Dear friends!
I have a button in form1, and now I want when clicking on it, a new form (form2) will appear. There's a text box on this form2. User will input a integer here. After user's pressing Enter, this integer will be given to a function into Form1.cs and disappeared. I've tried some ways to get the number but unsuccessfully. Any suggestion?
Thanks in advanced!
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Hi svatstika and welcome to DaniWeb :)

The easiest way to do this is to provide a reference to the input in your forms like so:

public partial class Form1: Form
   // create a property to store the input from the user
   public string UserInput

   // event handler for when the button is clicked - open the new form and wait until the OK dialog result is received
   private void myButton_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      UserInput = String.Empty;
      Form2 newForm = new Form2();
      if (newForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
        UserInput = newForm.Input;

public partial class Form2: Form
   // a property that can be used by Form1 to retrieve the input from the user
   public string Input
     get { return myTextBox.Text; }
     set { myTextBox.Text = value; }
commented: Nice. +8

Hi again! I'm a newbie so I don't understand following block:
public string Input
get { return myTextBox.Text; }
set { myTextBox.Text = value; }
I couldn't find anything similar to this in my ebooks or in the internet.
I hope you give me an explanation.
You're great. Thanks for your helpl!

This is an example of a class Property. What it is doing is providing a way to retrieve (get) and store (set) a string called Input, which in this case points directly to the Text property of a text box called myTextBox. The following code is equivalent (but a lot more typing!):

private string _input;
public string RetrieveInput()
   return _input;
public void StoreInput(string value)
   _input = value;
// event handler to handle when the text changes in the text box
private void myTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
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