My code of drop down box is

<select name="dname">
$data = @mysql_query("select * from Department");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data))
$ID = $row['dept_ID'];
$dname = $row['department_name'];
   echo  "<option value=$ID name=not>$dname \n";

I retrieving department name into dropdown box.. ID - is department ID.....when user click submit i need to get selected department ID from drop down box(not value)....

I am beginner in php ....thank you

Use that code.
If you want to get text that's in the <option></option> you can do that via javascript on just

select department_name from Department where dept_ID = $_POST['dname']

And the code should look like this

<select name="dname">
$data = @mysql_query("select * from Department");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data))
$id = $row['dept_ID'];
$dname = $row['department_name'];
   echo '<option value='.$id.'>'.$dname.'</option>'."\n";

Personal tip, instead of dname call it dep_id.

My problem is to get id of the department what user selects not department name....
after selecting department name then user will hit submit button at that time i have to catch dept_id of the selected department name.

I hope you got it.

When the form is submitted using the $_POST array should get you the value of the selected option.

Using your example you could use


which will return the value for whatever option is selected. Since you are setting the department ID as the value, that is what you will receive.

       $val =new DB;
       $val -> connect();

<select name="dname">
$data = @mysql_query("select * from Department");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data))
$id = $row['dept_ID'];
$dname = $row['department_name'];
   echo '<option value='.$id.'>'.$dname.'</option>'."\n";




 <form action= "test.php" method="post">

 <input type="submit" name="sub" value ="Hi"/>

if (isset($_POST['sub']))
$retrieve = mysql_query("select department_name from Department where dept_ID ='" .$_POST['dname']. "'"); 

         while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $retrieve )) 
             $value = $info['user_id'] ;
             echo $value;


    echo $value;


I tried but not working

your dropdown <select> is outside the form, move that inside the form

Try This,

$data = @mysql_query("select * from Department");
echo "<select name=dname>";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data))
$ID = $row['dept_ID'];
$dname = $row['department_name'];
   echo  " <option value=".$ID. "name=not>".$dname."\n</option>";
echo "<select>";

$deptname= $_POST['dname'];

// do codes here..

hope it helps :)
try putting select inside the form

Also set action attribute to '#' so the form gets submitted to itself.

<form action= "#" method="post">

And yes, select element should be between <form> and </form> tags.

Try this

$data = @mysql_query("select * from Department");
echo "<select name="dname">";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data))
$id = $row['dept_ID'];
$dname = $row['department_name'];
   echo '<option value='.$id.'>'.$dname.'</option>'."\n";
echo "</select>";

Put <select> tag inside the PHP tag :)

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