4,589 Topics

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Member Avatar for AndreiZ3

Hi, I am trying to send emails from a mobile C# application that I am writing. There are heaps of articles online how to do this which is great. Everyone has: Using System.Net.Mail; reference at the top of the code. Problem is when I type System. there is no Mail …

Member Avatar for Gatsby

Hi, All. I created several basic programs on Visual C# Express and now I'd like to get into the Web Developing / ASP.NET side of Visual Studio. I downloaded Visual Web Developer and all my previous C# programs are now accessible and editable with Visual Web Developer. So, my question …

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Member Avatar for vedro-compota

Dear programmers)) Please tell me - why in ะก# this line [CODE]string [this.LevelNumber] mass = new string [this.LevelNumber];[/CODE] isn't permissible? What can be an equivalent for it? Thank you for your answers)

Member Avatar for vedro-compota
Member Avatar for tylerjgarland

I have an implementation question. I am trying to have a rectangle change color based on the position of four sliders. (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) I am attempting to use a dependency property to combine all four values, convert them to a brush, and apply the brush to a rectangle. …

Member Avatar for tylerjgarland
Member Avatar for carobee

Hi I have created a code to create excel macro in C#.But while trying to create a new VBA code module i am getting a error.The code that i have used is [code] module = excelWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(VBIDE.vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_StdModule); [/code] this part of the code is throwing an error. Error 1 The best …

Member Avatar for comsdev
Member Avatar for Jean Chew

Hi, can some kind soul advise me on my coding cos it does not seem to work. [CODE] private void DisplayText(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox1[COLOR="red"].Display[/COLOR](); if ([COLOR="red"]10<x && x<294[/COLOR]) [COLOR="red"]&&[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"](-5<y && y<13[/COLOR]) && (-12<z && z< 228)) textBox1.display("It has moved inwards"); else if (-53<x<-265 && -11<y<37 && -57<z<218) …

Member Avatar for apines
Member Avatar for irandokht

can i format a digit while typing it on a textbx for example 2343244 will show 2,343,244 any help will be appreciate

Member Avatar for irandokht
Member Avatar for yigster

[CODE]namespace week4Matrix { class Program { int[,] a; int[,] b; int[,] c; static void Main(string[] args) { } public void TransposeMatrix() { for (int i = 0; i < a.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < a.GetLength(1); j++) { c[j, i] = a[i, j]; } } } …

Member Avatar for tom_cat

Hi, I have following questions, 1. I want to know that what is the difference between tcp tunneling and regular tcp client server chat program. 2. If I live in Sri Lanka, and I want to connect and pass data to a pc with a dynamic ip (a standalone one, …

Member Avatar for oredigger
Member Avatar for vedro-compota
Member Avatar for vedro-compota
Member Avatar for mikesowerbutts

Hi, I have some code which creates a PDF based on the data posted to the entry point page (print.aspx). When I run a page with multiple frames in, each accessing the main print.aspx and posting data etc. but for some reason each frame loads one at a time, rather …

Member Avatar for chintan_1671

Can any one help me to convert this delphi code to C#. class function TShrinkConfig.MyVersion: WORD; var ini: TIniFile; begin ini := TIniFile.Create(gsIniFile); Result := ini.ReadInteger( SHRINK_INI_SETUP_SECTION, SHRINK_INI_MYVERSION, SHRINK_INI_VERSION_1); ini.Free; end; if (not ini.ValueExists(SHRINK_INI_VERSIONS_SECTION, IntToStr(version))) then .... I searched online that TiniFile corresponds to FileStream in C#. But i am …

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Member Avatar for Nivass

Hi, I have loaded a web page using web browser in window form. Now i like to paste the text (Using Text box)in the text field on the web page that i have loaded. How can i get this.... Thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for Nivass
Member Avatar for snehalj

[CODE]year = GridView1.Rows[i].Cells[5].Text; [/CODE] i have written above code for getting value of particular cell from gridview. but now i want to store variable value in particular cell of gridview.

