for Momerath

The End.