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Member Avatar for pwolf

**One of these is in regards to embedable scripts/ web apps/ widgets** What do you mean by this? You want to allow users to save their own html/javascript on your site? Upload flash content? **is it possible to store many sqlite databases in a mysql database?** Well ths is interesting... …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for rahul.pragma

The link now works. If you found the solution the best thing to do is post the solution here and mark this thread as "Solved". Thanks!

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for shavezphp

While an HTML5 solution is progressive it won't work for older browsers (specifically IE8 and under). You may want to consider a fallback to that, such as the html5media library which will provide video tag support for older browsers.

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for happygeek

> > There's no safety zones on php, it's a given. Boy I hate it when people blame the tools instead of the developers. Sites built on **ANY** language can contain massive security holes if web security best practices are not followed. Blaming PHP is analagous to a bad carpenter …

Member Avatar for Gaetane
Member Avatar for shelexelex

While the OP didn't say whether his app was using sessions or not I would definitely reccomend storing the names in session or in the cookie. If neither option is available then you would have to do some kind of workaround such as what Dani suggested.

Member Avatar for Gaetane
Member Avatar for arifkutty

> > The solution to your problem? Don't refresh. :-/ Not true. I would reccomend simply doing a redirect to the regular cart URL (without params) after you have updated the cart quantities. I put an example below. Since I don't know your URL's I improvised :) if (isset($_GET['add'])) $_SESSION['cart_'.$_GET['add']]+='1'; …

Member Avatar for arifkutty
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hmm well I would probably reccomend displaying the PDF in some kind of PDF viewer in the browser. This way you can initiate bi-directional communication about the state of the PDF's being viewed. Letting the user download the PDF and view it locally won't work obviously because you can't control …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for brandon66

Do a right click > view source on the select element after the select2 is run on it... It changes absolutely everything and removes the select element (along with the class declarations) entirely. I commented out the select2 and it does work fine as is because the select element is …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for SakuraCindy

I don't see why not. You haven't given us a ton of information to work with but with the much improved support for classes in PHP 5.5x it shouldn't be a hard port at all.

Member Avatar for SakuraCindy
Member Avatar for YakuzaJevin
Member Avatar for kseguy

Ok well first I would change your onreadystatechange function a little. he way it is will cause the "else" block to execute very often. I would reccomend first checking that the readyState == 4, if it's not then just return. The readyState will become 4 when the request is finished …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for iwanna4get

I have no idea what you are trying to achieve with the `copyFile()` function being used to populate the href on the anchor tag. The `copyFile()` function does not return a value so you are not concatenating anything. On top of that, everytime the while loop iterates you are immediatly …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for nikolaos

I believe the lock item has to be an object as well so if you wanted to put a lock on the counter you would have to use the Integer type instead of the primitive "int".

Member Avatar for nikolaos
Member Avatar for segunoloye

It doesn't look like you've included the correct script(s) yet or have any code related to SecurImage on your form processing page. Can you update the code and repost?

Member Avatar for segunoloye
Member Avatar for Clanstrom

> It just shows you, how one can use the prepare() method, and run statements with it, but it never shows, what/how the prepare method is created, what is inside the prepare method, or what is inside the PDO() class for that matter. I want to know, what is the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for praba_web

Pricing a job is highly dependent on a few major factors like the complexity of the project, the skill/experience of the development organization, and current market rates. I can't give you an exact number but this article is a good read on the subject.

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for SUNDARESAN.R

using `position: fixed` with `top: 0; left: 0` should place the image at the top left of the screen regardless of the viewport size. The issue you are going to run into with using `position: fixed` is that is does not work well on mobile devices at all. If you …

Member Avatar for SUNDARESAN.R
Member Avatar for mutago

The htaccess file is used to limit/grant access to files in the **current working directory** **and below** only. You are already taking a step in the right direction by disabling risky functions such as symlink. To further protect against unauthorized file access in PHP you also want to make sure …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for mutago

The problem is here: when i click on link CONNECT TEST1 of test1.php from web_index.php it says The requested URL /test1.php was not found on this server. In a directory sense you are **not** in the myweb_application directory. When you go to and the index.php file is called, it …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for Indians

Ok well it sounds like you already have the server side/ajax setup so all you have to do is attach an onChange listener to the select element. var select = document.getElementById('select_id'); select.onChange = function() { // Get the selected value var value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; // Process change event };

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for mutago

Have you tried using 2 Files directives? One to restrict access to all *.php files and then one to allow access to only one? <Files ~ ".php$"> Order allow,deny Deny from all </Files> <Files "pass.php"> Order allow,deny Allow from all </Files>

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for iisark

if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) { define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', DS.'C:'.DS.'xampp'.DS.'htdocs'.DS.'mysite'.DS.'cakecore'); } You have a leading 'DS' in the define statement. Try removing that.

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural

What you need to do is have the server return a link to the image. Something like "". Then take that link and apply it to the "src" tag of an image element. designershiv's answer above would do it if you were using jQuery but it doesn't look like you …

Member Avatar for yaragalla_mural
Member Avatar for jazz.viper

Ok well a couple things here. One, don't do this ever: `$sql="SELECT branch_name,branch_address,branch_contact,branch_nostaffs,branch_furniture FROM branch_details WHERE branch_id = '" . $name ."'"; ` That's wide open to SQL injection. As far as why your search isn't working I'll need more info. If you run the query directly against the database …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for sania khan

This question is far too vague to truly answer. This could be a question about AJAX, submitting data then accessing it on any other pages within the same domain (cookies/local storage) or CORS (sending data via AJAX to other domains). We need a better question here.

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for giovannitao_1

Can you please post the code pertaining to this functionality and be specific about which part(s) you are stuck on?

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for dlmagers

Thank you for the nicely indented post. I am confused as to where you are stuck. Can you point out the exact line numbers and reason why you are stuck?

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for Indians

Well in order to do that update you are going to need to know which record ID is currently in context. There are a couple of ways to do this but the easiest way for you would be to put a hidden input field in the form that contains the …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for patk570

Also, Im not sure if you posted your production code in here or not but this needs to be changed: `$sql="SELECT * FROM fgusers3 WHERE id = '".$q."'";` Thats open to SQL injection. Again, not sure if this is just sample code but make sure that doesn't make it into …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for hikingwithu2

Yep, that sounds about right. Something like `<a href="/blog.php?id=12345">View Blog</a>`

Member Avatar for hag++

The End.