Member Avatar for pharindra
Member Avatar for Sharpmax

Hello guys! I am new to web development in general and C# particularly. Recently I have been given a project to create a simple web application, using C# and .NET. The application is divided into three parts: Data Access Layer with an XML file attached to it, the Business Layer …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for AndreiZ3

Hi, I have loaded a listview with data from a webservice. foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(dr["ProductName"].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add(dr["QuantityOrdered"].ToString()); lvi.SubItems.Add("0"); lvProductsOrdered.Items.Insert(0, lvi); lvi.Tag = dr; } Now when the user taps on the listview item I want to read the data back in: The list view …

Member Avatar for N4JRY
Member Avatar for Cort3z

Hi! I am working on an program that basicly needs a large list. The program works fine untill i comletely fill up the "List<Object>" type. And no, it is not due to lack of ram. The program tries to add more than System.Int32.MaxValue ammount of objects. I have thought about …

Member Avatar for Cort3z
Member Avatar for ja0

Hi, I already did an application in C# in release mode. However, I am not sure if in the .msi I will need all that files that are in the folder 'Release' or just I will need the .exe and the .ini that I created to optimized the program, to …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for The Road To Voi

So basically I want to login to FaceBook and check if I have any notifications. I haven't a clue how to check if I have notifications and I'm not very good at all with HTML so I'm not sure what I'm looking for in the page source to grab the …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for choover12

hello. I want to know how to read, write, and save databases. with control and virtually. i have seen some tutorials about databases they just don't help me. thank you

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for prakash2813

After installing the VS 2008 , i created projects both console and windows forms....and also had run successfully........... The problem is ..when i restarted my pc...and try to run that projects again......and also created new projects and had run....the following error message occurs...... ========================================================================================= Error while trying run project : …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for Anonymous3

Hi, Im trying to retrieve some particular datas from SQL column into RichTextBox in WindowsForm. Im Getting only whole SQL column from SQL Table. If u know the answer, Kindly post. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jack.templin
Member Avatar for AndreiZ3

Hi, I am doing a mobile application. Someone else is passing me the datatable via a webservice so I get in the following: DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // create a datatable dt System.Guid guidCustomer = new Guid(Common.sCustomerID); // pass the guid dt = ws.BoningRoomOrdersCustomerOrderItems(guidCustomer); // send guid to webservice …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for luanht

This is very much in the source code vb.net, c # refer you to learn more . [URL="http://update24h.info/blog/index.php?go=category_51"]http://update24h.info/blog/index.php?go=category_51[/URL]

Member Avatar for svatstika

Dear Friends! I want to draw a bouncing ball directly on form using component timer. I think that I should draw a ball then change its coordinates. Like this: [CODE] public partial class FormMain : Form { int mx = 10; int my = 10; public FormMain() { InitializeComponent(); } …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for jamesonh20

So I have a working media player that I built in C# with MSVS 2008. I have a feature that loads pics into a pictureBox. How can I possibly manipulate the bounds of the box to make it a circle, or an abstract object? I am aware of how to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for DioRani

Hi everyone, i have some question regarding my project.. I am currently work on a MP3 player project.. And i came out with a problem.. Here is my code [code] private void mediaPlayer_PlayStateChange_1(object sender, AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEvent e) { if (e.newState == 3) { double dur = mediaPlayer.currentMedia.duration; currentSongProgress.Maximum = (int)dur; } …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for svatstika

Hi friends! I have a openFileDialog and a saveFileDialog. All I wanna do is: when I click on menu Open, a dialog will be appeared, then I can choose difference file types to open like: .doc, .cpp,... The same thing to saveFileDialog. Thanks in advanced for any suggestion! :)

Member Avatar for PsychicTide
Member Avatar for georgejo

Hi, I'm going nuts. I don't know why Microsoft always changes their user interfaces in non-intuitive ways; e.g., hiding the most important options you want to use. I'm building in C# and on the build menu it doesn't have a run option. Why the f*k not? I know it is, …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for svatstika

Hi friends! I'm doing a small project in VC# 2008. In the main form (called myForm) I have a richTextBox (called myRichTextBox) and a button (called myButton). The thing is: when I click on the button, the last line from the richTextBox must be deleted. I'm doing like this: [code] …

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The End.