4,589 Topics
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Hi, I am trying to send emails from a mobile C# application that I am writing. There are heaps of articles online how to do this which is great. Everyone has: Using System.Net.Mail; reference at the top of the code. Problem is when I type System. there is no Mail … | |
Hi, All. I created several basic programs on Visual C# Express and now I'd like to get into the Web Developing / ASP.NET side of Visual Studio. I downloaded Visual Web Developer and all my previous C# programs are now accessible and editable with Visual Web Developer. So, my question … | |
Dear programmers)) Please tell me - why in ะก# this line [CODE]string [this.LevelNumber] mass = new string [this.LevelNumber];[/CODE] isn't permissible? What can be an equivalent for it? Thank you for your answers) | |
I have an implementation question. I am trying to have a rectangle change color based on the position of four sliders. (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) I am attempting to use a dependency property to combine all four values, convert them to a brush, and apply the brush to a rectangle. … | |
Hi I have created a code to create excel macro in C#.But while trying to create a new VBA code module i am getting a error.The code that i have used is [code] module = excelWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(VBIDE.vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_StdModule); [/code] this part of the code is throwing an error. Error 1 The best … | |
Hi, can some kind soul advise me on my coding cos it does not seem to work. [CODE] private void DisplayText(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox1[COLOR="red"].Display[/COLOR](); if ([COLOR="red"]10<x && x<294[/COLOR]) [COLOR="red"]&&[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"](-5<y && y<13[/COLOR]) && (-12<z && z< 228)) textBox1.display("It has moved inwards"); else if (-53<x<-265 && -11<y<37 && -57<z<218) … | |
can i format a digit while typing it on a textbx for example 2343244 will show 2,343,244 any help will be appreciate | |
[CODE]namespace week4Matrix { class Program { int[,] a; int[,] b; int[,] c; static void Main(string[] args) { } public void TransposeMatrix() { for (int i = 0; i < a.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < a.GetLength(1); j++) { c[j, i] = a[i, j]; } } } … | |
Hi, I have following questions, 1. I want to know that what is the difference between tcp tunneling and regular tcp client server chat program. 2. If I live in Sri Lanka, and I want to connect and pass data to a pc with a dynamic ip (a standalone one, … | |
Hello friends)) How to create a dynamic array in C#? Does anyone know? | |
Hi, I have some code which creates a PDF based on the data posted to the entry point page (print.aspx). When I run a page with multiple frames in, each accessing the main print.aspx and posting data etc. but for some reason each frame loads one at a time, rather … | |
Can any one help me to convert this delphi code to C#. class function TShrinkConfig.MyVersion: WORD; var ini: TIniFile; begin ini := TIniFile.Create(gsIniFile); Result := ini.ReadInteger( SHRINK_INI_SETUP_SECTION, SHRINK_INI_MYVERSION, SHRINK_INI_VERSION_1); ini.Free; end; if (not ini.ValueExists(SHRINK_INI_VERSIONS_SECTION, IntToStr(version))) then .... I searched online that TiniFile corresponds to FileStream in C#. But i am … | |
Hi, I have loaded a web page using web browser in window form. Now i like to paste the text (Using Text box)in the text field on the web page that i have loaded. How can i get this.... Thanks in advance.... | |
[CODE]year = GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[5].Text; [/CODE] i have written above code for getting value of particular cell from gridview. but now i want to store variable value in particular cell of gridview. | |
Hello guys! I am new to web development in general and C# particularly. Recently I have been given a project to create a simple web application, using C# and .NET. The application is divided into three parts: Data Access Layer with an XML file attached to it, the Business Layer … | |
Hi, I have loaded a listview with data from a webservice. foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(dr["ProductName"].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add(dr["QuantityOrdered"].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add("0"); lvProductsOrdered.Items.Insert(0, lvi); lvi.Tag = dr; } Now when the user taps on the listview item I want to read the data back in: The list view … | |
Hi! I am working on an program that basicly needs a large list. The program works fine untill i comletely fill up the "List<Object>" type. And no, it is not due to lack of ram. The program tries to add more than System.Int32.MaxValue ammount of objects. I have thought about … | |
Hi, I already did an application in C# in release mode. However, I am not sure if in the .msi I will need all that files that are in the folder 'Release' or just I will need the .exe and the .ini that I created to optimized the program, to … | |
![]() | So basically I want to login to FaceBook and check if I have any notifications. I haven't a clue how to check if I have notifications and I'm not very good at all with HTML so I'm not sure what I'm looking for in the page source to grab the … |
hello. I want to know how to read, write, and save databases. with control and virtually. i have seen some tutorials about databases they just don't help me. thank you | |
After installing the VS 2008 , i created projects both console and windows forms....and also had run successfully........... The problem is ..when i restarted my pc...and try to run that projects again......and also created new projects and had run....the following error message occurs...... ========================================================================================= Error while trying run project : … | |
Hi, Im trying to retrieve some particular datas from SQL column into RichTextBox in WindowsForm. Im Getting only whole SQL column from SQL Table. If u know the answer, Kindly post. Thanks in advance | |
Hi, I am doing a mobile application. Someone else is passing me the datatable via a webservice so I get in the following: DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // create a datatable dt System.Guid guidCustomer = new Guid(Common.sCustomerID); // pass the guid dt = ws.BoningRoomOrdersCustomerOrderItems(guidCustomer); // send guid to webservice … | |
This is very much in the source code vb.net, c # refer you to learn more . [URL="http://update24h.info/blog/index.php?go=category_51"]http://update24h.info/blog/index.php?go=category_51[/URL] | |
Dear Friends! I want to draw a bouncing ball directly on form using component timer. I think that I should draw a ball then change its coordinates. Like this: [CODE] public partial class FormMain : Form { int mx = 10; int my = 10; public FormMain() { InitializeComponent(); } … | |
So I have a working media player that I built in C# with MSVS 2008. I have a feature that loads pics into a pictureBox. How can I possibly manipulate the bounds of the box to make it a circle, or an abstract object? I am aware of how to … | |
Hi everyone, i have some question regarding my project.. I am currently work on a MP3 player project.. And i came out with a problem.. Here is my code [code] private void mediaPlayer_PlayStateChange_1(object sender, AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEvent e) { if (e.newState == 3) { double dur = mediaPlayer.currentMedia.duration; currentSongProgress.Maximum = (int)dur; } … | |
Hi friends! I have a openFileDialog and a saveFileDialog. All I wanna do is: when I click on menu Open, a dialog will be appeared, then I can choose difference file types to open like: .doc, .cpp,... The same thing to saveFileDialog. Thanks in advanced for any suggestion! :) | |
Hi, I'm going nuts. I don't know why Microsoft always changes their user interfaces in non-intuitive ways; e.g., hiding the most important options you want to use. I'm building in C# and on the build menu it doesn't have a run option. Why the f*k not? I know it is, … | |
Hi friends! I'm doing a small project in VC# 2008. In the main form (called myForm) I have a richTextBox (called myRichTextBox) and a button (called myButton). The thing is: when I click on the button, the last line from the richTextBox must be deleted. I'm doing like this: [code] … |
The End.